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Townsend City School District Riverside Elementary School 2013-2014 Parent Involvement Policy Get on the Bus with

Us and Go

As a PARENT/GUARDIAN I will: Review progress reports Set a time for homework Attend parent-teacher conferences Support school efforts to maintain proper discipline Make sure my child attends school regularly and on time Find a quiet place for my child to study Check to see if my child completes homework Help my child learn positive ways to solve conflicts

Thank you in advance for signing the Parent Involvement Policy. ___________________________________________________________________________

I have reviewed and understand the Parent Involvement Policy. Parent Signature ________________________________________

Dear Parents/Guardians and Friends of Riverside, This Parent Involvement Policy has been designed specifically for Riverside Elementary School to give you information of how to be involved in your childs educaton. Use it in conjuction with the Towsend City School Districts Parent Guide/Handbook, but this policy will give you more specific information that relates to our school. We invite you to become an active member of the Riverside Elementary School community by volunteering in your childs classroom and participating in the Parent Faculty Organization (PFO). Your support and participation enriches the education of our students. Communication is so important to us, so please read the information your child brings home and keep informed with news and changes on the Riverside website: (psudeo web address for assignment purposes) We hope that your child will have a positive and rewarding experience each day of this school year! Below you will find a brief description concerning each way to be involved in your childs education.

Make sure my child attends school regularly and on time

Attendance: Regular attendance is critical to your childs success in school and families are strongly encouraged to schedule vacations and other events outside of school time. If your child will be absent, a parent/guardian must call the office at 363-2000 (pseudo school number for purposes of this assignment) as early as possible on the day of the absence. Absences will be considered unexcused unless verification is made. Upon returning to school, a student is required to bring a note from home explaining the absence. The note should be dated, explain the cause of the absence, and must state the dates and number of days the student has missed and be signed by a parent/guardian. Notes should be presented to the office prior to the beginning of the school day. Any students arriving late to school must have a note and/or be signed in at the office. Please see the Townsend Parent Handbook for more information regarding excused and unexcused absences and district-wide policies regarding attendance and tardiness. ___________________________________________________________________________

Review progress reports

We encourage parents to take the time to read your childs mid-quarterly and quarterly progress reports. Your interest shows your child that you care about what is happening with their academic progress. If you have any questions or comments about the progress reports that are sent home, please feel free to contact your childs teacher(s). Grade On-Line: A letter is sent home at the beginning of the school year with the web address and passwords. As new student enroll, they are given the information. If you need a copy, please contact school secretary, Barbara Scott at 513.363.2000.

Set a time for homework Find a quiet place for my child to study Check to see if my child completes homework
Academic Information: Homework Policy: Homework is an important opportunity for students to learn responsibility, good work habits and study skills. Homework serves three purposes: 1. Practicing/reinforcing content and skills 2. Reading assignments to prepare for new content 3. And to extend the learning that takes place in the classroom. There should be a consistent time and place for all homework. Each student should have a welllit, quiet study area that is away from family traffic, television, and telephones. Study areas should include reference works and materials such as pencils, erasers, paper, crayons, etc Encourage your child to do the work on their own, but feel free to check it and discuss the work.


Attend parent-teacher conferences

Parent/Teacher Conferences: Twice a year (October 6th and 13th) and (February 2nd and 9th) from 4:00-8:00 PM, you are invited and encouraged to meet with your childs teacher. Please contact your childs teacher for an appointment. You should also contact your childs teacher if you feel a conference is needed at any other time.

Support school efforts to maintain proper discipline Help my child learn positive ways to solve conflicts
Code of Conduct: Attitude and Behaviors: Students are expected to show positive, respective and courteous behaviors towards all adults and students. Each morning, students recite the Pride Pledge after the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Pride Pledge: I am proud to be a student at Riverside Elementary. I will respect myself and others. I am responsible for my choices. I promise to keep our school bully free. I will do my best today. I believe in myself and my school.

CHAMPS Procedures: C=Conversation H=Help A=Activity M=Movement P=Participation S=Success

Our Schools Anti-Bullying Rules: 1. We will not bully others. 2. We will try to help students who are bullied. 3. We will try to include students who are left out. 4. If we know that somebody is being bullied, we will tell an adult at school and an adult at home.

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