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I am Hussain Reddy. I have selected in Wipro. I want to share my interview experience
with you. First of all I will tell u about the selection process of Wipro.
It consists of 3 rounds.
1. written test
2. echnical interview
3. HR interview.
%ritten test: It consists of !"# and the duration is 1 hr.
1!# from verbal $topics% active voice & passive voice' reported speech' phrases' one
word substitute' synonym' (umbled word' Readin) *omprehension+
1!# from aptitude $topics% ,lood relations' number series' conclusion from the
para)raph' time& wor-' time distance' theme of the para)raph' boats & streams' av)'
cloc-s' directions+
2"# from technical $topics% * $3+' ./$3+' )eneral$2+' .,0/' 1/' unix' networ-s+
&er'$ se!tion:
1. convert the followin) sentence into indirect speech
/he said' 2I lived here for many years2.
3ns% /he said that she had been livin) there for many years.
2. convert the followin) sentence into passive voice
Will the postman post the letters4
3ns% Will the letters be posted by the postman.
3. what is the meanin) of the phrase 2 /tuc- between the two )uns2
3ns% firm with the attitude and don5t bent your attitude.
6. In the followin) options what is the best phrase which replaces the underlind phrase in
the )iven sentence. *hildren must have to be ta-e care while crossin) the roads
3+ should have to be ,+ must be *+ have to be .+should be
!. What we call the person who 2 chatter continuously and unintelli)ently2 $3ns% 7abber+
8. In a sentence the word -nown as stumblin) is underlined and as-ed what is similar
word $lurchin)+
9. 3 (umbled word -nown as : 1 R F / H ; I If the word is arran)ed in correct
1 2 3 6 ! 8 9 <
order then what will be the order of number $ Flourish = 6 1 2 9 3 < ! 8+
<. #uestion about >unctuation mar-.
1ne R* was )iven on the topic of extra terrestrial life $ !#+. $It will become easy if u )o
throu)h the ?ues+
Aptitude (e!tion:
1. he sharp decline in the mortality since 1@61 shows that who ar)ue that the
introduction of new chemicals has caused serve health problems are mista-en from 1@6"=
1@9@' the avera)e life expectancy for the entire ;nited /tates population increased from
83.8 to 93.8 years' and the total a)e ad(usted death rate declined by forty five percent'
includin) decline in every a)e' sex and racial )roup. here were also the years in which
there was a dramatic increase in the
use of new chemicals in this country. *learly' then those modern aids to industry have no
adverse effects on the )eneral health of society. Which of the followin) is an assumption
underlyin) the conclusion of the passa)e above4
3+ he increase in life expectancy in the ;nited /tates was paralleled by correspondin)
increases in other countries.
,+ he )rowth in the avera)e life expectancy in the ;nited /tates cannot be attributed to
any sin)le factor' but is a )eneral phenomenon.
*+ he increase in life expectancy would not have been )reater if there had not been an
increase in the use of chemicals. *he www.careerenclave.comA/
.+ Browth in the use of chemicals was a crucial factor in the development of industry
from 1@6"=1@9@.
2. here is a family of six persons >'#'R'/' and ;.hey are :awyer' .octor' eacher'
/alesman'Cn)ineer and 3ccountant. here are two married couples in the family. /' the
salesman is married to the :ady eacher. he .octor is married to the :awyer ;' he
3ccountant is the son of # and brother of . R' the :awyer is the dau)hter=in=law of >.
is the unmarried Cn)ineer. > is the Brandmother of ;. Which is the profession of >4
a+:awyer b+eacher c+.octor d+3ccountant
3. here are 8 volumes of boo-s on a rac- -ept in order$i.e vol.1' vol.2 and so on+. Bive
the position after the followin) chan)es were noticed.
3ll boo-s have been chan)ed.
vol.! was directly to the ri)ht of vol.2.
vol.6 has vol.8 to its left and both weren5t at vol.35s place.
vol.1 has vol.3 on ri)ht and vol.! on left.
3n even numbered volume is at vol.!5s place.
Find the order in which the boo-s are -ept now.
a+2'!'1'3'8'6 b+6'1'3'8'!'2 c+!'6'8'3'1'2 d+3'!'6'2'8'1
6.Cxamine carefully the followin) se?uence of numbers%
hint% $ in first row one 1' in 2nd row two 1s' in 3rd row one 1'........
3lthou)h the se?uence appear to behave totally at random' In fact ' after the first
se?uence' each se?uence is constructed in a precise and methodical way based on the
previous one. What is the next se?uence4
a+11322212311233113232211211 b+11131221133112132113212221
c+11131221133112221132122211 d+11131221133312112211321222
!. I+ * is father of D but D is not son of *.
II+ 0 is dau)hter of , and sister of >.
III+ > is brother of D.
Which of the followin) is can not be inferred from the information )iven4
a+ D is brother of > b+ , has three children c+ D is youn)er to > d+, has
8. .ivide 3" by half and add 1". what is the new number
3+ 2" ,+2! *+ 9" .+ <"
9. theme detection of a para)raph.$ sorry I didn5t the remember the para)raph+
<. one problem on volumes
@. 3 wire of len)th 62c.m. is made into the form a rectan)le such that the width is double
the len)th. hen what are the values of len)th and width respectively $ 9'16+.
1". two trains are travelin) from point 3 to point , such that the speed of first train is
8!-mph and the speed of 2nd train is 2@-mph. What is the distance bAw 3&, such that
the slower train reached !hrs late compared to the faster train.
11. 3 motorboat whose speed is 1!-mph in still water )oes 3"-mph downstream and
comes bac- in a total of 6hrs 3"min. the speed of the stream in -mph is $!-mph+.
12. one problem on fi) li-e )roup of rectan)les and as-ed find the no of rectan)les in that
sorry I didn5t remember the remainin) #.
echnical /ection%
1. what is the most commonly used display device in monitors. $*R+.
2. main$+
int iF892"'(F6G
while$iH(F F"+
What is the value of ( at the end of the loop. $@+G
3. What is the output of the pro)ram
6. K define 0ax$ if $xLy+' printf$2x is )reater than y++elseG
int x'yG
if $xLy+
printf$ 2x is not )reater than y2+G
$ Iam not sure about the #' but the ans is compile time error+G
!. 1# on pointers li-e aM2NM2N then how can u represent the valu of aM2NM1N by usin)
pointers. $ O$$aI2+I1+ . Iam not sure about the ans+.
8. what is wron) about stac-s $ 3ns is 2 /tac- is referred to as fifo2+G
9. In worst case #uic- sort becomes which sort $,ouble sort+
<. one # on the conversion of infix to prefix expression li-e $$3=,+O$*I.++A$F=B+
/orry friends I remember this many # only because I belon)s to C*C branch. ,ut some
# on unix commands$3+' .,0/$2+' 0emory m)t$2+' *>>$1+' 7ava$1+' harddis-$1+G
hat5s it friends. here is cutoff for each section. Perbal$9 to @+' 3ptitude$ '
otal no of students attended for the interview were 3"! and the no of students cleared
the written are 16!G
echnical Interview%
I )ot call from the interviewer at < >.0.. he technical interview was very cool and
friendly and he made me to feel free. ,ut you must express your views confidently.
He never expect any technical s-ill from u. He (ust see your communication s-ills and
your confidence. 3nd at the same time you must perfect with ur resume. He definitely as-
# about ur resume only. Qou must perfect in one of ur favorite sub and *. he # I faced
are as follows.
What is the purpose of *
What is pointer
What is the difference bAw structure and union
3bout my mini pro(ect and about my paper presentation
What is ./>$ my core sub(+ applications of ./>
What are 3/I*s' CR of 3/I*.
.raw a flowchat of activities about what had you done from the mornin) of that day.
3fter completion of I he will )ive u application form and told u to )o to the HR.
H) *nter+iew:
It was very easy and cool. .on5t feel tens and nervous before HR. He (ust see ur
confidence level.
1. *an you explain about ur name. I tal-ed 2min about my name
2. about my hobbies
3. Why should we hire u.
hat5s it friends. ry to as- any # to HR that shows ur interest towards the (ob.
his 7uly 1 we had Wipro interview in which 2 other colle)es alon) with us
participated.he stren)th mi)ht be around 9!" attended. he colle)es attended were
S:*C' RPR7*' ,C*. In this <9 from S:*C' 92 from RPR7*' !2 from ,C* )ot throu)h
written test. 3fter that there was technical interview on which the whole emphasis was.
he scrutiny mostly too- place in the technical interview. he chaps who ever )ot
throu)h technical interview' )ot throu)h HR. HR interview went on as a formality.
Finally 3@ from S:*C' 22 from RPR7*' 13 from ,C* )ot selected for WI>R1. /o as a
whole out of 8"" r above they selected 96.
*omin) to the Written test as usual it had.
1 hour for written test. Do ne)ative mar-in).
In Perbal section there were ?uestions on 3ctive Poice and >3//IPC voice. Bivin)
active voice and as-in) us to choose the >assive that. 1 R*=on that 6
?uestions. 1 synonym 1 (umbled word=shud choose a word which )ives meanin).
*omin) to the 3nalytical section. It was very easy. simple ?uestions li-e .ivide 3" by
half and add 1". ,lood relation ?uestions boat&stream 2 ?uestions were lo)ical........and
he ?uestion was 1 11 21 1211 111221 312211 13112221 1113213211 31131211131221
What is the number in the next series.....4 he lo)ic was so simple 1 Dext row is
11$means one 1+ then next row 21$means two 15s+ then next row1211$means one 2'one 1+
li-e that u can )o on fillin)....
hen the echnical ?uestions here were ?uestions on :ID;R' ;DIR' Detwor-in)' *' *.
,ut all were very easy and basic ?uestions as-in) the output of the pro)ram' as-in) the
error in the pro) that
#uestion on networ-in) was Which is Routable4 :3D' W3D' I>Cx.... somethin) they
3/ a whole the written test was very easy $D1 ne)ative mar-in). ,ut there was
/C*I1D *; 1FF. 3nd another thin) to tal- about is' it is said that 13=1! ?uestions
were directly from previous papers. $I donno -now it bcoT i didn5loo- the previous
papers' but the )uys prepared on previous papers said to me+ /o Bood luc-. Written test
is very easy. ,ut technical interview is where u have to prove u5r self. /o with a ?uiet
)ood preparation for Written' and a /CRI1;/ preparation for the C*HDI*3: will )rab
u a (ob in WI>R1.
3:: HC ,C/ for the chaps who are see-in) to )et into Wipro.
I )reatly than-ful to careerenclave site as )ivin) so much information' which is very
useful to all freshers. I am *handra 0ohan' )ot placemant in WI>R1 "n 28th 7une 2""8
conducted at BI30 colle)e of en))' viTa).
>3CRD of written test%
It is an hour test' which includes 1! ?uestions in verbal' 1! in analytical' 2" in technical.
In verbal we )et simple synonyms'matchin) options'direct or indirect speech' analo)y
li-e codin).
In analytical$aptitude+ i faced ?uestions on time and wor-' percenta)es' dimonds'
reasonin) also there. http%AA
3nalytical is very easy.
in case of technical' i have ?uestions on * lan)ua)e' *II' (ava' unix
it was very tou)h to me as i am an Clectronics en)ineer.
I was as-ed in electronics' communications' di)italand finally *.
In HR' I was in HR for somuch time' and they as-ed me about my family
bac-)round' my stren)ths' movies=>1SIRI story' write a para)raph' your
ideal' onethin) is the most common ?uestion about yourself.
thn,you for shring "y inter+iew with you.
0y name is 3mandeep Bar)' ,tech */C' I m fm >un(abi univ' >atiala.
I m selected in wipro on 22nd (une.
Here I m writin) my whole experience' hope dis ll b helpful to u.
he selection process consisted of three rounds.
)ound -: %ritten Test
/ec 3% Cn)lish 1!?ues$a bit tou)h+=I dint prepare anythin) fr en)lish but I mana)ed it.
/ec ,% 3nalyticalI#uant 1! ?ues' ?uant was easy based on rs a)rwal' ?ues frm direction
sense' time nd wr-' time nd distance' pipes nd cistern interest' partnership etc were
thre.statements of analytical reasonin) ?ues were very lon)' four ?ues came'i did them by
seein) options and I was able to solve all.
/ec *% echnical 2" ?ues=?uiet easy if u hav read sub(ects well in ur semesters' I was nt
able to answer ?ues fm ;nix. only 1 ?ues fm dbms'
rest 3=6 ?ues fm evry sub( $*' *II' data struct' 1/' ;nix' netwr-in+
output pro)rams were thre fm *.

papers was havin) sectional cutoff' nd time was 8" mins. no ne)ative mar-in was thre bt i
attempted only those on wch i was confident. I attempted en)lish=12' aptitude=13'
)ound .: Te!h *nter+iew
3fter one nd a half hr' results came nd i was thre in d shortlisted candidates. 0y no was
6th. 3ll three candidates were re(ected bfore me but I was confident.
I entered d room calmly. thre was one )entleman sittin).
I wished him wron)ly. I said )ood afternoon' but it was evenin) time. but he too- it
li)htly. he as-ed me to sit down. then he as-ed me for my resume' I )ave to him. He )ot
thru my cv nd as-ed me abt my achievemnt. I hold 3I )rade in 3ll
India /cience aptitude test. I explaind him.
then he as-ed abt my pro(ect=railway reservation system. after briefly explain) synopsis
of pro(' I spo-e a line=sir it is based on client server architecture. he
stopped me' nd as-ed me to tell abt client server architecture. I explained him thorou)hly.
then he said'2hav u used any database to implemnt ur pro(2' i said i implmntd it usin)
files since i didnt revised files' i )ave a diplomatic answer' i said sir at that time wen i
was desi)nin) it i was havin) )ud -nowled)e of files' but now i ll nt b able to recall some
of the practical aspects of it but u can test my -nowled)e.
he the dint as-d any ?ues abt files.
he said' so u r well aware of client server' tell me how chat server wor-s $messen)ers+
I told him in my own wrds but he stopped me after 2=3lines. i thin- he wanted me to
spea- some -eywrds li-e ip address'dns srver etc. then he came on my sub(ect of intert=
data structure.
he as-ed me abt
wt is lin- list' use of lin- list' static vs dynamic mem allocation.
diffrence btween array implmntation nd lin- list implmntation of binary tree
i explaind him all
then he )ave me a tree and as-ed me to write its post order traversal' I wrote it
then he said wt is d diffrnce btween syntax' lo)ical' run time error.
fortunately' I was able to answer all d ?ues well.
then as-ed some ?ues li- why do u want to (oin wipro' if infy )ives u )ud pac-a)e will u
leave wipro or not nd why
then he said I m impressed u possess )ud -nowld)e' then he handed me my HR form. HR
form meant my tech intw was clear. I was thre in abt 3! mins.
)ound /: H) *nter+iew
I filled d form'nd waited fr hr intw. my turn came after an hour. madam who )ave d ppt
was thre in d room.she was vry soft. I wished her' she as-ed me to sit.
tell me abt urself
I wrote my hobby as cric-et' she said so u mst b -nowin) abt sachin'
I said yes
so tell me d ?ualities in him dat inspire u' I answered his sportmanship' humble' attitude
which ma-es him a le)end.
tell me somethin abt pun(ab' I explained her evry )ud ?uality of d state.
telle me abt ur family bac-)round'
why u were not selected in Infosys' since infy came bfore Wipro in our campus'
she )ave a ?uestion at wch we both lau)hed.
aish' priyan-a' sushmita in front f u' u will b choosin) whom4
i said aish' why4
physical apperance' )ud actor' beautiful evry )ud ?uality.
then she as-ed me to leave nd wait fr results. about 2" mins I was thre with HR.
hree hrs later results came' I was thre nd >:3*C.. I than-ed to )od. I wish all my
fresher frnd shud b placed. plT help oders dont hesitate. as one day u will b needin) help
yar. I was havin) bad experince wth Infy and 3ccenture' but I than- )od I m placed in no
2 I compny of india.
Tot$ ner$y -01 st in writen, 21 short$std in te!h, // shrt$istd in hr, .0 short,$isted.
%*3)O 3LA45M56T 3A35) 7 /77

31. Which of the followin) is not an oxide ore4
$a+ *assiterite
$b+ /iderite
$c+ >yrolusite
$d+ ,auxite
3ns. $b+
32. Which amon) the followin) is called philosopher5s wool
$a+ *ellulose
$b+ *alamine
$c+ /tellite
$d+ *erussite
3ns. $c+
33. 1ut of 1" white' @ blac- and 9 red balls' in how many ways can we select one or
more balls
$a+ 236
$b+ !2
$c+ 83"
$d+ <9@
3ns. $d+
36. 3 and , throw a dice. he probabilty that 35s throw is not )reater than ,5s is
$a+ !A12
$b+ 9A12
$c+ 11A12
$d+ !A38
3ns. $b+
3!. Biven two numbers a and b. :et 3 denote the sin)le 30 between these and / denote
the sum of n 30s
between them. hen /A3 depends upon
$a+ n
$b+ n'a
$c+ n'b
$d+ n'a'b
3ns. $a+
38. If the sum of the roots of the e?uation axUIbxIcF" is e?ual to the sum of the s?uares
of their reciprocals'
then' aAc' bAa' cAb are in
$a+ 3>
$b+ B>
$c+ H>
$d+ Done of the these
3ns. $c+
In the followin) ?uestions V represents the inte)ral si)n=for e). 1V2Mf$x+N means
inte)ration of
the function f$x+ over the interval 1 to2.
39. Palue of =1V2MW2=xUWNdx' ie inte)ration of the function W2=xUW over the interval =1 to 2.
$a+ "
$b+ 1
$c+ 2
$d+ Done of the above
3ns. $d+
3<. If "V>Mlo) sinxNdxF-'then the value of "V>A6Mlo)$1 I tan x+Ndx 'where > stands for
$a+ =-A6
$b+ -A6
$c+ =-A<
$d+ -A<
3ns. $c+
3@. If a'b'c be in B> and p'? be respectively 30 between a'b and b'c then
$a+ 2AbF1ApI1A?
$b+ 2AbF1Ap=1A?
$c+ 2FaAp=cA?
$d+ Done of the above
3ns. $a+
6". 3 solution of S0n16 is reduced to 0n12 .he normality of solution is ".8.he
molarity is
$a+ 1.<0
$b+ ".80
$c+ ".10
$d+ ".20
3ns. $d+

he ?uestions 61=68 are based on the followin) pattern.he problems below contain a
and two statements )ivin) certain data. Qou have to decide whether the data )iven in the
statements are sufficient for answerin) the ?uestions.he correct answer is
$3+ If statement $I+ alone is sufficient but statement $II+ alone is not sufficient.
$,+ If statement$II+ alone is sufficient but statement$I+ alone is not sufficient.
$*+ If both statements to)ether are sufficient but neither of statements alone is sufficient.
$.+ If both to)ether are not sufficient.

61. What is 7ohn5s a)e4
$I+ In 1! years 7ohn will be twice as old as .ias would be
$II+ .ias was born ! years a)o
3ns. $*+
62. What is the distance from city 3 to city * in -ms4
$I+ *ity 3 is @" -ms from *ity ,
$II+ *ity , is 3" -ms from *ity *
3ns. $.+
63.Is 3F* 4 3','* are real numbers
$I+ 3=,F,=*
$II+ 3=2* F *=2,
3ns. $*+
66. What is the 3"th term of a )iven se?uence 4
$I+ he first two terms of the se?uence are 1'1A2
$II+ he common difference is =1A2
3ns. $3+
6!.Was 3vinash early' on time or late for wor-4
$I+ He thou)ht his watch was 1" minutes fast
$II+ 3ctually his watch was ! minutes slow
3ns. $.+
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%*3)O 3LA45M56T 3A35) 7 877

68. What is the value of 3 if 3 is an inte)er4
$I+ 36 F 1
$II+ 33 I 1 F "
3ns. $,+
69. 3 person travels 12 -m in the southward direction and then travels !-m to the ri)ht
and then travels 1!-m toward the ri)ht and finally travels !-m towards the east' how far
is he from his startin) place4
$a+ !.! -ms
$b+ 3 -m
$c+ 13 -m
$d+ 8.6 -m
3ns. $b+
6<. R5s father5s wife5s father5s )randdau)hter uncle will be related to R as
$a+ /on
$b+ Dephew
$c+ ;ncle
$d+ Brandfather
3ns. $c+
6@. Find the next number in the series 1' 3 '9 '13 '21 '31
$a+ 63
$b+ 33
$c+ 61
$d+ 6!
3ns. $a+
!". If in a certain code 2R3DBC2 is coded as 1236! and 2R3D.102 is coded as
hen the code for the word 203DB12 would be
$a+ <23!9
$b+ <@363
$c+ <682@
$d+ <2369
3ns. $d+
!1. If 2>R10>2 is coded as #/>:1/ 'then 2>:3QCR2 should be
$a+ #0,XF/
$b+ #W0F.W
$c+ #;RCR0
$d+ ;RC/I
3ns. $a+

he ?uestions !2=!3 are based on the followin) data
8 people 3','*'.'C and F sit around a table for dinner./ince 3 does not li-e *' he doesn5t
sit either opposite or beside *., and F always li-e to sit opposite each other.
!2. If 3 is beside F then who is are the two nei)hbours of ,4
$a+ . and *
$b+ C and *
$c+ . and C
$d+ Cither $a+ or $b+
3ns. $c+
!3. If . is ad(acent to F then who is ad(acent to *4
$a+ C and ,
$b+ . and 3
$c+ . and ,
$d+ either $a+ or $c+
!6. *omplete the se?uence 3' C 'I '0 '# '; ' Y ' Y
$a+ ,' F
$b+ Q' *
$c+ B' I
$d+ S' 1
!!. 3 person travels 8-m towards west' then travels !-m towards north 'then finally
8-m towards west. Where is he with respect to his startin) position4
$a+ 13-m east
$b+ 13-m northeast
$c+ 13-m northwest
$d+ 13-m west
3ns. $c+
!8. If 3 spea-s the truth <"H of the times' , spea-s the truth 8"H of the times.
What is the probability that they tell the truth at the same time
$a+ ".<
$b+ ".6<
$c+ ".8
$d+ ".16
!9. If the time ?uantum is too lar)e' Round Robin schedulin) de)enerates to
$a+ /hortest 7ob First /chedulin)
$b+ 0ultilevel #ueue /chedulin)
$c+ F*F/
$d+ Done of the above
3ns. $c+
!<. ransponders are used for which of the followin) purposes
$a+ ;plin-in)
$b+ .ownlin-in)
$c+ ,oth $a+ and $b+
$d+ Done of the above
3ns. $c+
!@. he format specifier 2=Hd2 is used for which purpose in *
$a+ :eft (ustifyin) a strin)
$b+ Ri)ht (ustifyin) a strin)
$c+ Removin) a strin) from the console
$d+ ;sed for the scope specification of a charMN variable
3ns. $a+
8". Pirtual functions allow you to
$a+ *reate an array of type pointer=to=base=class that can hold pointers to derived classes
$b+ *reate functions that have no body
$c+ Broup ob(ects of different classes so they can all be accessed by the same function
$d+ ;se the same function call to execute member functions to ob(ects from different
%*3)O 3LA45M56T 3A35) 7 977

82. 3 sortin) al)orithm which can prove to be a best time al)orithm in one case
and a worst time al)orithm in worst case is
$a+ #uic- /ort
$b+ Heap /ort
$c+ 0er)e /ort
$d+ Insert /ort
3ns. $a+
83. What details should never be found in the top level of a top=down desi)n4
$a+ .etails
$b+ *odin)
$c+ .ecisions
$d+ Done of the above
3ns. $c+
86. In an absolute loadin) scheme' which loader function is accomplished by assembler
$a+ Reallocation
$b+ 3llocation
$c+ :in-in)
$d+ ,oth $a+ and $b+
3ns. $d+
8!. ,an-er5s al)orithm for resource allocation deals with
$a+ .eadloc- prevention
$b+ .eadloc- avoidance
$c+ .eadloc- recovery
$d+ Done of these
3ns. $b+
88. hrashin) can be avoided if
$a+ he pa)es' belon)in) to the wor-in) set of the pro)rams' are in main memory
$b+ he speed of *>; is increased
$c+ he speed of IA1 processor are increased
$d+ 3ll of the above
3ns. $a+
89. Which of the followin) communications lines is best suited to interactive processin)
$a+ Darrowband channels
$b+ /implex channels
$c+ Full=duplex channels
$d+ 0ixedband channels
3ns. $b+
8<. 3 feasibility document should contain all of the followin) except
$a+ >ro(ect name
$b+ >roblem descriptions
$c+ Feasible alternative
$d+ .ata flow dia)rams
3ns. $d+
8@. What is the main function of a data lin- content monitor4
$a+ o detect problems in protocols
$b+ o determine the type of transmission used in a data lin-
$c+ o determine the type of switchin) used in a data lin-
$d+ o determine the flow of data
3ns. $a+
9". Which of the followin) is a broadband communications channel4
$a+ *oaxial cable
$b+ Fiber optic cable
$c+ 0icrowave circuits
$d+ 3ll of the above
3ns. $d+
91. Which of the followin) memories has the shortest access time4
$a+ *ache memory
$b+ 0a)netic bubble memory
$c+ 0a)netic core memory
$d+ R30
3ns. $a+
92. 3 shift re)ister can be used for
$a+ >arallel to serial conversion
$b+ /erial to parallel conversion
$c+ .i)ital delay line
$d+ 3ll the above
3ns. $d+
93. In which of the followin) pa)e replacement policies' ,alady5s anomaly occurs4
$a+ FIF1
$b+ :R;
$c+ :F;
$d+ DR;
3ns. $a+
96. /ubschema can be used to
$a+ *reate very different' personalised views of the same data
$b+ >resent information in different formats
$c+ Hide sensitive information by omittin) fields from the sub=schema5s description
$d+ 3ll of the above
3ns. $d+
1. 3n electron movin) in an electroma)netic field moves in a
$a+ In a strai)ht path
$b+ 3lon) the same plane in the direction of its propa)ation
$c+ 1pposite to the ori)inal direction of propa)ation
$d+ In a sine wave
3ns. $b+
2. he total wor- done on the particle is e?ual to the chan)e in its -inetic ener)y
$a+ 3lways
$b+ 1nly if the forces actin) on the body are conservative.
$c+ 1nly if the forces actin) on the body are )ravitational.
$d+ 1nly if the forces actin) on the body are elastic.
3ns. $a+
3. he followin) unit measure ener)y%
$a+ Silo=watt hour.
$b+ PoltOvoltAsecOohm.
$c+ >ascalOfootOfoot
$d+ $*oulombOcoulomb+Ofarad
3ns. $a+
6. 3stronauts in stable orbits around the earth are in a state of wei)htlessness
$a+ here is no )ravitational force actin) on them.
$b+ he satellite and the air inside it have an acceleration e?ual to that of
)ravitational acceleration there.
$c+ he )ravitational force of the earth and the sun balance )ivin) null resultant.
$d+ here is no atmosphere at the hei)ht at which the satellites move.
3ns. $b+
!. 3n or)an pipe' open at both ends and another or)an pipe closed at one end'
will resonate with each other' if their len)ths are in the ratio of
$a+ 1%1
$b+ 1%6
$c+ 2%1
$d+ 1%2
3ns. $c+
8. .urin) an isothermal expansion of an ideal )as
$a+ Its internal ener)y increases.
$b+ Its internal ener)y decreases.
$c+ Its internal ener)y does not chan)e.
$d+ he wor- done by the )as is not e?ual to the ?uantity of heat absorbed by it.
3ns. $c+
9. 3 parallel plate capaciator is char)ed and the char)in) battery is then
If the plates of the capacitor are moved further apart by means of insulatin)
$a+ he char)e on the capacitor increases.
$b+ he volta)e across the plates increases.
$c+ he capacitance increases.
$d+ he electrostatic ener)y stored in the capacitor decreases.
3ns. $b+
<. wo e?ual ne)ative char)es ? are fixed at point $"'a+ and $"'=a+ on the y=axis.
3 positive char)e # is released from rest at the point $2a'"+ on the x=axis. he
char)e # will
$a+ Cxecute simple harmonic motion about the ori)in
$b+ 0ove to the ori)in and remain at rest
$c+ 0ove to infinity
$d+ Cxecute oscillatory but not simple harmonic motion
3ns. $d+
@. 3 s?uare conductin) loop of len)th :on a side carries a current I.
he ma)netic field at the centre of the loop is
$a+ Independant of :
$b+ >roportional to :O:
$c+ Inversely proportoinal to :
$d+ .irectly proportional to :
3ns. $c+
1". he focal len)th of a convex lens when placed in air and then in water will
$a+ Increase in water with respect to air
$b+ Increase in air with respect to water
$c+ .ecrease in water with respect to. air
$d+ Remain the same
3ns. $a+
11. he maximum -inectic ener)y of the photoelectron emitted from the surface is
dependant on
$a+ he intensity of incident radiation
$b+ he potential of the collector electrode
$c+ he fre?uency of incident radiation
$d+ he an)le of incidence of radiation of the surface
3ns. $c+
12. 3n electron orbitin) in a circular orbit around the nucleus of the atom
$a+ Has a ma)netic dipole moment
$b+ Cxerts an electric force on the nucleus e?ual to that on it by the nucleus
$c+ .oes not produce a ma)netic induction at the nucleus
$d+ 3ll of the above
3ns. $d+
13. he R=rays beam comin) from an R=ray tube will be%
$a+ 0onochromatic
$b+ Havin) all wavelen)ths smaller than a certain minimum wavelen)th
$c+ Havin) all wavelen)ths lar)er than a certain minimum wavelen)th
$d+ Havin) all wavelen)ths lyin) between a minimum and a maximum
3ns. $c+
16. he mass number of a nucleus is
$a+ 3lways less than its atomic number
$b+ 3lways more than its atomic number
$c+ 3lways e?ual to its atomic number
$d+ /ometimes more and sometimes e?ual to its atomic number
3ns. $d+
1!. wo successive elements belon)in) to the first transition series have the same
of electrons partially fillin) orbitals. hey are
$a+ P and *r
$b+ i and P
$c+ 0n and *r
$d+ Fe and *o
3ns. $c+
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18. When nIl has the same value for two or more orbitals'the new electron enters
the orbital where
$a+ n is maximum
$b+ n is minimum
$c+ l is maximum
$d+ l is minimum
3ns. $b+
19. 3 balloon filled with ethylene is pric-ed with a sharp pointed needle and
?uic-ly placed in a tan-
full of hydro)en at the same pressure. 3fter a while the balloon would have
$a+ /hrun-
$b+ Cnlar)ed
$c+ *ompletely collapsed
$d+ Remain unchan)ed in siTe
3ns. $b+
1<. Which of the followin) statements is not true4
$a+ he ratio of the mean speed to the rms speed is independant of temperature
$b+ the s?uare of the mean speed of the molecules is e?ual to the mean s?uared
speed at a certain temperature
$c+ 0ean -inetic ener)y of the )as molecules at any )iven temperature is
independant of the mean speed
$d+ Done
3ns. $b+
1@. Which of the followin) statements represent Raoult5s :aw
$a+ 0ole fraction of solvent F ratio of vapour pressure of the solution to vapour
pressure of the solvent
$b+ 0ole fraction of solute F ratio of vapour pressure of the solution to vapour
pressure of the solvent
$c+ 0ole fraction of solute F lowerin) of vapour pressure of the solution
$d+ 0ole fraction of solvent F lowerin) of vapour pressure of the solution
3ns. $a+
2". Clements havin) the same atomic number and the same atomic mass are
-nown as
$a+ Isotopes
$b+ Isotones
$c+ Isomers
$d+ Done of the above
21.Which is the most acidic amon)st
$a+ Ditrophenol
$b+ 1=toulene
$c+ >henol
$d+ *resol
22. >ure water does not conduct electricity because it is
$a+ 3lmost not ionised
$b+ :ow boilin)
$c+ Deutral
$d+ Readily decomposed
3ns. $a+
23. In a salt brid)e' S*l is used because
$a+ It is an electrolyte
$b+ he transference number of SI and *lZ is nearly the same
$c+ It is a )ood conductor of electricity
$d+ 3ll of the above
3ns. $d+
26. 3 depolariTer used in the dry cell batteries is
$a+ S*l
$b+ 0n12
$c+ S1H
$d+ Done of the above
3ns. $b+
2!. he hydrolysis of al-yl halides by a?ueous Da1H is best termed as
$a+ Clectrophylic substitution reaction
$b+ Clectrophylic addition reaction
$c+ Dnucleophylic addition reaction
$d+ Ducleophylic substitution reaction
3ns. $d+
28. he hydrocarbon that )ives a red precipitate with ammoniacal cuprous
chloride is $where 5[5 means a triple bond+
$a+ *H3=*H2=*H2=*H3
$b+ *H3=*[*=*H3
$c+ *H2F*H=*HF*H2
$d+ *H3=*H2=*[*H
3ns. $d+
29. Which of the followin) rea)ents is neither neutral nor basic
$a+ :ucas5 rea)ent
$b+ ollen5s rea)ent
$c+ ,ayer5s rea)ent
$d+ Fehlin)5s solution
3ns. $a+
2<. he substance which is most easily nitrated
$a+ oluene
$b+ ,benTene
$c+ DitrobenTene
$d+ *hlorobenTene
3ns. $a+
2@. *arbylamine reaction is a test for
$a+ >rimary amine
$b+ /econdary amine
$c+ ertiary amine
$d+ #uarternary ammonium salt
3ns. $a+
3". Which of the followin) oxides cannot be reduced by carbon to obtain metal
$a+ Xn1
$b+ 3l213
$c+ Fe213
$d+ >b1
3ns. $b+

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