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I. Topic: “Current Ethical Debates”

A. Natural Moral Law
B. Deontology and Moral Responsibility
II. Divide the students into teams:
Students will be divided into four (4) groups.
1st and 2nd group - Natural Moral Law

Proponent of Reproductive Rights: Individuals have the
right to control their own bodies and make decisions
about their reproductive health, including the right to
access safe and legal abortion services. Reproductive
rights are essential for gender equality and the
autonomy and well-being of individuals, and they
should be protected and respected by law. Denying
individuals access to reproductive health care, including
abortion, is a violation of human rights and can lead to
negative health outcomes, such as unsafe abortions,
maternal mortality, and pregnancy-related

Opponent of Reproductive Rights: Human life begins at

conception, and therefore, abortion is morally and
ethically wrong. The right to life should be protected
from the moment of conception, and any interference
with the natural process of pregnancy is a violation of
this right. Moreover, abortion has negative
consequences for both the fetus and the mother,
including physical, psychological, and emotional harm.
Instead of promoting abortion as a solution to
unwanted pregnancies, society should focus on
preventing unintended pregnancies through education,
contraception, and support for adoption and parenting.
3rd and 4th group - Deontology and Moral Responsibility

Patients have the right to end-of-life care that respects

their autonomy:
This stance argues that patients have the right to
make decisions about their own end-of-life care, including
the option of medically assisted dying. Patients have the
autonomy to decide when and how they want to end their
lives, and denying them this right is a violation of their
personal freedom. The focus should be on providing
patients with the information and resources they need to
make informed decisions about their end-of-life care,
while also ensuring that proper safeguards are in place to
prevent abuse.

End-of-life care should prioritize preserving life and

providing comfort:
This stance argues that the primary goal of end-of-
life care should be to preserve life and provide comfort to
the patient. While patients have the right to make
decisions about their own care, the focus should be on
providing them with the support they need to live as long
as possible with the best quality of life possible. This
approach emphasizes palliative care and pain
management rather than medically assisted dying, and it
seeks to ensure that patients are not coerced or pressured
into making decisions about their end-of-life care that
they may regret.

III. Research: Students should do research regarding the

topic thoroughly to gather relevant information and
evidence to support their arguments. You can provide
them with resources or suggest places to look for
IV. Prepare arguments: Each team should prepare their
arguments and evidence to support their stance. They
should also prepare counter-arguments to anticipate the
opposing team's arguments.

V. Rules and format:

Opening statement: Each team or individual will give an
opening statement to present their argument and set the
tone for the debate. This statement should be concise and
clear. (2 minutes)
Rebuttal: After the opening statements, each team or
individual will have a chance to rebut their opponent's
arguments. This is an opportunity to directly address and
counter the points made by the other side. (2 minutes
per rebuttal, 2 rebuttals only)
Cross-examination: Each team or individual will have the
opportunity to ask the other side questions related to their
argument. This is a chance to challenge the other side's
position and gain more information about their argument.
Closing statement: Each team will have a chance to give a
closing statement summarizing their argument and why
they believe they have won the debate.
Respectful behavior: Debates should be conducted in a
respectful manner. Personal attacks and insults are not
allowed, and all speakers should listen to and consider the
opposing side's arguments.
Remember, the goal of a debate is to present and argue a
position, not to attack or belittle the other side. Keep the
discussion focused on the topic and try to remain calm
and professional throughout the debate. Good luck!

VI. Evaluation and debriefing:

After the debate, there will be an evaluation of the
performance of each team and giving of feedback.

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