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Form Type Level Attuned Active Cost

* Battle Axe Magic Weapon 12 (L12 Fire) 1170000

Inhabitation (Battle Axe) -------
Three-Dimensial Movement -------
Telepathic Link -------
Flame Projection -------
Flame Aura -------
Flame Guard -------
Astral Gateway 180000
Aura Masking 90000
Sense Link 90000
Dispelling 90000
Sorcery 90000
Stun Bolt Force 12 Drain M1 90000
Stun Blast Force 12 Drain S1 90000
Detect Enemies (ER) Force 6 Drain S1 45000
Mind Probe Force 12 Drain M1 90000
Antidote Deadly Toxin Force 2 Drain S2 15000
Cure Deadly Disease Force 2 Drain D2 15000
Heal Serious Wounds Force 4 Drain S2 30000
Heal Deadly Wounds Force 2 Drain D2 15000
Invisibility Force 10 Drain L2 75000
Phsical Mask Force 8 Drain L2 60000
Control Thoughts Force 12 Drain L2 90000
Personal Mana Barrier Force 12 Drain M1 90000
Personal Physical Barrier Force 12 Drain M2 90000
Total Cost: 2505000
Fatigue [][][][][][][][][][]
The Great Dragon Lofwyr made him an offer, Lofwyr would construct
an item of great power in return for the ring, money equall to half
the base market value of the item, and certain services to be named
at a later time. The services include but are not limited to:
1. Loyalty to Lofwyr and thus Tir Tarngire.
2. Complete reports about all paranormal information he finds.
3. To act as an covert agent in the technological world at large.
4. Total secrecy concerning all Tir Tarngire activities.
The item itself acts as the liasion between Manticore and Lofwyr.

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