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The OzBoy Files

Definite Evidence 11
Sept 2001
Was An Inside Job
Lloyd T Vance & Simon Gavin

Welcome to The OzBoy Files - Definite Evidence 11
2001 Was An Inside Job.
I was on the Internet reading the news from The Truthseeker
site in England and come across the following evidence and
story proving 11
Sept Was An Inside Job and thought it was
worth writing about.
Many thanks to Christopher Bollyn for his research and
investigations if you can help him and donate $5 or $10 dollars
I am sure it will go a long way.
Researchers and Investigators like Christopher Bollyn we owe
allot to without their tireless work and effort they expose crime
and corruption within Government and help keep the bastards
What your about to read is evidence and proof that 11
2001 Was An Inside Job, the real perpetrators left their finger
prints trade mark for all to see.
This evidence and proof was and is covered up by authorises,
that is the FBI and by mainstream media who refuse to report
it instead parroting the Official story without any evidence to
back them up.
The evidence and proof is also ignored by politicians in most
western countries like the USA, Australia, Canada, England,
Germany, France, Netherlands, Denmark, Italy to name a few
The Zionist Jewish controlled media in all our countries make
sure what I am about to expose never comes out.
So lets begin, the evidence and proof 11
Sept 2001 Was An
Inside Job is right under our nose, in plain sight for all to see,
but I like most people were to busy to notice because we were
so upset crying all those people were dying in the World Trade
Centre while the Punch & Judy show of crashing remote
controlled planes into the Twin Towers was going on.
The evidence and proof is WTC 6
And before you try and explain away, WTC 6 was affected by
the Twin Towers attack, the answer is wrong.
There is NO WAY buildings explode by themselves?

WTC 6 known as Customs House was fully emptied
including the Vault prior to exploding?
For WTC 6 to be fully emptied of workers and furniture
prior to exploding proves inside knowledge, that
somebody planned for the building to be bombed, rigged
full of explosives?

WTC 6 exploded at the same time 9.03am after a plane
hit the World Trade Centre which was at 9.03am.

The explosion of WTC 6 had absolutely nothing to do with
planes hitting the WTC or by the collapse of the both of
the Towers.
The real perpetrators bombed WTC 6, timing it at the same
time as one of the remote controlled planes hit the World
Trade Centre as cover for the heist which was about to take
place and that was the theft of the Gold & Silver Bullion bars in
the Vault below, which was blown at the same time as WTC 6
Missing Gold
A King's Ransom in Precious Metals Seems to Have

The basement of 4 World Trade Center housed vaults used to
store gold and silver bullion.
Published articles about precious metals recovered from the
World Trade Center ruins in the aftermath of the attack
mention less than $300 million worth of gold.
Two Brinks trucks were at ground zero on Wednesday to start
hauling away the $200 million in gold and silver that the Bank
of Nova Scotia had stored in a vault under the trade center.

A team of 30 fire fighters and police officers are helping to
move the metals, a task that can be measured practically down
to the flake but that has been rounded off at 379,036 ounces
of gold and 29,942,619 ounces of silver .
Reports describing the contents of the vaults before the attack
suggest that nearly $1 billion in precious metals was stored in
the vaults.
A figure of $650 million in a National Real Estate Investor
article published after the attack is apparently based on pre-
attack reports.
Unknown to most people at the time, $650 million in gold and
silver was being kept in a special vault four floors beneath Four
World Trade Center.
An article in the Times Online gives the following rundown of
precious metals that were being stored in the WTC vault
belonging to Comex.
Comex metals trading - 3,800 gold bars weighing 12
tonnes and worth more than $100 million
Comex clients - 800,000 ounces of gold with a value of
about $220 million
Comex clients - 102 million ounces of silver, worth $430
Bank of Nova Scotia - $200 million of gold
The Times Online article is not clear as to whether the $200
million in gold reported by the Bank of Nova Scotia was part of
the $220 million in gold held by Comex for clients.
If so, the total is $750 million, otherwise $950 million.

There appear to be no reports of precious metals discovered
between November of 2001 and the completion of excavation
several months later.

Assuming that the above reports described the value of
precious metals in the vault before the attack, and that the
$230 million mentioned by Giuliani represented the
approximate value of metals recovered, it would seem that at
least the better part of a billion dollars worth of precious
metals went missing.

(It is not plausible, of course, that whatever destroyed the
towers vaporized gold and silver, which are dense, inert metals
that are extremely unlikely to participate in chemical reactions
with other materials.)

An article in The Sierra Times suggests that gold was
recovered from two trucks in a tunnel under 5 World Trade
Center, giving rise to suspicions that the trucks were being
used to remove the gold from the vaults before the South
Tower fell.

Why is there this huge discrepancy between the value of gold
and silver reported recovered, and the value reported to have
been stored in the vaults?

There are a number of possible explanations, from outright
theft using the attack as cover, to insurance fraud.

The FBI and mainstream media and politicians have refused to
investigate this matter and completely cover up the missing
Bullion why?

Understanding the Hidden Bombing of

"We are benefiting from one thing, and that is the attack on
the Twin Towers and Pentagon, and the American struggle in

- Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at Bar-Ilan
University, April 2008

An amazingly callous Netanyahu told the New York Times on 9-
11 (when early estimates were about 10,000 dead) that the
terror attacks were "very good" for U.S.-Israeli relations.

His subsequent comments about how Israel was benefiting
from 9-11 were made in Hebrew at Bar-Ilan University, a
religious Zionist school, and were directed at an audience
that is certainly well aware of Israel's involvement in the false-
flag terror of 9-11.

These comments were obviously not meant to be translated
for worldwide reading (the original article was published in the
Hebrew language newspaper Maariv) and should be seen as a
sort of public confession in which the leader of the Likud,
Israel's right-wing extremist movement, sought to rationalize
the Israeli false-flag terror atrocity on the United States.

Joe Lockhart, spokesman for President Bill Clinton, described
Netanyahu as "one of the most obnoxious individuals you're
going to come across - just a liar and a cheat.

He could open his mouth and you could have no confidence
that anything that came out of it was the truth.

It's high time for an international arrest warrant to be put out
for Netanyahu and Ehud Barak to be tried for terrorism and
war crimes.


The split-second precision of the bombing of WTC 6 reveals the
sophisticated military planning of the criminal masterminds
behind 9-11.

The blatant cover-up of this explosion, witnessed by hundreds
of gagged members of New York's fire and police departments,
is ample evidence of the complicity of the controlled media to
hide the truth of what happened on 9-11, along with the
mayors of New York City and the U.S. Government.

Contacted with the archives of CNN during the summer of 2002
to inquire about the precise time of their video footage of a
huge dust cloud coming from a mysterious blast that appeared
to have occurred at the U.S. Customs House (WTC 6) at about
9:03 a.m. -- the same minute that the second plane struck the
South Tower on 9-11.

The raw video material has precise time markings, which they

The mysterious explosion at the U.S. Customs House (WTC 6)
occurred at 9:04 a.m. on 9-11, at exactly the same time as the
second plane crashed into the South Tower.

As I reported in Christopher Bollyn article "What Caused the
WTC 6 Crater?" of July 10, 2002, CNN confirmed to him that
the mysterious blast had occurred at precisely the same
moment that the second plane struck the South Tower

Despite the fact that the horrible events of September
11 occurred in broad daylight and were widely
photographed, significant aspects of the attacks have
been completely suppressed by a media blackout.

A massive explosion, witnessed by millions of television
viewers on CNN, evidently devastated WTC 6, the 8-
story U.S. Customs House, although no national
newspaper or media outlet has said a word about it.

The unexplained blast occurred between the burning North
Tower and the 47-story Salomon Brothers Building, known as
WTC 7, immediately after United Airlines Flight 175 smashed
into the South Tower, at about 9:03 a.m.
The explosion at WTC 6 was shown afterwards on CNN.

Because it not broadcast as it happened there has been some
confusion about when it actually occurred.

The large amount of smoke seen cascading around the South
Tower in the video led some observers to mistake the blast for
a dust cloud from the subsequent collapse of the tower.


Christopher Bollyn contacted CNN to determine exactly when
the footage was filmed.

CNN's Public Affairs Department confirmed that the
explosion shown in the footage occurred immediately
after the second plane had crashed into the South

When asked if the footage was taken at 9:04 a.m., the
CNN archivist who could not give his last name, said,
"That's correct."

When asked if CNN could offer any explanation about what
might have caused the blast that clearly reached 550 feet,
soaring higher than the 47-story WTC 7 in the foreground, the
archivist said, "We can't figure it out."

When he revisited this subject in June 2009, he examined
some photos by the late Bill Biggert that showed that WTC 6
had been badly damaged before the collapse of either tower.

He also discussed the discovery by Kurt Sonnenfeld, a FEMA
photographer, now living in exile in Argentina, that the
underground vault of the building had been cleaned out before

This story is extremely important because it reveals that
there was a criminal mastermind behind 9-11 who was
able to time the explosion in WTC 6 to coincide exactly
with the crash of the airplane into the South Tower.

It also reveals that the terror attack was designed to
conceal the theft of the contents of the underground
vaults - evidence of serious crimes and valuables such
as gold.

This is identical to the Zionist terror bombing of Jerusalem's
King David Hotel on July 22, 1946, during the British Mandate.

The King David Hotel was blown up by Zionist terrorists in a
way that was very similar to the bombing of the U.S. Customs
House (WTC 6) on 9-11.

The people who blew up the King David Hotel were known
terrorists from the Irgun and Haganah.

The children of these terrorists are the current leaders of

Why do good law-abiding Jews continue to support these

Jabotinsky, Begin, Sharon, and Netanyahu are very much like
Bar Kochba and his Jewish Zealots of the past - fanatics who
led their people to destruction.

The King David Hotel served as headquarters for the British
forces, and housed the evidence that would have resulted in
many of these Zionist terrorists being hanged.

The destruction of this evidence was the primary reason for the
bombing, which was carried out by Irgun and Haganah

The commander of the Irgun terror gang from 1943-1948 was
Menachem Begin who later became Israels sixth prime
minister in the 1970s and 1980s.

The head of terror operations for the Irgun was Yerucham Livni
from Grodno, father of Israel's former foreign minister Tzipi
Livni (who is currently wanted for war crimes in Britain).

The children of these Zionist terrorists from the 1940s are the
leaders of Israel today.

The Zionist terror bombing of the King David Hotel in July 1946
was ordered by Menachem Begin and approved by David Ben

Eitan Livni, chief operations officer for the Irgun terror gang
had been arrested in April 1946 and was in prison at the time.

Menachem Begin, a Zionist from Brest-Litovsk, was arrested by
the NKVD in 1940

Begin, the arch-terrorist of Zionism, is Netanyahu's mentor and

There are no limits or laws to constrain such fanatics.

When Netanyahu became prime minister on March 31, 2009,
Begin's son Benny sat right behind him.

Netanyahu's father was executive secretary for Ze'ev
Jabotinsky, the founder of the Irgun and Haganah - and the
Zionist terror group that became the Likud party.

The Zionist-controlled media in the United States and
Britain have ignored the evidence of the huge explosion
that destroyed WTC 6 as the plane crash distracted
cameras and onlookers.

This was the plan.

It is like a circus where the attention of the audience is
controlled by the use of spotlights that illuminate one
act while the rest of the arena is in darkness.

In this respect, the bombing of WTC 6 is like the huge debris
field that is about one mile from the small crater where we are
told the plane crashed in Shanksville.

The public's attention is focused on the twenty-foot crater
while the real evidence is kept hidden from the prying eyes of
the press.

The following photographs and analysis by Jack White,
professional photographer, reveal that WTC 6 was
bombed at 9:04 on 9-11 and that the controlled media
is complicit in the criminal cover-up of the truth.

Jack White's 911 Photo Studies







An analysis showing the two different events - one hour apart

The Biggert photo shows the pre-damaged WTC 6 as the South
Tower is pulverized with super-thermite.





The Mystery of WTC 6

One of the key questions about 9-11 is What happened to WTC

This building was evidently damaged prior to the collapse of
the South Tower and appears to have been devastated by an
explosion that occurred simultaneously with its demolition.

Christopher Bollyn revisit the photographic and video evidence
of the mysterious explosion at WTC 6 in my latest article, The
Mystery of WTC 6, in the 9-11 section.

The photographic record indicates that WTC 6 was severely
damaged before the first tower fell.

So, what really happened to WTC 6?

The infrared image shows a huge crater in the center of WTC 6
(lower left).

This building had been damaged before either tower fell.

What blew the huge and deep hole in WTC 6?

Was it exploded from below at the same time as the South
Tower was demolished with super-thermite?

That appears to have been the case.

So there you have it the proof and evidence 11
Sept 2001
Was An Inside Job, the camera doesnt lie only the mainstream
media lies and politicians.

Thank you for reading The OzBoy Files and dont forget our
book The Truth About 11
Sept 2001 And How It Was Done
we name all the main players involved in the attacks.

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