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Mueller Charter Leadership Academy

Centro Cultural de la Raza

Darianna Villalobos
Mr. Medina
Humanities K7
May 29, 2014

The Centro Cultural de la raza used to be storage for water. They decided to
take out the water and build this place were people could learn about their roots. In
the Centro cultural they teach different type of cultural dances during the week.
They teach people how to play cultural rhythms on the drums. They are all about the
culture. They have paintings that have messages and sometimes represent the
They have one big mural that was painted by a student his name is Yermo
Aranda. It took him 15 years to paint the mural. But before he started painting the
mural he went on a trip to Mexico to learn about his roots. There are messages in
the mural. There is a dark side and a good side in the mural. Its also about history.

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