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Reality of Poverty

A. Muthuvezhappan, IES

Poor people are those who are
considerably worse off a level of deprivation
heavily out of line with the desired living
People are said to be living in poverty if
their income and resources are so inadequate as
to preclude them from having a standard of living
considered acceptable in the society in which they
live. Because of their poverty they may experience
multiple disadvantages through unemployment,
low income, poor housing, inadequate health care
and barriers to lifelong learning, etc.

They are often excluded and marginalised
from participating in activities (economic, social
and cultural) that are the norm for other people
and their access to fundamental rights may be

Thus Poverty can be defined as non
affordability, liability and prevention of socio-
economic rights of the individual or a family to live
decently in the society. Poverty is the mirror of
the social despondency. Poor are unable to
meet the basic set of needs. It is nothing but a
distributional challenges. The relative
elasticity of poverty is much skewed in developing
countries but it is almost rigid or narrow in case
of developed countries.

The misery and magnitude of poverty
differ from one person to another, one cast to
other and one society to another and also one
place to other. The reality of poverty confesses
from its absoluteness and relativenss. The
absolute or chronic poverty expresses issues
pertaining to basic requirements of the individual
citizen. Such issues may be related to
relentlessness of starving, access to clean water,
shelter, clothing and health care. The relative
poverty is, in particular, express the overall
poverty status in a particular socio-economic and
political condition wherein the poverty ridden
vulnerable groups gets hooked around poverty
line (Minimum standard of living).

The manifestation of poverty advocates
adoption of unique policy measures to protect and
promote each citizen for a decent survival. Denial
of economic right of individual and right to live
are the main mutilating factors and a major
contributor for perceptual poverty.

Prognosis of poverty has both micro
and macro perception. The propagation of
poverty at micro level is mostly man-made. At
macro level, the major economic factors that
contribute to the severity of poverty is due to the
wrong policy adoption or failure in
implementation, and more often, it is the result a
of pilferage in the system. More than 1.3 billion
tonnes of food substances are believed to be lost
or wasted every year by consumers and food

More than 1.2 billion people still live in extreme
poverty, and an additional 2.7 billion live on
$1.25$4.00 a day and more than 1.3 billion
people live without electricity.... World Bank

Resonant to internal and external shocks,
changes in global business order have caused
vulnerability and volatility at international level

Pursuit of Poverty

The glimpse and capturing of poverty depict the
deprived and destitute conditions of the poor; having strong
religious faith, sacred or forbidden customs and taboos and a
strong caste system. Regions play a crucial role and having
strong influence in the day today life system of the poor.
Remoteness and isolation are yet other critical factors keeping
the poor in the poverty cycle.

Most of the poor do not have sufficient means to offer
anything rather than managing to fill a half stomach with non-
nutrition stuff; forced them to go for bed without eating. They
accustomed to live in the small cramped place in the urban
towns or mostly under the thatched roof in the rural; owning
small steel box to keep the things in the corner of the house;
possession of aluminium and few stainless steel utensils for
preparation of food. The coal and wood are often used as the
source of fuel in rural. It happens to see the poor wearing
tattered cloth. Most of the poor are casual labours- wage
earners. The rural villagers are depending on small piece of
land for survival and have one or more bony domesticated
animals, not yielding much milk. The age old ploughing system
is still witnessing. One monsoon failure is enough for them to
fall in the misery of indebtedness; having only dreams of
getting better monsoon in later days.

Rural witnesses a mass outflow of people from rural
to urban areas for their better survival. The poor males are
often venturing manual work or long hours of work which
fetches less remuneration. They spend major portion of their
earnings for consuming alcohol.
Most of the poor women are much prone to diseases;
premature death is rampant, children are used to engage in
domestic work or low profile jobs. Often, women and children
are prone to sexual assaults. Group mobility is frequently
visible in the case of poor living in the lower strata of society;
they are always engaged in activities like mining, farming, road
construction, etc.

The living conditions of urban poor are abysmally low
and are become pitiable. The life supporting system of rural
poor has been deteriorating and eroding very fast in the last
few decades especially, in the aftermath of industrialisation
and rapid urbanisation. An abrupt change in the economic
structure and erosion of traditional culture make the poor in
deep crisis.

The voice of the poor is fuming and feeble. The poor
is still slave to the circumstance and live in the midst of real

creating an unceasing level of poverty even in the
developed countries.

The grim of socio- economic conditions
followed by terrorism, political unrest, amassing
of wealth by a few (crony capitalism), regular
occurrence of suicides due to erratic monsoon, the
low profile of agriculture operations and parade on
rural resources, poor economic manoeuvrability of
rural life, exclusiveness created in the post
liberalization era, chasing of low-end job by the
modern youth, rampant corruption, eruption of
communal riots, political unrest, etc. are main sine
qua non for abject poverty.

Poor Personal Index.

Poverty is a matter of humiliation, self
destruction and a curse caused mainly by vicious
circle in the society. One becomes poor due to
non-availability of affordable healthy food. They
live in small houses without proper ventilation and
sanitation and are not able to meet any
eventuality like unforeseen expenses especially on
health related issues and on occasions like
festivals, family marriages, death etc.

Poverty is not a self inflicted curse. It
has different dimensions. The unhygienic living
conditions, non-affordability, non-reliability and
unsuitable access to earnings, social insecurity,
and financial seclusion- nothing to offer towards
guarantee - are among the few reasons for
poverty. The poverty cycle is a hump and the
poor are finding difficulties to travel in the raising
phase of the VC. One good monsoon can cherish
the poor but on the other they perish due to the
vagaries of monsoon.

The poverty can be classified as Rural
Poverty and Urban poverty

Low or lowest level of income is just one
cause among the many for poverty. This can
include access to decent housing, community
amenities and social networks and assets. Lack of
these resources can lead one to poverty. Poverty
can be measured based on relative income or
expenditure methods.

The panorama of Rural poverty
exhibits instability and non-guarantee of a life
supporting system. The rural economy is ever
fragile and is exposed to risk, resurrection and
misery that are so endemic and chronic in nature.
The poor in rural-base do not have anything to
offer due to their weak economic base. It can be
noticed that quite often the rural poor are simply
idle due to the vagaries of monsoon and are
vulnerable to further weak situation.

Their literacy level is the barest minimum
owing to his / her compelling situation to support
the family earnings needs, right from the early
stages of their lives. They are unable to affect any
savings from their irregular earnings due to limited
wages. Their mode of movement is mostly on
cycle or old two wheelers. Mostly they can be seen
indoor for want of work. Inadequate clothing can
be witnessed right through the roads with gents
walking with bare body. The health index
shows that they are prone to all kinds of diseases.
Since the wage pattern and the availability work-
days gives less productivity. The stress, mal-
nutrition, mental worries and other difficulties tells
upon their health system as even at the prime of
their ages, they look aged.

Quite often, the rural poor are simply idle and
without regular work. It is become worst in the
during periods of monsoon failure. However, the
urban poor manages to secure low profile jobs
with changes in job profiles without being able to
muster sufficient enough to generate income for a
decent survival.

Untouchability still prevails in some
segments of the society besides an exploitative
situation. 79.8% of Dalits live in rural. The
privileged groups are being sidelined, still
appropriated and vandalised by the other upper class
communities. Millions and millions of dalits still
perform menial jobs like the scavenging work.
They are engaged in road repair cleaning jobs,
disposal of dead corps, debris and rags removal,
clearing of toilets, safety tanks, underground
drainages, etc.

The landless and deprived groups are still
subjected to discrimination based on caste and
creed, segregation, deprivation, suppression,
isolation, serfdom and even atrocities like sexual
abuse, violence, rape, immolation, barbaric and
agonising crimes by the upper caste. Most of them
are still in the lowest strata of the society and are
in abject poverty. The illegal detrainment has got
an unpleasant impact on rural poverty and leads to
sporadic violence.

Urban poverty on the other hand projects a
palpable and pitiable condition. Often it is seen
that the urban poor emerges by way of migration
from nearby villages.

Urbanisation creates opportunity and act
as a suck pump to attract the rural labour for
economic gain. Urbanisation brings forth mass
migration and ethic crisis of acute poverty,
vulnerability, stagnation, worst civic conditions,
health hazard, unstable job with low wages, often
vulnerable to sexually transmissible diseases

Poverty among the middle class has
different manifestations. This segment of the
people prefers to retain their social status. The
high conspicuous consumption and extravagant life
style lead the

Urban middle class are in deep crisis often leading
them in a debt trap and become poorest of the
poor. Which in turn, they have dragged in the
poverty trap.

Proliferation of slums, the fast growing informal sector;
population pressure, poor infrastructure, out-cry of
endemic deceases, cult of violence, frequent shift in the
occupation etc are the peculiar characteristics of urban

Poverty Cycle

Poverty cycle can be termed as a
development syndrome (development trap)
and an epitome of underdevelopment. Poverty
cycle starts from low disposable income, denial of
participation in economic activities, low capital
formation, enhanced vulnerability and high order
of risk, low economic growth or non participation
of many in the growth grid, high dependency, less
money, low skill, feeble work, less productivity,
more vulnerability to illness, high gender
discrimination, failure of market economy, further
roll on in the poverty spiral. Persistence of
poverty is transitory in nature especially in the
developing countries. The shifting and mobility
of poverty level is closely related to monsoon and
the inflationary pressures in the various phase of
the economy.

Further, poverty can also be defined based
on intensity and the potential to fall in the risk of

1. Potential poverty- Prone-To Poverty
2. Borderline Line Of Poverty
3. Chronic Poverty
4. Ethnic Poverty
5. Poverty Among Affluence
6. Unnatural/ unusual Poverty

Potential poverty- parity of poverty, prone-To
Poverty Risk: Potential poverty and parity of
poverty depict that the occurrence of poverty and
risk of poverty is subject to over dependability,
less guarantee for livelihood and sudden
occurrence of unforeseen events in life. The better
one turns to be worst due to non job guarantee,
high risk business, forced spending for chronic
diseases etc. Borderline Line Of Poverty - The
family or household is at the helm of poverty due
to relative dependability and less income

Chronic Poverty

Poor is unable to get even two square
meals a day regularly. They used to go for bed
with half stomach and not having sufficient
disposable income to meet the bare minimum
survival needs.

Ethnic Poverty

Community poverty - particular caste or clan are
in persistent poverty for generations together.
Poverty among tribal group and schedule tribes
are classic example. Their mobility is restricted,
prevailing high degree of uncertainties in livelihood
base, high dependability and are prone to multiple
problems. Social alienation and yearlong
rehabilitation process have not made any
significant impact on their source of livelihood.
The multiple suffering makes the ethnic groups to
be more vulnerable and force them to be in the
spatial poverty trap.

Poverty among Affluence

The high life style and expenditure
pattern forced such group to dispense with
whatever they earn. But sudden changes in policy
or economic bubbles make their lives miserable
and in such a situation, this elite group is forced to
down size their expenditure option and make them

e concern on

Pilferage in


Slow Project


Low Capital
in core

Poor R &
D Back up



Fiscal policy




not better off rather than not to become wore

Unnatural/ unusual Poverty:

This type of poverty occurs whenever
there is a policy change followed by business
stagnation, over indebtedness, market failure,
bankruptcy, insolvency etc.

Politically induced poverty

Inability and instability of governance of
the State creates politically induced poverty.
Spatial poverty traps are more prone
to political instability and market driven economy.
Most of the developing countries face such crisis.
The polarisation of powers is the main cause for
these types of poverty and misery. Any wrong
policy decision, poor implementation of schemes
and erratic and slow developmental activities
would create advertise impact in the economy
which in turn brings in poverty.
Ill Health conditions

500 richest billionaires of the world controls the
416 million poorest people

The reckless squandering of labour power and swindling of
public property contribute greatly to poverty crisis. It is
more fervent in the phase of modernisation and the
countries tending towards liberalization, privatisation and
globalisation of trade and practices.

The liberalisation mechanism and
economic progression have brought in unfair
competition and left many in the cynical poverty
but lifted only a few to grab the resources and
controls of powers.

Causes of poverty

Poverty fatalism ends with social unrests,
suicides, communal violence and even may lead to
a dangerous situation like terror like activities.
Every one-fifth of the worlds population is afflicted
with poverty having an income of only less than $
1.25 per day. The calorific intake of food by the
poor is abysmally less. Most of the children are
undernourished, having underweight with high
mortality rate. The cause and consequences for
the poverty trap are many some of which are:

1. High population intensity
2. Low productivity of Agriculture
3. Illiteracy
4. Less nutritional security
5. Strong age old caste system
6. Prevalence of untouchable system in
the rural areas
7. High disguised unemployment
8. Low capital formation
9. High communal unrest
10. High Unemployment rate
11. New opening
12. Lopsided industrialisation
13. Political exploitation
14. Coney capitalism
15. Regional disparities
16. Weak civil society and Rampant
17. Exploitation of few by political
chauvinist, intellectual , bureaucrats ,
business community

Historical fact of poverty:

The Historical facts give a strong
postulation that the intensity and the impact of
poverty are multifaceted and there is a changing
dimension of poverty in the aftermath of global-led
economic growth. Many counties have fallen a pray of
the economic challenges vs development crisis, leading to
erosion of their cultural identity. The growth enabler
has triggered development impulses but left many
in starvation and lumping to environmental
degradation. The development has brought a
new situation wherein many more living beings are
forced to get trapped in the ethnicity of poverty.
The one-sided growth has created
polarisation of powers and empowered very few to
enjoy a major share of the worlds resources and
left many to starve and survive.
Concealed growth pattern has made the poor still
poorer living ever in a perpetual poverty state and

The world poverty report indicates that about
1.22 billion people lived on less than $1.25 a
day in 2010, compared with 1.91 billion in
1990, and 1.94 billion in 1981.

It is also a
well-known fact
that the poverty
rate has never
fallen below the
historic low of
11.1% for the
past many years,
If we calculate
the overall
population and
the potential
requirements per person for a decent survival, it
would come to 3 plus dollars. Will it be possible to
generate such staggering income to the population
with the prevalent constraints in the economy.

Poor are often prone to and vulnerable to violence

Prevailing economic paradigm: Economic
transformation has no doubt created pathways for
development in the present century, especially in
the in developing countries. However, the
developmental efforts have only paved the way for
a closed transition and institutionalisation of
poverty with different manifestations with
missing inclusiveness.

Poverty in the ambit of Plenty:

The growth grid has changed the profile of
developing countries. However, the efforts put in
have not ensured a contented growth. The
phase and speed of growth have benefited a few
but have perturbed many.

The agriculture productivity and level of
production have increased manifold. An alarming
situation exists due to the shrinking cultivable
lands. Availability of food grain is adequate to
feed all. But the poverty still exists. The pyramid
of growth has created polarisation of powers.
Statistically, we see that the world has enough
food based resources but in many countries, the
poverty alleviation could not be tackled. Either in
bout or bust the rural scenario remains same. The
tyranny of poverty has been passed from one
person to another and from one generation to

Consensus on problem of global food security

The deep disappointment is the
misogynistic attitude in society. The consensus on
global food security is the main issue to meet the
future challenges. Depletion of recourses,
population explosion, deprivation of human rights
etc have created flex and laxity. It is still a
known fact that
peo ple
continue to use firewood for cooking. A
depeasantation like situation is present. A vast
majority of the farmers follow subsistence type of
agricultural operations. Food security is the ethnic
issue in both Emerging Economies (EE) and
Developed Economies (DE). Heavy usages of pest
and pesticides have already eroded the soil
conditions and enmeshed the society. The
pertinent question is what are we preserving
for the future generation? It looks as though
there will be a tacit complicity of silence from
all concerned.

The global warming and shrinking of cultivable land due
to mass conversion, high chemical usage, population
pressure, low remunerations on agriculture, ridged job
and rigid labour market and high corruption are the
major worrying factors to bring in Food Safety for the
future generation.
Pathways for poverty reduction:

Ensuring Inclusiveness: An enhanced
opportunities with engendering freedom

It is a pragmatic and step by step approach
to eradicate poverty and misery by focusing
attention on developmental processes for
ensuring enhanced opportunities with
engendering freedom (to all ) and thus
assuring benefits to all citizens

The real inclusiveness starts from economic
and social justice that warrants not just the
claiming of rights alone, but participation of
each eligible individual for the legal
contribution of his/her shares towards
national wealth accumulation activities and,
in turn, a reward of enjoying all the legal
benefits by all.

Though famine conditions have been
eliminated to a greater extent with the support of
international community, yet the global economy
is still in the grip of despondency and deprivation.
Developing countries, in particular, are termed as
capital of
hunger. This
is mainly due
to lackadaisical
and lethargic
attitudes of
the ruling
class. Many
planned efforts
have not been
The yearlong empathic silence, the cohesive
tolerance, high level of corruption are the main
exhibiting factors for deep economic setbacks and
further fuelling of the barrage of poverty.
Rural India shining:
No doubt, rural India appears to be
shining. The consumption pattern and life style of
the rural people are changing and it is challenging
also. The rural poor are in the pathway of societal
changes and they can have a better standard of
living. Induced propensity to consume and
the changed intensity of spending habits have
forced the individual or group to accept these
changes that have compelled them to incurve
expenditure on hyped
life style with
changed food habits,
wearing modern
dresses and new
habitations. This is in
turn forced them to
raise loans to meet
these newly enticed
life style.

The mobility
of rural to urban is so
frequent that at each
visit the rural poor
have to spend money
from their meagre
income source. In
addition to that many
youths are migrating
to urban areas with a
hope of getting
decent earnings.

construction sector is
the major
employment provider
to this target group.
The migrated rural
poor become a victim to the urban life style
compelling them to remain in towns only. The
reality of rural industrialisation is still in dream and

Strengthening agriculture sector vs creating
opportunities at rural:

Agriculture is no more remunerative to the
poor peasant. The rural craftsmanship and rural
industries are unable to compete with modern
technology. Most of the rural industrial centres
are now closed and very few are struggling to foot
in the rural economy. Strengthening of
agriculture and agro allied enterprises under group
initiatives are urgently warranted to rekindle the
glory of
prosperity and arresting of rural economic drain.

Many attempts on rural development in
the developing countries are less penetrative and
Low saving
Low Income



Weak Rural


Post harvest

Dependability on
yet to create gainful result in the country land.
The participation of rural youth in the development
processes and transparency in allocation of fund
and execution of integrated developmental
activities are urgently required to build a strong
rural economy and to directly narrow down

It is necessary to review the current status
of ongoing developmental policies and the profile
of the productive status of the rural sectors.

Sustainable pro-poor rural development
strategy advocates 3 prong strategies viz
Employment - Enterprises- Empowerment:

Strategies for Rural Development:

1. Mapping of Rural Resources
2. Undertaking baseline studies
3. Identification of alternative development
4. Encouraging Agro-Economy in the rural
5. Preparation of Human development index
6. Encouraging community enterprises
7. Support for integrated participative
agriculture development with broad based
economic growth under group initiatives.
8. Good governance and creation of rural
youth club
9. Developing more rural industrial clusters

Key Challenges

Identification of priorities
Diversification of agricultural activities
Selection of sustainable employment
Skills development and improving
vocational training
Promotion of alternative income
generating activities
Creating a dynamic MSME sector
Creation of Agro based clusters
Formation of potential rural hubs
Increasing private sector investment and
improving Access to Finance
Creation of Effective Brand Diaspora
Opportunities from Greater Regional

Remunerative Rural Economic Integration. :

1. Developing of hybrid model of agriculture,
Horticulture, rural crafts, industry, services as
Growth Engines
2. Identification of vibrant high growth thrust
Sectors in every district based on intrinsic or
Proven potential with proper linkages
3. Creating Rural Development cetre and providing
all back up/end supports.
4 . Emphasis on self employment option across
the district
5 . Creation of employable and alternative income
generation activities for Self-help group
6. Undertaking skill upgradation training for the
rural folk
6. Creation of multifunctional service centres
7. Adoption of rural hub by financial institutions
8. Creation of multiple linkages with educational
institutions, R &D centres,
9. Developing forward linkages with user groups
10. Creation of market support for legacy products
11. Conducting mass outreach programme with
the support of IT tools

Eradication of urban poverty:

Unmindful urbanisation is causing great concern.
Fast urbanisation leads to expansion of towns and
migration of the rural population that has created
colonies of settlements in the towns and metros. It
has further created pressures on infrastructure,
public utilities, social security, services and civic
amenities. As per the estimate, more than 70
million people migrate to urban areas every year
across the world. People who migrate to towns
and cities are potentially young and with high
productivity ratio which in turn increases the urban
population size year after year.

Eradication of urban poverty is an enduring
challenge needing special attention. Booming of
service sectors in the urban areas created hype
and chasing of low paid job opportunities. The
cities are not in a position to observe such
population pressure and as a result, most of the
urban development schemes unable to be










cost of

d sector

effectively implemented. Lackadaisical and tepid
approaches have further aggravated the situation.

Rapid and unplanned growth of urban
agglomeration generates a series of negative
environmental and social results.

Suitable urban development Strategies
( A Zone of Economic Challenge):
Urban poverty eradication measures need special
focus on reducing pressure on urban population
and the foresight on tactical development of urban

The dynamic Urbanisation strategies pro poor
Urbanization, Urban Development and
management, urban governance, urban
multiplication are important strategies to eradicate
urban poverty, vulnerability, violence, destitution,
social and political exclusions.

Harmonious Development Strategies;
The Key for urban Liberation and Poverty
alleviation depends on

Area of
Strtegy option Action proposed
Food Security


Poverty alleviation
Income generation
Redistribution of
Human Development
Educing vulnerability
Ban of converting
cultivable land.
and protecting the
income base
and integrating all the
guarantee /
g unorganised/ Service
Fast track
statutory clearance
transparency system
of conversion of lands
nearby town and cities


Dependent on fissile
Good Waste
Disposable mechanism
Housing facilities

Banning on
using old vehicles
Mass solar
energy exploitation
and applications
Creation of
more satellite towns
near metros
green urban roof top
cultivation/ gardening
ion of construction
of Real Estate
of Economy Housing
complex under PPP

NGO led Community
based efforts
Construction of
Community centres
Involvement of
religion and
educational institutions
for social transition
and harmony
Good Governance
Mass participation
Strict punishment for
negligence and
Creating strong urban
raj for public
Creation of intellectual
and knowledge clubs
Creation of youth clubs
and their active
involvement in the
development activities
100% ITC based
Web enabled support
for dissemination all
legal transactions and
Urban Governance and
Decent survival Urban
growth redistributive
Good Health
care facilities
more Rapid transport
Good urban
Rural Interface
sector regulation
Creation of
self support urban
communities and
Creation of
Green environment

more subsidised food
Health care centres
under PPP mode
Good Rural urban

Prosperity in the mid of poverty:

Prosperity in the midst of poverty is the
real global challenge. Downsizing of poverty level
depends on sharing of material prosperity among
the poor and creation of opportunities to each
eligible citizen to participate in the economic
activities in such a way as to fend them to share
the economic benefits with less strain on
The bottom line is that water constraints
augmented by soil erosion, the loss of cropland to
nonfarm uses, a plateauing of yields in major
producing areas, and climate change are making
it more difficult to expand world food production.
The widening gap between rich and poor, fast
shrinking of available agricultural lands, depleting
water sources, global warming, exponential growth
of population, social disorder, economic shocks,
food insecurity are the major issues.

The world has to get solution for the ethnic crisis.
The global mutual participative sustainable
model warrants food for all and prosperity for
all and preserves the global resources for
future generation. Population pressure,
availability of land size and the vagarious of
weather are the major determinant factors for the
very survival of human beings in the world. The
war on food security and water will create a very
vulnerable situation in future. The aquifers are
being depleted and wells are going dried due to
water intensive irrigation and over pumping of
ground water. The waging of war on eradication of
poverty is relentlessly multifaceted and
multidimensional and also multinational. It urges
the mutual participation of all for not only
subsistence survival but for sustainable
development also.

(The above article is only overall view of the author. Photos clips
used in the article are downloaded from various web sites for the
purpose of emphasising the clarity of thoughts) Viewers are
requested to send their opinion and suggestions to

A. Muthuvezhappan, IES
Dy. Adviser
Mob: 91+9444927111

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