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* Play with adjectives.

If your Cube is metal, for instance, you might say, "thismetal is hard,

it's shiny, it's reflective, it's refined, it's stressed... " You'redescribing yourself. *

Consider jokes and puns. The imagination has a sense of humor! * Consult bodysense.

How does it feel to BE your Cube?

The Cube

If your CUBE is . . . . . you are: above the horizon idealistic/ intellectual/ spiritual/ a dreamerair

open/ undefended/ self-effacing/ subtlebelow the horizon practical/ worldly/ down-toearth/ sensualbisecting the horizonvisionary and practica/l spiritual and sensual/ making

ideas/idealspracticalbl ack stylish/ stark/ mysterious/ guarded/ self-contained/ drawn to the darksideblueearthy/ s erene/ cool/ spiritual/ electric/ loya/l distant/

aloof/ sadbrown warm/ serious/ studiousburied, partially keeping a low profile/ camouflaged/ deeprooted/ overwhelmedcloseco mfortable with

closeness/ a "people person"/ familyfocused/ impulsive/ living in the present/ concerned with the actualcloud in a world of your own/ a dreamer/ imaginative/

purecrystal visionary/ spiritual/ pure/ cleardiamond brilliant/ precious/ rare/ lucid/ sparkling/ cutting/ of firm, decisiveopinions/ indestructible/ multifaceteddice a

gambler in life/ a risktaker/ luckydifferent on each side many-sided/ complex/ versatile/ changeable/ selfawaredistantprotectiv e of your "space"/ independent/ taking

the long view/ seeing things in perspective/ abstractdug into the sand rooted/ stubborn/ conservative/ opinionatededge facing frontaggressive/ assertive/ energetic/ an "action" person/

dual-natured (2faces show)edge, standing on an immigrant/ a traveler, transient between two worlds/ undecided/ on the verge of a change/ edgy/ discriminating/

precise/ balancedprecarious/ daredevil/ cuttingedgefabric pliable/ domestic/ homespun/ textured/ cultured/ integrating manyinfluencesfar away see distant

floating optimistic/ idealistic/ spiritual/ living in ideas or fantasy/ impractical/ "above it all"

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