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0736613276 The Abortion Pill:

Medical Abortion with Mifepristone and Misoprostol

What is the Medical Abortion?
Medical abortion is a procedure that uses arious !edications to end a pre"nanc#$ A
!edical abortion is started either in a doctor%s office or at ho!e with isits to #our health
care proider$
Medical abortion doesn%t re&uire anaesthesia or sur"er#' but it should be done earl# in
pre"nanc#$ (nli)e a sur"ical procedure' a !edical abortion usuall# is done without
enterin" the uterus$
*urin" the procedure
Medical abortion can be done usin" the followin" !edications:
+ral !ifepristone and oral !isoprostol$ This is the !ost co!!on t#pe of !edical
abortion' li)el# due to the ease of oral rather than a"inal dosin"$ These !edications
!ust be ta)en within seen wee)s of the first da# of #our last period$ Mifepristone ,!if-
uh-P./0-tone1 2 also )nown as .(-346 2 bloc)s the action of the hor!one
pro"esterone' causin" the linin" of the uterus to thin and preentin" the e!br#o fro!
sta#in" i!planted and "rowin"$
Misoprostol ,!#-so-P.+0-tol1 causes the uterus to contract and e5pel the e!br#o
throu"h the a"ina$ /f #ou choose this t#pe of !edical abortion' #ou !ust isit #our
health care proider twice to ta)e the !edications and then afterward to !a)e sure the
abortion is co!plete$
Methotre5ate in6ection and a"inal !isoprostol$ This t#pe of !edical abortion !ust be
done within seen wee)s of the first da# of #our last period$ Methotre5ate is "ien as a
shot b# #our health care proider and the !isoprostol is later used at ho!e$ 7ou !ust
isit #our health care proider within a wee) of "ettin" a !ethotre5ate shot for an
ultrasound to confir! if the abortion is co!plete$ /f the pre"nanc# continues' another
dose of !isoprostol will be "ien$
8a"inal !isoprostol alone$ This !ethod !a# be used oer a broader ran"e of "estational
a"es' but re&uires schedulin" !ultiple doses of the !edication$ 8a"inal !isoprostol
alone can be effectie in pro!otin" the co!pletion of a !iscarria"e 2 a spontaneous
abortion where the e!br#o has died$
The !edications used in a !edical abortion cause a"inal bleedin" and abdo!inal
cra!pin"$ The# !a# also cause:
9ausea' 8o!itin"' :eer' ;hills' *iarrhea' <eadache$
7ou !a# be "ien !edications to !ana"e pain durin" and after the !edical abortion$
7ou !a# also be "ien antibiotics$
7our health care proider will e5plain how !uch pain and bleedin" to e5pect' dependin"
on the nu!ber of wee)s of #our pre"nanc#$ 7ou !i"ht not be able to "o about #our
nor!al dail# routine durin" this ti!e' but it%s unli)el# #ou%ll need bed rest$ Ma)e sure #ou
hae plent# of absorbent sanitar# pads$
/f #ou hae a !edical abortion in a health care proider%s office or clinic' #ou%ll hae a
pelic e5a! before #ou%re "ien additional doses of !isoprostol to see if the foetus has
been e5pelled$ The fre&uenc# and stren"th of #our uterine contractions also will be
!onitored$ While the !ost disco!fort !a# last one to two hours' spottin" before and
bleedin" after could last two wee)s$
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