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Computer Assisted Report

International Students Leaving

I have noticed in the Fact Book there is a decrease in enrolment of international students. So, is
this continuous decline caused by costs, social life or education? What is driving the international
students to leave the university is it is not for security issues after the revolution or the travel ban.

Mayar Maged
Since the year 1993 the number of foreign students has been declining from 20% to
reach 8% in 2012. Security issues in Egypt, as well as other problems, cause the
recent decline of international students. Also, the number of the American students
dropped from 9% in 2010 to 5.5% in 2012.

Egypt is a destination for tourists why it is not for students? There is a review about
some international students who studied in AUC. Many argue about the cost of the
university as well as freedom that they were not allowed to mix with the opposite
gender while in dormitories. But what is the actual reason behind this decline, is it
the cultural difference, the security, or another cause?

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Potential Interviewees:

Amal Salah
Director of the International
Student Affairs
Ext: 3836
Office 1056, Campus Center

What problems do international
students face?
Do these problems affect the
students stay in Egypt?
Do you think the decline in the
international students is
caused by security
problems after the
Why do you think they chose
Egypt for exchange?

Jarod R Devoogd

An international student

Why did you decide to come study
in Egypt?
How was your social life?
Did you face problems in grades?
Was the cost of living normal or it
was too high?
Can you describe the overall
experience during your stay?

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