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CHARGERS and CHARGER FAMILIES - first, I want to thank YOU

for all that yo do to s!!ort th" CHARGERS# $" r"%"ntly h"ld a

&olnt""r ln%h"on to r"%o'ni(" so )any of or 'r"at &olnt""rs
thro'hot th" *attalion - yor "fforts *a%k ho)" ar" )oti&atin' s"&"ral
of or CHARGERS h"r" to 'o ot and )ak" a diff"r"n%"# GREA+ stff#
It is finally startin' to war) ! h"r" in ,or"a and w"-r" a*l" to "n.oy or
trainin' and )aint"nan%" )%h )or" drin' th" 'ood w"ath"r/ +his
)onth, I want to hi'hli'ht th" fa%t that on" of or tank %r"ws !ro&"d
its"lf as th" 0ES+ tank %r"w in ,or"a, and will att"nd an Ar)y-wid"
%o)!"tition to d")onstrat" that yor CHARGERS ar" th" *"st# If th"r"
w"r" si)ilar %o)!"titions for th" oth"r %o)!ani"s, I ha&" no do*ts w"
wold win thos" as w"ll# I-) !rod to s"r&" with yor CHARGER#
-Char'"r 1
S"r'"ant 2SG+-34 Mar5"(, a nati&" of Los An'"l"s, .oin"d th" Ar)y aft"r
'radatin' Hi'h S%hool in 6778/ Aft"r arri&in' at his n"w nit, h" was assi'n"d to
th" 0attalion S%ot 3latoon/ H" had a dir"%t i)!a%t on th" !latoon i))"diat"ly aft"r
arri&in', and has s"d his "9!"ri"n%" as a s%ot dis)ont to )"ntor oth"r :CO;s and
soldi"rs/ H" has &olnt""r"d for n)"ros a%ti&iti"s in th" S%ot 3latoon and HHC/
H" %rr"ntly s"r&"s as th" s"nior dis)ont, !latoon ar)or"r and %o)!any fir"
)arshal/ Sin%" arri&in' in ,or"a h" has 'on" on "&"ry )ission th" 3latoon has *""n
'i&"n to "9"%t"/ On thos" )issions h" has *""n &ital in !ro&idin' %o))and"rs th"
infor)ation n""d"d to )ak" d"%isions on th" 'rond/ H" has work"d %ontl"ss hors
workin' to i)!ro&" th" !latoon;s a*iliti"s to draw w"a!ons as 5i%kly and "ffi%i"ntly
as !ossi*l"/ His ftr" 'oals in%ld" att"ndin' ALC and workin' to "arn his %ri)inal
.sti%" d"'r""/ SG+ Mar5"( is )"ntally to'h, !hysi%ally fit and w"ll dis%i!lin"d/
H" li&"s th" :CO %r""d and trly r"!r"s"nts th" *"st in his !latoon, %o)!any and
Facebook: 1-12 Cav, 3BCT, 1CD
Twitter: @Charger6i
C!" Thom#son has treated over 1$$ Charger %o&diers to inc&'de more than si
evac'ations to %t( )ar*+s ,os#ita& in -i.eongb', %o'th /orea( C!" Thom#son+s
e00orts wi&& have a &asting im#act '#on the medica& #&atoon, ,,C 1-12, and the
Charger B1( C!" Thom#son was recogni2ed b* "TC %e&&ers 0or his ste&&ar
#er0ormance on 21 Febr'ar* 2$13
4%%-5 3
The Charger Chronicle
The Charger Chronicle
1-12 CAV Chargers reporting from the Republic of Korea.
Semper Paratus
67"-)5 1 859: 2$13
,,C Com#an*
,e&&raiser 6
H"llo H"llrais"r fa)ili"s# All is w"ll h"r" in ,or"a and or Soldi"rs ar" doin' an "9%"!tional .o*/ $"
ha&" *""n *sy this )onth with s"&"ral fi"ld "9"r%is"s for th" S%ots, Mortars and M"di%s as w"ll as
)lti!l" int"'ration "9"r%is"s that ar" in%r"asin' or "ff"%ti&"n"ss on th" !"ninsla/ I a!!r"%iat" all th"
!arti%i!ation and &olnt""rin' that y;all ar" doin' *a%k ho)" and ask that yo %ontin" to %onta%t s if
yo ha&" any 5"stions/ +h" w"ath"r is *"'innin' to trn war) as w" start or downhill rn towards
'nn"ry fro) )id-<n" to )id-<ly, so don;t *" sr!ris"d if yo s"" %o))ni%ation d"%r"as" sli'htly
drin' th" ti)"/ +hanks so )%h# -C3+ M"rriss
%co't !&atoon
)edic !&atoon
+h" )"di% !latoon tr"ats a h"at %asalty in th" fi"ld
drin' th" $M= int"'ration "9"r%is"/ +h" w""klon'
"9"r%is" d")onstrat"d th" ra!id r"s!ons", and tr"at)"nt
%a!a*iliti"s of th" *attalion aid station/
On >7 A!ril, th" S%ot 3latoon
!arti%i!at"d in th" 0attalion 3latoon
%o)!"tition/ ?1 !latoons !arti%i!at"d in
th" "&"nt with a total of 1 stations/
Soldi"rs w"r" t"st"d on th"ir nit
knowl"d'", :0C, Land :a&, 3+,
w"a!ons and al"rt r"adin"ss/ +h" S%ots
%ontin" to i)!ro&" th"ir warrior skills
and ar" !r"!arin' for 'nn"ry %o)in'
! in <ly/
)ortar !&atoon
+h" Mortars ha&" *""n *sy this )onth !r"!arin' for MOR+E3
and rnnin' an M@ ran'" for th" 0attalion Staff/ On 6A A3R, th"
!latoon )o&"d to +A-?>7 to %ond%t )an"&"r trainin' in
!r"!aration for 'nn"ry/ +h" Mania% 3latoon %ontin"s to stri&"
thro'hot th" )onth to )aintain th" BFi'ht +oni'htC )"ntality
h"r" in ,or"a/
In th" )onth of Mar%h th"
int"lli'"n%" s"%tion has *""n
fo%s"d on trainin' or Soldi"rs in
skills th"y will n""d to Bfi'ht
toni'htC/ +his is a%%o)!lish"d
thro'h &arios ways/ Most
!r"&al"nt has *""n th" s" of
S"r'"ant;s ti)" trainin' %ond%t"d
w""kly/ H"r" th"y will fo%s on
indi&idal tasks that *"tt"r or
Soldi"r;s skills/ An "9a)!l" wold
*" )a! r"adin' 2!i%tr"d a*o&"4/
+his ti)" is in&ala*l" as it allows
Soldi"rs in th" S? Sho! %ontin" to
!ro&id" ad)inistrati&" s!!ort to
*attalion/ +his )onth th" sho! fo%s
was on %ond%tin' 0attalion wid"
==D>ESGLF !dat"s/
;oint Fires Ce&&
S@ Soldi"r 23FC Cth*"rtson4
%o)!"tin' in th" !latoon
%o)!"tition in a t"a) with th"
S1/ Always )oti&at"d, oft"n
8 <+ACs and ? <FO %ond%t"d a
li&" fir" trainin' "9"r%is" with 6
OH-8A=s/+h"y w"r" a*l" to %all in
8 lin" CCA r"5"sts and !t 6/G8
in%h ro%k"ts and /87 CAL )nitions
on tar'"ts fro) an O3/ Controllin'
air has *""n a w""kly "&"nt *t this
was th" first ti)" w" w"r" a*l" to
fir" li&" )nitions/ It-s *""n 'r"at
and "9%itin' trainin'#
+h"y ha&" !ro&"n a'ain th"y ar" th" *"st Infantry)"n in th"
0ri'ad"/ $" additionally w"r" a*l" to fly in h"li%o!t"rs and
assalt an o*."%ti&" whil" w"arin' or %h")i%al thr"at sits/
+his was a hot and ta9in' "&"nt *t only )ad" s )or"
!rofi%i"nt as warriors/ $" will *" arond drin' May as w"
!r"!ar" for or )onth and a half lon' trainin' "&"nt in <n"
and <ly/ I a) %ontinally i)!r"ss"d *y th" a%tions of yor
Soldi"rs and a) !rod to work with th") in th" Char'"r
0attalion/ +hr"" )onths down# -A++AC, 1
Ha!!y Lat" East"r to "&"ryon"/ $"
)iss yo and ar" 'rat"fl for yor
%ontin"d s!!ort/ +hank yo for
!arti%i!atin' in th" East"r "&"nt and a
*i' shot ot to or Folnt""rs# For
start"rs, yor Soldi"rs w"r" "9!"rts in
th" "9"%tion of or t"a) Li&" Fir"
+hird !latoon %ond%ts +"a) li&" fir" "9"r%is",
in ord"r to %"rtify t"a) l"ad"rs, and !r"!ar" for
s5ad li&" fir" in <n"/
3rd !&atoon
3latoon Soldi"rs %ond%tin' )"di%al
trainin' drin' th" r"%"nt t"a) li&" fir" "&"nt/
3F+ Fain s"nds in r"!orts aft"r his %rat"r
analysis drin' FIS+ C"rtifi%ation for ?0C+
6I= at Ca)! Ho&"y ?@-?AA3R/
2nd !&atoon
First !latoon soldi"rs ass"ss a %asalty drin'
th" Co)!any;s +"a) Li&" Fir" E9"r%is"/
1st !&atoon ,< !&atoon
!l"asr" of %li)*in' so)" of th" n"ar*y )ontains h"r" and all
had a 'r"at ti)"/ Additionally, th" 'arrison has off"r"d s"&"ral
)o&i"s at or lo%al th"at"r that th" *oys w"r" a*l" to att"nd/
Lookin' into May, w" ar" !lannin' on ha&in' a Co)!any tri! to
th" =MH for all th" Co)!any -A++AC, G
$" ar" D7 days into or d"!loy)"nt
now and ha&" start"d '"ttin' so)"
'ood trainin' in# +his )onth w" w"r"
a*l" to %ond%t so)" s)all ar)s
ran'"s and additionally w" %ond%t"d
+"a) Li&" Fir"s whi%h all w"nt 'r"at/
A 'ood a)ont of th" %o)!any had
9ttack =
9ttack 6
9ttack Com#an*
Bonecr'sher Com#an*
CAM3 HOFEY, ,OREA I +h" harshn"ss of th" ,or"an wint"r is finally o&"r and th" s!rin' is
*"'innin' to do)inat" th" !"ninsla/ :"w otdoor a%ti&at"s and o!!ortniti"s ar" now *"%o)in'
a&aila*l"J for )any Soldi"rs it is a lon' await"d !"riod/ ,or"a is a %ontry that "9!"ri"n%"s all for
distin%t s"asons/ On a&"ra'", t")!"ratr"s thro'hot th" y"ar %an ran'" *"low -@K F to o&"r A1K F/
As a Soldi"r, %li)at" %han'"s )any o!"ratin' !ro%"dr"s/ E5i!)"nt )aint"nan%", to ntrition and
hydration r"5ir")"ntsJ th" !r"&ios )st all *" )odifi"d d" to th" %han'" in %li)at"/ +h" *ody;s
!hysi%al !"rfor)an%" is also str"ss"d *y th" si'nifi%ant %li)at" %han'" and Soldi"rs %ons"5"ntly
ha&" to alt"r th" way th"y train/ +h" %han'" in s%"n"ry its"lf is so)"thin' that %annot 'o nnoti%"d/
,or"an lo%als "&"n ha&" a s!"%ial f"sti&al d"di%at"d to th" %h"rry *losso)in' !"riod, whi%h only
lasts a f"w days a y"ar/
on";s !"rsonal w"a!on, th" M@ %ar*in" rifl", is on" of th"
first and )ost i)!ortant 5alifi%ations that all Soldi"rs
nd"r'o/ E&"n "9!"ri"n%"d and s"ason"d Soldi"rs )st
%ontin" to r"%"rtify th"ir 5alifi%ation and it is th"ir
r"s!onsi*ility to t"a%h th" 'r""n"r '"n"ration th" !ro!"r
shootin' t"%hni5"s as w"ll as )or" ad&an%"d on"s/ +h"
fnda)"ntals of shootin' n"&"r %han'"/

0t th" art of flyin' isn;t th" only as!"%t whi%h has to
*" )ast"r"d *y 0ra&o Co)!any Soldi"rs/ So)"ti)"s
in wors" %as" s%"narios, th"r" will *" %asalti"s and
th" r"%o&"ry fro) s%h in%id"nts )st also *" train"d/
M"r" s"%onds and th" diff"r"n%" *"tw""n a 'ood
d"%ision, a *ad on" or th" la%k of any d"%ision )akin'
)ay %ost th" lif" of th" Ar)y;s )ost &ala*l" ass"t/
Alon' with all th" oth"r trainin', 0ra&o Co)!any
)st still not for'"t th" *asi%s/ 0"in' 5alifi"d on
CAM3 CASEY, ,OREA I +h" Ar)y is !ow"rfl
*"%as" of its str"n'th in n)*"rs, *"in' a*l" to
%oordinat" with ad.a%"nt nits is a )st/ So)" *attalions
ha&" 'rond !ow"r and ass"ts s%h as th" M? A*ra)s
tanks and M6 0radl"ys, oth"rs ha&" 0irdsJ th" )i'hty
h"li%o!t"rs/ +h" int"'ration of all this "5i!)"nt is
%r%ial to *attl" and war/ E&"n in for"i'n nations s%h as
,or"a, th" US Ar)y )st %ontin" to )ast"r s%h
trainin' skills and th" int"'ration of diff"r"nt !ow"rs in
ord"r to *" s%%"ssfl/
Bonecr'sher 6
R"a!"r 3latoon has *""n workin' hard this )onth honin' or warrior skills
and str"n'th"nin' allian%"s with or host nation for%"s/ +his )onth w" had
th" o!!ortnity to %ond%t dri&"r trainin', t"stin' th" li)its of or Soldi"rs
skill and t"%hni%al !rofi%i"n%y/ So)" of or n"w dri&"rs w"r" a*l" to l"arn
so)" k"y *asi% tankin' skills s%h as *r"akin' tra%k, dri&in' at ni'ht, standin'
in th" trr"t whil" tra&"rsin' o&"r diff"r"nt t"rrain/ Or soldi"rs ha&" doin'
&"ry w"ll ada!tin' to th" ,or"an t"rrain and ha&" )ad" th"ir l"ad"rshi! &"ry
!rod of th"ir "fforts/ $" r"%"ntly !arti%i!at"d in th" Char'"r 3latoon
Chall"n'" and "9%"ll"d/ +h" %hall"n'" was t"stin' or soldi"rs on th"ir *asi%
warrior skills/ L%kily, or !latoon had *""n trainin' and stdyin' th"s" skills
"arli"r on in this d"!loy)"nt/ $" w"r" !hysi%ally and )"ntally %hall"n'"d *t
th" "&"nt *ro'ht s %los"r as a nit/ $" %ontin" to s" or fa)ily
"n&iron)"nt to "9%"l at "&"rythin' w" do and as always w" stri&" to )ak"
yo !rod#
+hr"" )")*"rs of s"%ond !latoons &"ry own ha&" *""n s"l"%t"d to
r"!r"s"nt th" S"%ond Infantry =i&ision at th" Slli&an C! in Fort
0"nnin', G"or'ia/ +h" r"st of th" !latoon has *""n k""!in' *sy with
dri&"rs trainin' l"ad *y or %o)!any )ast"r dri&"r SSG 3lido/ +h"
!latoon also !arti%i!at"d in a *attalion wid" !latoon %o)!"tition whi%h
in%ld"d a !hysi%al fitn"ss station, land na&i'ation, "&alat" a %asalty,
w"a!ons ass")*ly whil" *lind fold"d, and a HMM$F !ll/ $" ha&"
also *""n !r"!arin' for or ti)" ot in th" fi"ld wh"r" w" will *"
%ond%tin' !latoon )an"&"rs trainin' as w"ll as a !latoon *r"a%h
lan"/ Aft"r )an"&"r trainin' th" %o)!any will *"'in !r"!!in' for
*attalion 'nn"ry/ $" a!!r"%iat" yor s!!ort and always look
forward to yor %ar" !a%ka'"s/ Fro) all of s h"r" in ,or"a stay saf"#
?st 3L+ has *""n "9tr")"ly *sy this !ast )onth %ond%tin' =ri&"r;s
+rainin', AG+S, :0C +rainin', and Skill L"&"l ? $arrior +asks/ +h"
3L+ r"%"ntly !arti%i!at"d in a 0attalion-wid" 3latoon Co)!"tition
whi%h in%ld"d !hysi%al trainin', w"a!ons ass")*ly, a HMM$F 3ll,
Land :a&i'ation, and an Al"rt E&"nt/ All !arti%i!ants r"!r"s"nt"d ?

3L+ BChaosC w"ll and had a 'ood ti)" in th" !ro%"ss/ R"%"ntly S3C
Gon(al"s was th" only )")*"r in th" "ntir" 0attalion s"l"%t"d for th"
All Ar"a ? Soft*all +"a)/ In th" n"9t f"w w""ks th" 3L+ will *"
%ond%tin' Man"&"r +rainin' at th" +win 0rid'"s +rainin' Ar"a
wh"r" w" will !arti%i!at" in 3L+ S+L Lan"s, a 0r"a%h lan", and a
S"%tion Man"&"r Lan"/ U!on %o)!l"tion of this trainin' th" 3L+ will
*"'in to !r"!ar" for Gnn"ry in "arly <n" %ontinin' AG+S, and
*"'innin' GS+ +rainin'/ E&"ry )")*"r of th" 3L+ %ontin"s to work
hard )""tin' and "9%""din' all "9!"%tations within th" Co)!any and
*attalion/ $" all a!!r"%iat" yor %ontin"d s!!ort and %ar" !a%ka'"s#
1st !&atoon 1st !&atoon
2nd !&atoon 2nd !&atoon
3rd !&atoon 3rd !&atoon

ee C
CAM3 HOFEY, ,OREA I It has *""n anoth"r "&"nt-fill"d )onth
for th" ="athrid"rs# $" ha&" d"!loy"d as a %o)!any twi%" in th"
last )onth, to %ond%t r*an o!"rations trainin' and dri&"rs trainin'/
In addition to trainin' or Soldi"rs, w" ha&" also tak"n ti)" to 'i&"
*a%k to th" !"o!l" of Soth ,or"a thro'h s"r&i%" !ro."%ts/ Or
Soldi"rs %ontin" to "9!lor" th" lo%al ar"a "s!"%ially now that th"
S!rin' has arri&"d and on ,or"an 3"ninsla/
-C3+ For"st 3i"r%"
+$I: 0RI=GES +RAI:I:G AREA, ,OREA I +h" dri&"rs of
="lta Co)!any !arti%i!at"d in trainin' for thr"" days and ni'hts
at th" "nd of A!ril/ Soldi"rs !ra%ti%"d not .st on th"ir !ri)ary
&"hi%l", *t also l"arn"d to dri&" s"&"ral oth"r &"hi%l"s in th"
fl""t/ Or )"%hani%s, s!!ort, and h"ad5art"rs Soldi"rs also
had th" o!!ortnity to dri&" th" tanks drin' this trainin'/
3ri&at" Er&in', of th" Fir" S!!ort +"a), dro&" a tank for th"
first ti)" drin' this trainin' and said that it was Baw"so)"#C
*ro'ht th"ir tanks ot for th" first ti)" this )onth to %ond%t
r*an o!"rations trainin' in a si)lat"d town/ Soldi"rs !ra%ti%"d
th"ir skills in )an"&"rin' *oth tanks and Soldi"rs whil"
d"f"atin' "n")y for%"s within th" town/ ="athrid"r Soldi"rs
also !ra%ti%"d %l"arin' *ildin's within th" r*an sit"/ $" first
!ra%ti%"d 'oin' roo) to roo) drin' th" day, th"n s"d ni'ht
&ision 'o''l"s lat" in th" "&"nin'# +h" !latoons also w"r" a*l"
to %t loos" and !lay th" rol" of th" O!!osin' For%"s a'ainst
oth"r !latoons in th" %o)!any/ +his trainin' "&"nt was an
o!!ortnity to !ra%ti%" or tank"r skills in a n"w "n&iron)"nt/
UI<EO:G0U, ,OREA ="lta Co)!any Soldi"rs
!arti%i!at"d in th" annal ,or"an Ar*or =ay in A!ril to
'i&" *a%k to th" !"o!l" of Soth ,or"a/ +h"y took to th"
hills srrondin' Ui."on'* to !lant tr""s on what on%"
was a *arr"n hillsid"/ +h" ,or"ans hold natr" in hi'h
r"'ard and w"r" &"ry thankfl to ha&" A)"ri%an
Soldi"rs h"l!in' to *"atify th"ir %ontry# Soldi"rs
work"d hand in hand with Soth ,or"an %i&ilians to
%l"ar *rsh, di' hol"s, and !lant yon' !in" sa!lin's/
+his "&"nt !ro&id"d or Soldi"rs with an o!!ortnity to
)""t lo%al ,or"ans, )any of who) w"r" "a'"r to )""t
th" A)"ri%an Soldi"rs who h"l! to d"f"nd Soth ,or"a/
Death 6 Death 6
Deathrider Com#an* Deathrider Com#an*
CAM3 S+A:LEY, ,OREA I +his )onth, H"ad5art"rs Maint"nan%"
ran a %o)*at-fo%s"d 3R+ s"ssion *y %r"atin' a MMotor!ool R"layM
%ors" for < Co Soldi"rs *y tili(in' "5i!)"nt %o))only fond
within th" )otor !ool and fr"5"ntly s"d in )aint"nan%"Esstain)"nt
o!"rations/ +h" a%ti&iti"s in th" %ors" in%ld"d a %hain %arry and a
tir" fli! 2sin' LM+F tir"s4, %arryin' wat"r .'s and %hains to a
HMM$F, and th" HMM$F ?77 )"t"rs/ +his was a ti)"d "&"nt,
%r"atin' a fri"ndly %o)!"tition *"tw""n s5ads and *ildin'
%a)arad"ri" and "s!irit d" %or!s/
CAM3 S+A:LEY, ,OREA I +h" )onth of A!ril w"nt *y 5i%kly for
th" distri*tion !latoon *"%as" s!!ortin' th" *attalion with food,
f"l, and a))nition k"!t th" !latoon flly "n'a'"d "&"ry day/ +h"
%lass F or a))nition s"%tion of th" distri*tion !latoon !i%k"d !
and d"li&"r"d o&"r ?77,777 ronds of a))nition for th" *attalion to
s!!ort th" n)"ros ran'"s th" *attalion shot at/ +h" %lass III or f"l
s"%tion of th" !latoon was also h"a&ily "n'a'"d with s!!ortin' th"
*attalion *y r"%"i&in'Eissin' o&"r 68,777 'allons of f"l in th" )onth
of A!ril/ +h" !latoon as a whol" s!!ort"d th" *attalion with lo'isti%al
r"s!!ly !oints 2LR3s4 on ?1 days of th" >7 days that ar" in A!ril/ +h"
LR3s %onsist"d of Soldi"rs r"s!!lyin' th" *attalion with food and f"l
to allow th" *attalion to train with )ini)al *r"aks "nsrin' th"y 'ot
o!ti)al ti)" to train/
Good Aft"rnoon fro) th" R"!*li% of Soth ,or"a## $" ar" %losin' in
on or third )onth of *"in' in %ontry and I )st say th" ti)" is flyin'
*y/ Or 'nn"ry is ri'ht arond th" %orn"r and or Soldi"rs ar" hard at
work in !r"!aration for that trainin' "&"nt/ +h" w"ath"r is startin' to
'"t war)"r whi%h adds "9tra )oti&ation to or alr"ady )oti&at"d
Soldi"rs/ I wold lik" to tak" this o!!ortnity to "9t"nd a h"artf"lt
thank yo to all or fa)ili"s *a%k at Fort Hood, arond th" stat"s and
o&"rs"as for yor %ontin"d s!!ort/ Or .o*s ar" hard *t yors ar" *y
far hard"r# +hank Yo## $" look for forward to th" !%o)in' )onths
as w" %ontin" to )o&" forward in "fforts to *" r"ady to Mfi'ht
toni'htM# First +"a)## S"%ond to :on"##
-?SG Moody
H"llo a'ain fro) th" R"!*li% of ,or"a# $" ar" offi%ially ?E> of th"
way thro'h with or rotation, and ti)" is flyin' *y/ +h" <a%kals
%ontin" to stay *sy with &"hi%l" and "5i!)"nt s"r&i%"s, !ro&idin'
lo'isti%s s!!ort to ran'"s and oth"r trainin' "&"nts, and %ond%tin'
or own dri&"rs trainin'/ +h" *attalion has also !arti%i!at"d in
)lti!l" trainin' "9"r%is"s with or !artn"r"d nits in ord"r to !ra%ti%"
or warti)" )ission/ I-) !rod of "&"rythin' or Soldi"rs ar"
a%%o)!lishin' "a%h day# +hanks for yor %ontin"d s!!ort/
- C3+ <onathan L"''"tt
;acka& 6
;acka& Com#an*

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