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3A Mandy Bidinger: The Use of Foreshadow in Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been

In Joyce Carol Oates haunting short story, Where Are You Going, Where Have You
Been, Oates uses characterization and diction to foreshadow an ominous conclusion.
The main character, Connie, is a typical stock character of a self absorbed teenage girl in
which the reader can interpret her nave mindset, foreshadowing that she is to become the victim.
The characterization becomes imperative when Arnold Friend, a thirty year old man hidden
behind a facade of makeup, is introduced into the story. His characterization involved in
foreshadowing is the contradiction of his physical appearance and the fact that he is appealing to
Connie : [] that slippery friendly smile of his [] the singsong way he talked (Oates).
Arnold is disturbing through his physical appearance but affable in a persuasive manner,
indicating the manipulative conduct of Arnold Friend and future danger for Connie. In addition
to characterization, the use of contradiction portrays Arnolds persona. Friend is constantly using
pet names, but in paradoxical sentences that foreshadow danger: Gonna get you, baby (Oates).
The continued use of opposing diction occurs when describing Arnold as stiffly relaxed
(Oates). This oxymoron gives insight into Arnolds character of being devious, but trying to play
it off cool. Oates also uses diction that has sexual implications. Direct sexual diction occurs
when Arnold Friend says: Ill come inside you where its all secret (Oates). Other diction is
not as direct: He resumed his erect position and tried to force his shoulder back (Oates), but the
reader associates the words erect and forced into a sexual connotation, foreshadowing his
intentions for Connie.
Throughout this story the use of foreshadow builds an idea of what will happen to
Connie. Joyce Carol Oates use of characterization and dictiont foreshadow the danger of
Connies situation and an ending in which Friend gets what he desired.
Comment [Ab1]: *Foreshadowing
Comment [Ab2]: *described through a
Comment [Ab3]: *which foreshadows
Comment [Ab4]: *significant in the story
Comment [Ab5]: Delete
Comment [Ab6]: Delete
Comment [Ab7]: Add *creates a menacing tone
that foreshadows the conclusion
Comment [Ab8]: *,
Comment [Ab9]: Add * slightly mocking,
kidding, but serious and a little melancholy
Comment [Ab10]: Delete
Comment [Ab11]: Change to erect
Comment [Ab12]: Change to forced
Comment [Ab13]: *connotations
Comment [Ab14]: *foreshadowing
Comment [Ab15]: *diction to
Comment [Ab16]: *destroys Connie

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