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Bias- One sided view, not balanced or fair

Contemporary- At the same time as
Hindsight- Looking back at events, giving a different perspective

Tyranny- Absolute ruler, oppressive, sometimes seized power

Manhood Suffrage- The right of all adult men to vote
Emancipation- Setting free e.g. slaves set free

Aristocracy- Nobility, ruling group defined by birth or social rank
Hierarchy- Social ladder, marking status or rank in society
Peasant- Small family of farmers who rely on farming, low status
Nationalisation- Idea that industry should be run and owned by state
Socialism- Idea for a fairer society with equal distribution of wealth
Nationalism- Promoting independence and national identity
Capitalism- Property, business & industry owned by a private individual
Communism- Theory of social equality with no social classes

Political Reform- Change in the electoral system
Liberalism- Idea of increasing rights/ reform of abuses
Dissidents- Those who oppose/ criticise policy/system
Radicals- Reformers who want significant change for more rights
Conservative- Supporting traditional institution or ideas/adverse to change
Reactionary- Extremely opposed to change/process. Assertive
Repression- Restrictions and subjection of people by force

Propaganda- Information to promote/ damage a political course
Constitution- Rules of shared state power, written or unwritten
Franchise- The right to vote
Democracy- Government answerable to the people/ elected reps
Subversion- Undermine existing political system
Legislature- Law making bodies e.g. parliament
Totalitarian- Styles of government that attempt to control of all areas of life
Empire- Control of conquered territories
Coup- Attempt to seize power
Revolution- Overthrow the government, usually by violence
Ideology- Political visions/ideas e.g. communism, liberalism

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