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Production Title: My Hero Production Group: Year 1 Documentary Day: 22nd Month: April Year: 2014 hoot tart Time: 10:!0am "rap Time: 4:00pm #ocation: hadey Adey$ Tattooi$t Addre$$: !%& Ton'rid(e )oad* Maid$tone* +ent* M,1- %.H #ocation /ontact .ame0Tel .o: 01-22 2!! %-1 .ame0Arti$te 2arney 3a4e .ame .0A +ate ar(ent am 2a'in(ton am 2a'in(ton #e7i$ 2ro7n Ya$min Doyle 8r(ani$ation Ho$pital Police 5ire /ouncil /haracter Tattooi$t Ga(a 5an Production )ole Producer Director /amera ound A$$i$tant /amera General A$$i$tant /all Time 10:!0am 10:!0am /all Time 10:46am 10:16am 10:16am 10:16am 10:46am /ontact .o 01-22 2!! %-1 01%0% %1141& /ontact .o 0111%1!6&46 01%111-1214 01%111-1214 00000000000 00000000000 /ontact .um'er &&& &&& &&&

Addre$$0/ontact .ame "indmill )oad* Gillin(ham* M,1 6.Y Pur$er "ay* Gillin(ham* M,1 1., /hurch treet* )oche$ter .0A

Please attach maps of locations, travel timetables and other necessary details for each location.

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