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What parents one gets, one has no options.

At birth, group of the relations
to be accepted, no options.
Bringing up, depending on the parents, no options.
Education to be followed, whatever available, no options.
Right thinking people don’t grudge
this song of no options.
Comforting themselves, attributing it to nature/destiny.
It is nature/destiny which bestows on us
considering all circumstantial options.
In the given set of circumstances,
one can comfortably depend
on the parents, always wishing welfare.
They give their best in bringing up.
providing education and imparting good manners.
There are man-made situations of no options.
Just to be digested without any consideration.
In a democratic country, elections are held.
It is assumed, public has the option.
To vote a candidate of their choice.
There are circumstances, public can’t rejoice.
In actual practice, if all the contestants are
selfish and corrupt.
Future of the voters, may stand disrupt.
Right to vote may result in taking us to an old saying :
“Water water everywhere, not a single drop to drink”.


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