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I will achieve this through the following pedagogical approach:

Example Teaching Strategies Reasons for implementing this


I will act as an advocate for
negotiated learning and
liaise with the school
principal, fellow educators,
and parents. I will need to
gain a solid understanding of
the Australian Curriculum in
order to plan for negotiated-
learning. To engage in
professional practice, I must
comply with policies and
procedures enforced by
Engaging in open communication with
school principals, work colleagues and
parents not only complies with the Code
of Ethics by demonstrating integrity
through professional relationships, but it
also complies with The Code of School
Behaviour policy document, and the
National Professional Standards for
Teachers (Australian Institute for
Teaching and School Leadership, 2011;
Queensland College of Teachers, n.d.; &
Queensland Government, 2007)
I will engage in ongoing
reflective practice to assess
the effectiveness of my
teaching strategies in order
for me to further develop my
pedagogical practice.
Reflecting on student
performance also informs
future planning in
Documentation is a
significant aspect in
advocating for negotiated
Reflective practice is crucial in promoting
student success and is a significant aspect
in the teaching and learning cycle.
Reflective practice complies with the
National Professional Standards for
Teachers (Australian Institute for
Teaching and School Leadership, 2011)
I will apply the Ethical
Response Cycle when
addressing the dilemma to
ensure that I consider the
legal and ethical aspects
during the decision-making
Newman and Pollnitzs Ethical Response
Cycle was developed to help guide
educators in making ethical decisions
when confronting complex dilemmas
(Newman & Pollnitz, 2002).

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