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MBA-2 Years
(Methods in Business Research)

Historical Background
In the past the universities of Pakistan offer only the morning programs, but with the passage
of time the trend changes and evening classes started offered by different universities and
then they also started offer the executive classes mostly MBA Executive classes by different
business schools of Pakistan. Now the trend is changing to the distance learning and the
weekend programs. Many universities are now offering these types of programs. In most of
the past studies it is stated that the change in trend is due to the change in the technology and
the increase in the strength of the students in the universities.
Current Study
The current study is on the changing trend in the education sector of Pakistan and it is more
focused on the business schools of the Lahore which are offering different types of the
programs. Moreover how the students and the teachers think about these changing trends of
the education.
As it is stated earlier that in the past the trend was only morning classes and regular classes
but with the passage of time and the improvement in the technology and also the increase in
the population the trend of education is changing and moving toward morning, evening,
executive classes and from the regular classes to the weekend classes.
Evidence of the Topic
This research is valid because there are many researches which are done before related to the
topic and there are some identified variables on which we can do further research.

Find out the changing trends
Structure of programs being offered ( evening, weekend, distance learning)
Which type of programs like by students?
Which type of programs mostly favours the teachers?
What are the benefits of different types of programs offered by schools or
Which is the most emerging trend in business schools?

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