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Geocaching - Useful Links

We've gathered a list of links that relate to Geocaching. If you have any other suggestions, please email

Geocaching Resources & Tools

• Geocaching Software
There are various geocaching-aware software applications that you can use as a companion to
your GPS unit. For example, some allow you to download geocaching waypoints to the software,
and directly to your GPS device.
• Groundspeak Goodies
Desktop wallpapers and other goodies from Groundspeak, the company that runs the web site.
• Geocacher U
Provides geocachers with helpful information on getting started in the game. It also has excellent
information on paperless caching. Home of the 'Let's Go Geocaching' brochure.

Hitchhiker (see: Travel Bugs) Companions

• - Put your books out in the wild and track them online.
• CacheUNuts - Cache games in Utah

Marketing and Corporate Teambuilding Events

• Geoteaming® - Marketing and Corporate Team Building Events with PlayTime Inc.

General Resources

• sci.geo.satellite-nav - The newsgroup where Geocaching began.

• - Joe Mehaffey and Jack Yeazel's GPS Information Website

Other Organizations

• Where's George? (Disclaimer) - Track your bills (US Currency)

• EuroBillTracker - Track Euros (Similar to Where's George)
• Where's Willy? and Canadian Money Tracker - Track Canadian Bills (Similar to Where's George)
• The Degree Confluence Project
• Letterboxing North America
• Armchair Treasure Hunt Club
The Armchair Treasure Hunt Club is for people who like puzzles that lead to real buried
treasure. The web site contains all the details about the Club and how to join, as well as other
features like a bulletin board and chat area.
• International Orienteering Organization
Orienteering has been described as "running while playing chess" and "cunning running". Map
reading and compass skills are a must, as well as a good constitution.
Advanced Geocaching

This is a list of websites that we have used for advanced features of


Downloading Waypoints: - Here you can download free software to download and manage your
waypoints for caches.

Geocaching clubs: - The Utah Association of Geocachers main website

Websites to help: - Anagram Decoder for riddles - Latitude and Longitude conversion from different formats. - Tool to encrypt and decript with Caesar Cipher. - Tool to encrypt and decript with Vigenere Cipher. - Tool to encrypt and decript with The PigPen Cipher.

Cool Google Earth Links: - Google Earth browser for Google Earth - About Google Earth KML

From: Sited suggested by Pam Hay, 4-H YD, Lawrence Co. 01/2008

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