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It is practiced in groups of 8-10 people depending on the field in which they play, is to
shoot paintballs in the opposite group as a battlefield, there's no need to have experience as
all regulations and instructions will be given necessary for the development of the activity.
Necessary equipment to carry out the activity: antitrmica Mask, Flak Jacket, paintball,
rifle war.
This sport is practiced by friction mechanisms where the person down by ropes, the intent
of this sport is to allow the athlete to lose the fear of heights and increase your adrenaline
level through unexpected obstacles and great heights that give the feeling of defiance of
gravity. Attachments for conducting the activity: Dynamic rope, carabiners, safety hooks
with eight downhill.
This is a sport that involves being carried away by the current of the river, where they range
from 6 to 8 people in a raft, guided by an expert who will help you on this journey. There
are 6 ranges of difficulty classifying this sport, level 1 where he practices in a normal
current, range 2 to 5 the slightly faster experience is lived and is recommended for any
tourist, and for the range 6 have extreme speed is classified as the riskiest. Attachments for
conducting the activity: vest, helmet, suits, paddles, whistles, strings
It is a sport that enables live experience of adrenaline by lowering waterfalls at high
altitude, this activity is it recommended for all those who like to explore, experience strong
emotions and above all interact with nature, for its realization are specialized supervisors or
certified instructors. Attachments for conducting the activity: Dynamic rope, carabiners,
safety hooks with eight downhill, slings, harness, helmet

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