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Shall not be mistreated nor disrespected, for we shall not disrespect

nor mistreat our teacher nor fellow student . We shall have the
right to speak our mind as long as it is appropriate for school. We
shall not be robbed of our properties and pride by another student or
We shall have... rights.
Amendment I (1)-Freedom of religion, speech, and the
press; rights of assembly and petition.

Amendment II (2)- Freedom to raise hand when a
student has a question or comment to make.

Amendment III (3)-The right of the people to be secure
in their classrooms, and hallways.

Amendment IV (4)- Property of a or the student shall
not be taken without a fair reason.

Amendment V (5)- No student shall be punished without
reliable evidence for a fair reason.

Amendment VI (6)-All students should be allowed to
take one water or bathroom break.

Amendment VII (7)- We the students should be able to
ask question when we have one.

Amendment VIII (8)- We the students shall be able to
ask for help when needed.

Amendment IX (9)- Students should be able to work in a
stress free environment.

Amendment X (10) Students shall have rights in school .

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