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SPED 406 Woodcock/Johnson Achievement Report

Name: Luke Date of irth: 08/09/2003

Assessor!s Name: Lynsey Date of Assessment: 11/02/2012
"rade #eve$: 4.2 %&A&: 9.3
Reason for Referra$:
Luke was referred for an achievement assessment due to classroom teachers concerns
with his lack of !ro"ress in readin"# writin" and math# as well as mothers concerns
e$!ressed to teacher.
ack'ro(nd )nformation :
Luke is a 9 years old %aucasian &oy. Luke has one youn"er &rother and lives with his
mother and father. 'is mother is e$tremely involved in his schoolin". (he wants the &est
for Luke and is there for su!!ort. ) "ained this information throu"h s!eakin" with his
mother and o&servin" their interactions with one another.
Luke is currently in a fourth "rade "eneral education classroom settin". 'is current
vision and hearin" screenin"s# &ased on the school nurses re!ort are avera"e. Luke is
not re*uired to wear "lasses or hearin" aides.
ehaviora$ *+servations:
Luke entered the testin" situation in an e$tremely nervous state. 'e seemed worried
a&out the test and was fid"ety throu"hout test. +urin" the actual testin"# Luke was
confident in his answers &ut still sli"htly reserved when deliverin" them. 'e was
reserved in the fact that it took him a little &it of time to answer each *uestion# &ut once
he started talkin"# he seemed sure a&out his answers.
Assessment ,sed:
,oodcock/-ohnson ))) .,/-/
0his test has a mean of 100 and a (tandard +eviation of 11# and is a standardi2ed#
individually administered achievement assessment in the areas of readin"# writin"# math#
and listenin" skills.
Disc(ssion of Res($ts:
0ests and su&tests results: .34 5 "rade e*uivalent# 67 5 !ercentile# ((8 standard score#
948 a"e e*uivalent.
W/J ))) 34 67 (( 94
Letter8word )dentification
9!!lied 6ro&lems
6assa"e com!rehension
,ritin" (am!le
Narrative E-p$anation:
#etter./ord identification: )n this su&test# students identify individual letters and then
individual words. ,ords "et !ro"ressively harder throu"hout the test. 0his test is a si"ht
reco"nition test that measures Lukes a&ility to read individual words.
Luke achieved a "rade e*uivalent score of third "rade# si$th month. Luke !ronounced
certain words correctly such as knew and whole. 'e was correctly a&le to identify one8
sylla&le words with a silent letter at the &e"innin" of the word. (ome words that were
difficult for Luke to read were experience and achieved. 0hese items were &oth two8
sylla&le words that contain the vowel se*uence of ie. Lukes falls into the 3:
in Letter8word identification.
Passa'e %omprehension: 0his su&test re*uires students to read short !assa"es .182
sentences/ silently and insert a missin" word. )t re*uires a!!ro!riate readin" a&ility as
well as use of conte$t clues.
Luke achieved a "rade level e*uivalency of third "rade# fifth month. Luke was a&le to
infer what the correct answer was when "iven a !icture that correlates directly to the
*uestion. ,hen findin" missin" words# Luke was a&le to correctly insert nouns into the
!assa"es. 0asks that were difficult for Luke were findin" words that were a little less
o&vious to insert. 9n e$am!le of a !assa"e that was difficult for Luke was insertin" the
words round# circular or sha!ed into the !assa"e: 7e!tile e""s look a lot like &ird e""s.
(ome are almost !erfectly;;;;;;like !in"8!on" &alls< others are o&lon". Luke is in the
!ercentile in !assa"e com!rehension.
Spe$$in': .=or this su&test# students are asked to s!ell words that are ranked accordin" to
"rade difficulty./
Luke is at a "rade level e*uivalency of second "rade# ninth month. Luke did very well
with si"ht words such as was, under and house. 'is stren"th is sim!le si"ht words. Luke
had more difficulty with words such as plane, early and cough. 0hese words are not
s!elled the way they sound. )t was difficult for Luke to s!ell these words &ecause he
wanted to sound them out and was not a&le to. Luke is in the 2>
!ercentile for s!ellin".
Writin' Samp$e: 7e*uires students to write sentences in res!onse to a series of !ictures
that increase in difficulty.
Luke is at a "rade level e*uivalency of third "rade# fifth month. Luke was a&le to write
sim!le sentences that referred to a clear !icture. 0he sentences that he answered the
stron"est were &ased on !ictures that were sim!le and clear. 'e did a "ood ?o&
identifyin" nouns and their actions shown in the !ictures. Luke had difficulty with tasks
that asked him to infer se*uence of events. 'e was not a&le to make first/then statements.
Luke is in the 39
!ercentile in writin" sam!les.
1he t/o math s(+tests /ere %a$c($ation 2a $ist of sin'$e3 do(+$e3 and trip$e addition3
s(+traction3 m($tip$ication and division pro+$ems43 and App$ied Pro+$ems 2/ord or
stor5 pro+$ems4
Luke is at "rade level e*uivalency of third "rade# ei"hth month in calculation. 'e did
well with sin"le and dou&le addition and su&traction. 'e correctly answered *uestions
such as 9 @ :A and 89 5 18A . 'e had difficulty with multi!lication !ro&lems such 8 $
1A and 13 $ :A . Luke would not attem!t any division !ro&lems. Luke is in the 3:

!ercentile in calculation.
Luke is at "rade level e*uivalency of third "rade# third month in a!!lied !ro&lems. 'is
stren"ths were &ein" a&le to correctly identify amounts of coins when added to"ether. 'e
also did well when readin" a "ra!h such as a thermometer. Luke had difficulty with
word !ro&lems that contain the !hrase how many more. 'e could not calculate how many
more !ro&lems that involved 3 su&?ects in the *uestion. Luke is in the 29
!ercentile in
a!!lied !ro&lems.
Luke is a nine years old %aucasian &oy who is currently in a 4
"rade "eneral education
settin". Luke e$hi&its a lack of !ro"ress in readin"# writin" and math. Luke was a little
nervous and shy a&out takin" the test. )t took him some time to rela$ and seem
comforta&le. )n readin"# he is currently at "rade level e*uivalence of 3.># math is 3.1 and
in writin" he is at 3.1. Luke answered all the *uestions that were "iven to him in each
Recommendations: Based on the current results of the ,oodcock/-ohnson and
o&servations durin" the assessment# the followin" classroom recommendations are

7eadin" +ecodin" and %om!rehension:
1. %ontinue findin" missin" words in 1 sentence !rom!ts. 3radually increase
difficulty level.
2. %ontinue readin" words with silent &e"innin" sounds.
3. 6ractice words with CieD sounds.

1. 6ractice s!ellin" words with CouD sounds.
2. 6ractice s!ellin" sim!le words that cannot &e sounded out.
3. 6ractice words that are multisylla&ic.
1. %ontinue writin" what is shown in sim!le !ictures.
2. 6ractice writin" what comes ne$t in a se*uence of events

1. 6ractice multi!lication while usin" flashcards.
2. 6ractice division while usin" flashcards.
3. 6ractice word !ro&lems that involve the !hrase Chow many moreD.

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