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Ancients Legacy



Chapter 1:

She is impressive, Ash stopped. For a moment he wondered how Marek had come this close
undetected. She is everything I imagine a warrior princess should be. A spirited natural beauty,
strong and proud, she has the spark of a born leader and her speech regal eloquent.
It could just as easily be a trick,
The seers say no, was Mareks unruffled reply,
The seers have been wrong before, Ash countered,
And they will be wrong again, but it seems not this day.
I still dont like it, Ash shot back, a storm of his emotions welled up threatening his already tenuous
hold on his temper.

Ash was afraid to go home. It was a strange and unexpected revelation now that he was back inside
Havens white walls, disquieting to feel the safety of his home violated. The familiar white stone
roadways somehow felt alien under his feet as the prospect of change blew through the wind.
Mage-kinds last refuge from a cruel and callous world was no longer a secret, its vast repository of
ancient knowledge available to outsiders for the first time since its rediscovery a mere decade ago.

Ash had taken to the Green-veil hoping to clear his head; the magic saturated forests many dangers
a violent balm for violent thoughts. Hed hunted the veils nightmare beasts and in turn been hunted,
hes stayed a step ahead of predatory plants that stalked the unwary as well as any hunter that
called this place home.
There was a simplistic elegance in the struggle for survival that washed away unnecessary thought
and left only the freedom of pure instinct.

The warmth

There were times Ash remembered little beyond the fear and the pain, there were questions; words
that meant little to a broken soul more animal than man. Reason nothing more than a dim memory
of a humanity driven out by the cruelty of his fellow man, crushed beneath an iron boot heel of self-
righteousness. In the end Ash prayed for death; begged for an end to his suffering, but his
tormentors knew their jobs too well. They kept him alive just enough to wish he was dead.

We once served the same master,
That which you serve is no longer that which we serve,

Practice makes perfect, the spear was chilly to the touch, the enormous power of pure magic
harnessed into a masterpiece. A product of years of dogged study and relentless focus,

Ash (Sorrow)

Marcus Varro
Aldus Grey (Founder of the Grey knights, Ascended)

Caleb Rivers (Frost)
Cara Rivers (Flare)

Alana Vadis (Siren)

Marek Raines (Senior Grey Knight; Kyles mentor)

Alana Valerian (older)
Alyssa Valerian

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