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Year 6 Homework Contract!

Week 4, Term 2, 14

The following is a suggested plan to complete your homework this week. You are free to juggle
your homework to fit in with family events and after school commitments. You MUST complete the
set pieces of work by Thursday and bring the pack to school to be marked and your results recorded.

Monday: Spelling
Rule up a page in your homework book in four equal columns. Copy this weeks list words into
column one. Every day this week you will need to write out your list words in preparation for Fridays
spelling test.
Rule up another page in the same way and write out your 3, 5 and 7 times tables in division pattern.
(see below)

Tuesday: SOSE
This week you will start your SOSE project on the migration. You need to spend time every week
working on the task.
You are to interview a person who has migrated to Australia from another country. This may
be a family member, a neighbour or a family friend. Use the questions given to you in SOSE
to gain an insight on the experiences they may have had while migrating to Australia and
how their life may have been different since coming to Australia.

Wednesday: Maths Worksheet
Multiply each number by the one in the middle and write the answer next to the number that was
multiplied. The first one is done for you.

Complete any homework set by specialist teachers tonight. Remember to revise Japanese as direct
by Mrs Kourouyianni. Learn your spelling words for your test tomorrow. Catch up on any work that
you have outstanding. Check with your teacher about this.

How is your reading going?
You need to read something EVERY night and record the details of what you have read I
your diary. Make sure you make it a priority to complete it each week!


7 11 3 10
12 1
8 2
10 4
5 9
6 7 2 0

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