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[Art Director]
Alejandra De La Torre
Roger Munoz

Tina Vartanian
Justine Gibson
Project Space
-Materialism Display of
-Media Impact on Society
-Traffic Handling issues
Project Text
-Female Gender Issues
-Male Gender Issues
-Bisexuality Issues
-Language usage issues
Project Web
-Internets Impact on Privacy
-Habits/Technology Addiction
-Internets Impact on Ability to Multitask

Project Space
I got a room full of your posters and your pictures
Materialism/display of possessions involves a person displaying something he or she
values greatly in a room or around their home which is how they enjoy using their
space. In a way Stan is idolizing pictures of Eminem as a shrine that is the most
important thing to him in his house and wants to display it. To depict this in the music
video we will display a room full of all pictures Stan obtained by stalking him in life
and through social media. He set up the pictures in his man cave, which is a place he
enjoys being in, to surround himself by the one person he is obsessed with.
Deals with the space around us and how we use it.
Im just like you in a wayI can relate to what youre
saying in your songs.
Media impact on society means how television, music, the internet all
affects us and our space around us. Nowadays, the media has a huge yet
negative impact in our society because it is everywhere. Eminem is
known to write violent lyrics in his songs. Since his music really
influenced Stan, this caused Stan to do violent things to himself and
others. Eminem is showed all over the media and people like Stan
become obsessed and follow his lyrics like religious bible read the
bible. We would demonstrate this by showing Stan trying to look more like
Eminem and become more violent with his girlfriend like how Eminem was
with his girlfriend in real life.

Project Text
Deals with self-identity and being defined as
a performative text like gay, bisexual and
what it means to be a female and male.
doing 90 in the freeway
Traffic handling issues relates to the Los Angeles areas problem of
congested highways and roads, but in Denver. This affects the space
around us by limiting the time and speed we travel by in order to be
safe. The Los Angeles area highways are congested the majority of the
time because of the large population of people that need to commute. To
justify the traffic handling issue in this song we will show Stan speeding
in the freeway while it is raining. Bad weather usually gives an
assumption that something bad is about to happen. There are others
driving in the freeway at night especially truck drivers. Stan is under the
influence so he is recklessly driving as he approaches traffic starting to
become congested. At this point Stan is swerving through the freeway
not trying to get stuck in traffic and not knowing where he is going.
Thus, Stans car loses traction colliding with a big trailer and falling
over a bridge.

screamin in the trunk [and he] tied her
upcause if she suffocates shell suffer more.
Female gender identity issues deals with the certain
behaviors females should act like. However, it also includes
the violence and abuse females encounter for being a female.
In the video we will show the pregnant girlfriend tied up in
the trunk of the car before the car accident. Previously to this
we are going to show Stan hitting his pregnant girlfriend and
verbally abusing her at their trailer home telling her to leave
because he doesnt like her, which we will show as a
flashback, before he was on the freeway speeding.

Project Text

its fucked up you dont answer fans.
sometimes I even cut myself to see how much it bleeds
I hope your conscience eats at you and you cant breathe
without me
Male gender identity issues has to do with violence, aggression and crisis
of masculinity in males. All the violence and aggression Stan has alludes to
the fact that he had mental issues that dealt with becoming obsessed with
someone he only knew by the music. I also believe Stan was going through a
crisis of masculinity for acting like a teenage girl who is in love with a boy
band. No adult male in their right mind would be this obsessed over a rapper.
To demonstrate male gender identity issues in the music video we will show
Stan going through a dark time by cutting himself and having a crazy look on
his face. We would also include Stan being violent to himself by taking
drugs and screaming at everyone that wanted to help him.
b*tch fu*k it sh*t fu*ked up
Strong language usage among public has become very common, in fact
the use of vulgarity is used throughout the new age media and music. The
lyrics written by Eminem from his song titled Stan give us an idea of how
he uses vulgarity in his lyrics to add emotion. Stan the character playing the
boyfriend role in the song uses this strong language towards his girlfriend to
show empowerment over her and his aggression and anger towards slim
(Eminem) for not writing back after receiving his fan letters. The use of
vulgarity has become an issue and many artists have started to use it in their
songs to show empowerment not weakness and perhaps to build up their
reputation stronger.
Project Web
Deals with how our online experiences shaped our identity

My girlfriend's jealous cause I talk about you 24/7I
loved you Slim, we coulda been together.
Bisexuality has been an issue rather more of a confusion, a double
standard issue. Stan the character previously expresses his love for
Eminem even though he has a girlfriend whom is pregnant. We will use
this topic in our video by letting Stan express his deep feelings for
Eminem while showing how much he admires and loves his work.

I wrote youmy cell, my pager, and my home phone
The song Stan gives us an example on how the Internet is used to find
personal information of an artist. Stan who plays the fan role in the song
uses the Internet to find Slims personal life information. After doing so he
uses his email address to send him fan emails. We will use this topic by
showing Stan search for Slims information on the Internet and after
finding it, well show Stan send him three fan emails.

hit me back, just to chat, truly yours, your biggest fan
Social Networking basically enables you to communicate with anyone you
please to wherever they are. Famous well-known artists all over the world
have these social networking accounts so that they are able to stay in touch
with thousands of their fans regardless of where they are. We can use this
topic by showing Stan desperately wanting to talk to him through well
know social networking cities such as Facebook and Twitter.

Thisll be the last package I ever sendI hope
you hear itIm in the car right now
The ability to multitask can help you get two or more
things done at the same time. Driving and texting/recording
is also known as multitasking, its the most common action
done by many drivers while driving making it a dangerous
ability. The song Stan concludes by Stan driving and
recording his last message for Eminem. While recording he
loses control of the car and drives off the bridge he was
driving on. We can use this topic showing Stan driving his
vehicle with his pregnant girlfriend tied up and locked up in
the trunk resulting in a fatal car accident where they were all
supposed to die. However, the last shot of the video will
show Stan in an Asylum locked and tied up in a room.

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