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Landscape / My London

Task Comment Target Grade: C
Landscape class tasks Good annotation and some careful photography but too
many tasks are incomplete. You must complete the
Hockney (spell his name correctly) analysis: Context
(when / where) Technique (what) Intentions (Why) and
include your joiner asap.
Make sure that the style and size of your font is
consistent across your weebly.
My London Where is all the development?- the contact sheets,
annotations, experiments and the final piece? You were
really motivated in this project however, you must
organise yourself so that work is documented on your
weebly as you progress. I have been really impressed by
your control of difficult techniques such as tilt shift. You
need to document the process through screen grabs on
your weebly to show that you can do it.
Final pieces are carefully executed but without the prep
on your weebly, you cannot score highly.

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