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Evan Dailey Exhibit: 3 Electives

-E2020 -Film Study -Transitions -Art

Through out all the classes the school has to offer you have your elective classes and your core classes. I have taken the core classes (math, English, science, social studies). The elective classes I have taken are E2020, film study, transitions, and art. I have taken a few classes on the E2020 online schooling website. Taking online classes in my opinion I believe are a better and faster way to learn the material and move on and youre your credits faster.

Film study is another elective class I have taken; I attended the class this year. In film study what you do is watch movies and learn about film and what is film and what does it do. During every movie we had a work sheet to do while the movie was playing had to answer the questions they had given us. Watching movies and having take quizzes after each movie or every couple of weeks is a great memorizing skill.

Transitions was a class I took my freshman year. The transitions class was great because you got to work on homework you have for whatever class you have and other teachers got to help you on it. Whenever you had some homework and didnt know how to do it was a great class to have, especially for me because I always had a hard time finding time to get my homework done.

Art was also an elective class I took my freshman and senior year of high school. The art room is usually a nice quiet place to rest and be creative to draw and express your mind. I always liked having the opportunity to be able to have extra time for homework and understanding the material more. The seniors of that year, that were ahead of their class would come and help us underclassmen with work we needed help on.

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