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Promotional Plan Requirement/Outline

Description of the existing situation including company objectives, company strengths,

etc. You should also do a detailed competitive analysis.

A detailed analysis of the communication objectives, message strategy, creative brief,
pre-test of advertising concepts, ad execution, budget and media plan.

Creative approach: An explanation and justification of the creative approach in terms of
the campaign strategy.

Media strategy: An explanation and justification of the media strategy.

Target audience: An explanation and justification of the chosen target segment in terms
of the behaviour, attitude and lifestyle.

Effectiveness: An explanation and justification of the chosen measures of campaign
effectiveness i.e. how you will assess whether the campaign objectives were met.

A jointly written report of 2000 words maximum excluding references and appendices
explaining the rationale for the chosen pitch ideas. The proportion of space given to each topic is
up to groups to decide for themselves, depending on the particular pitch.

A diary of all group meetings, recording attendance, time/date, venue and minutes. Each meeting
must have an attendance sheet signed off by all group members present. Emails can also be
included as evidence of communication.

Marking Criteria:

Presentations: Pitch presentations will be judged on five road criteria: impact, coherence,
research, creativity and group ethos. We will allocate up to 15 marks under each of these
categories for each presentation. Each group member must take a speaking part, even if it is
small. If any group members do not take an active speaking part marks will be deducted under
the group ethos category. All group members will normally be allocated the same marks. If any
groups wish to argue for a higher or lower marks to be allocated to one or more individuals they
must see me before the presentations have taken place to argue the case, bringing the diary as

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