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Teacher Candidate: J essica Sirks

Course Number/Lesson Number: 4310/Soc

Teaching Date: Ma !" #014
5.1.11 Identify major British and American leaders of the American Revolutionary War and describe their significance in
key events of the war.
1. TSW identify major British and American leaders of the American Revolutionary War and describe their significance in key events of
the war.
1. TTW evaluate students identifications and descri!tions of major British and American leaders of the American Revolutionary War.
The teacher will dress u! in a colonial
costume and begin to give instructions as
someone would in during the Revolution
"accent# !hrases# etc.$. Students will most
likely snicker and mention how %silly& their
teacher sounds.
Students will look at a comic of 'aul Revere te(ting
%The British Are )oming*&
The teacher will break character to discuss with the class how it can
be hard to study leaders of the Revolution when they are so different
from us. We cannot relate to them. The teacher will mention that
during this lesson# we will try to relate the leaders to todays culture.
We will study the im!act they had on the Revolution# but also look at
what it would have been like if they lived during our time.
Students will !eer review their !rofiles
with a !artner. 4f they choose to# they
may also write out a conversation
between their two leaders in character on
their !rofiles. What might have those
characters "from what we know about
them$ have said to one another5
Students will share their !rofiles with the
class. They will then hang their !rofiles
on our American Revolution dis!lay
Students will create fake %6acebook
!rofiles& of the founders and other major
leaders of the American Revolution.
Students will summari7e what theyve
learned in te(t-s!eak on a !hone gra!hic
The teacher will teach about some of the
major British and American leaders and
the im!act they had over the Battles of
8e(ington and )oncord and the Battle of
Bunker 9ill.

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