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How do we balance?
- keeping up with where our students are with a technology
- maintaining the relationship/connection
- establishing appropriate boundaries so all are feeling safe (students, teachers, etc.)

Classrooms and people, who are teaching in them, are far behind in the use of
technology. Cost, training and user confidence (teachers) are three of the major concerns.

Privacy - how to maintain appropriate barriers. Synervoice – the school coming into the

How will perception of individual/personal rights/privacy change as a result of growing

up with such advances in technology? How will youth of today/tomorrow comparison to
the perspective of the adding/seniors? Do we need courses on communication ethics?

Access to the hardware for everyone.

We are behind, way behind. We nee teachers and admin who embrace this to run “pilots”
for ground breaking stuff.

Technology gap can develop between haves/have nots and generation gap. Corporate
influence/invasion is a downside.

Growing discrepancy between have/have not schools, families, communities, etc.

Technology vs. past, that we don’t know how to use it.

Keeping students develop the “cultural eye” about what they read online and also about
what they post online.

Cyber bullying is easy for kids to do as they don’t have to face the emotional issues.
Brining educators up to speed.

Creating capacity to “let go” to capture the strength and breadth of technology for
teaching, learning and communicating.

Technology comes with risks. We have to be prepared to risk, that technology will be
used inappropriately in order to obtain the positive benefits.

To what extent are we holding students back because of our lack of comfort or
understanding of technology?

We always seem to be using and demoing with the latest product for teachers and schools
witch are more advanced. What about those without? Our reality theys vs. they nots.
Speed – will we lose some kids/adults who can’t keep up (some probably could not keep
up with speed of the videos).
Etiquette issues, when it appropriate/ inappropriate.
Privacy issues, build expectation that schools are instantaneously updating info and

Align content of Ministry curriculum in belief that skills, process and how to access info
are important

Equity of availability based on cost. Does everyone have access? How do many keep up
with new editions, etc.

The danger of any change is the interim:

-some people want to move forward, some want to keep things the same
-the differences between these people cause friction and disharmony

The disconnection between what we see today and what we are doing. Visual connection
and access to info. Setting in desks clustering in notebooks researching in libraries.

Ready information obsolesces teaching for information. Teaching for information has
been contraindicated by educational researches for many decades as the lag in adjustment
is now emphasized by advancements in technology. Does the education system become

Too much concern with safety: why can’t we work out this as opportunity to learn join
with some positive out works. We need to guide our kids on positive power of tech

Current curriculum is not connected to technology

Feel leery, left out, behind the times. Need to learn more, inquisitive.

How can we protect our young?

Makes dinosaurs out of adults breeds o lot of fear.

Have and have not kids and schools. What happens to show kids who can’t afford the

Kids getting YouTube music videos and playing them at the same time as you are trying
to teach another application. You’ve got no control.

This requires an actual future without Global Crisis

Technology is value neutral. It is not “good” or “bad” – it simply “is”! As thinkers we

must embrace change, not fear it. We must integrate this way of knowing as the thinking
tool that it is. Concern is – How are we using technology to further develop student

Money, time, loss of connectiveness. Way too public, out of control, outside comfort

How do we as educators stay “up” with the technology that our students are very well
versed in.

Have you ever seen the movie Idiocracy? We’re going there quickly. What are the new
devices doing to our bodies/health ant environment? We’ll find out very soon.

How can we find time to keep up with the technology?

How do we find the time to “learn” all we need to know to keep up with all these new
and amazing technology? How do we get “resistant” and fearful educators to move

Student lack of maturity causes extensive use of media for a malicious gossip and vicious
attacks on staff.

Concerns over student safety and their understanding of ramification of their

action/words on line.

Overwhelmed. How can I possibly keep up?

With the incredible advancements in technology, there is an ongoing challenge with

educating our students on the implications (example: online safety)

Total frustration within some when the technology does not lore (specially when it is the
“tech” school).

With all this immediate publishing, posting and sharing, how do we encourage socially
responsible participation?

Is the gadgets gap between those who have & those who have not going to widen?

No restriction, inappropriate use.

What happens to personal experience and learning from that experience, i.e. trial & error.
Disconnect from real people. When do you have too much info? What happens to being
alone and away from “it all”?

What will be the primary role of schools?

Pace of change! Technology developers are investing/ manufacturing the next generation
of new technology using current technology. If we are not keeping up with kids, are they
going to be keeping up in their near future (< 10 years). What are the social implications
for what I see as a rapidly growing social/human disconnect?

Concerns around students/safety – mo matter how we talk, students still continue to leave
themselves open. Lack of privacy. How do we continue to create critical thinkers, other
than those that provided the information into the data management? Biases.

Mystery is gone in life. Do you really need to know everything?

Appropriate use by students and staff. Are they responsible enough to make good
choices? Adults in building are behind where students are in terms of technology.

Social bullying on facebook – posts are afterschool and on weekends, yet the source of
the connection of the students is SCHOOL, therefore it was something I spent hours
dealing with. Students without technology will be just more at risk for inability to
succeed as those without access to literature. Teachers NEED in-service. They are not
comfortable with basic technology yet. Don’t want to attend in-service on their own time.

Critical thinking? Change fast had to keep up. Surface learning? Human element lost?
Envisioned impact?

When and where do our children’s and our brains “rest”. Screen time vs. time in the
natural environment.

I feel quite terrified, at the thought of how this technology threatens our privacy and
forces people to deal with and almost certainly make decisions instantly, without time for
due consideration and deliberation.

Cost prohibitive. Who will be teaching the critical thinking?

I’m reminded of Einstein’s observation “We are creating things at a rate that far exceed
our ability to solve the problems resulting from our creations”.

Ethical/moral compass, when information far exceeds. The individual’s ability to

navigate what is morally and ethically correct.

While many teachers may be intrigued by the computer use in daily instruction, they do
not feel they have an adequate understanding of how or where to began. The discipline is
moving so quickly, how are schools able to keep up with hardware demands?

Loss of privacy (face book, twitter). Loss of face to face social interaction. Increase in
sedentary lifestyle. How do we mitigate against humans regressing in evolutionary terms
to a prehistoric physical stature (after years hunching over computers, personal data, cell
phones, etc). Language slowly is becoming truncated because of smaller and smaller
screens and increased speed of communication.

The lack of awareness by many educators on students who are manipulating technology

Privacy – students and staff. FOI, poor choices in postings (photos, e-mails, etc) that
come back to bite when applying for jobs, criminal things, etc. How can we be expected
to keep up? Who has the time?

Student isolation while texting, facebooking, calling . Face to face dialogue is dying. Will
kids lose that eye to eye self confidence?

The ability/interest of current (especially mid age on) educators to stay “current”. The
financial ability of the school district to support innovative technological learning –

“Faster” is not always “better”. Speed for speeds sakes and limits process. Process is
required for better outcomes and more analytical understanding. Teachers are going to
have a more challenging time keeping attention spans given wiring of 21st century child.

On any staff these is a HUGE continuum of expertise in technology. How long

will it take for the adults to even keep up let alone catch up - where is the time to keep.

The possibilities for misuse and abuse seem endless:

-social misuse/abuse
-share misinformation
-power misuse

The more individualized connection with a device moves us away from face to face
interaction, i.e. instead of talking to each other in the same room people are now texting
and relying on that new devise for info. Ethics and values of uses and misuses of
devises/info, etc.

If it is a given that we as educators can not “block” or “control” the integration of

technology in the lives of our students, then we need to get clear on what we need to

Agreang boundaries of what is appropriate for students learning to be good citizens and
life long learners – adults keeping up with the pace.

The access to information is fantastic!

The opportunity to keep students engaged in their learning

Greater opportunities to learning in faster pace, meeting the needs of our learners and
where they are.

New tools, new ways are always exciting

No end to learning

Change is coming and it will democratize and open opportunities for all students.

Students can be positive role models or student leaders when working with teachers.

Ability to access anything in seconds at anytime

Highly connected kids linked/wired in to their families and friends. Personal security.

Surprised and amazed at the speed of change in technology (efficient, instantaneous,

newest update, communicate timely)

Opens teaching and learning to a 24/7 possibility from about anywhere.

Engaging students in their realm

Huge potential for inspiring L.D. students to interact and learn in way that plays to their

Info is at your fingertips. Engagement of staff and students.

I’m all for trying new things, that makes things easer.

The world of knowledge is so accessible. What possibilities with this bring us as a

Human race in the future: greater access to information, more discoveries (for example
cure to cancer, DNA anomalies for disease, etc.).

How this makes me feel? Overwhelmed and excited at the same time.

The amount of creativity innovation and problem solving abilities of Web 2.0 and higher
is exciting – we nee to keep up to it as teachers.

Enhanced student engagement, communicating in their language.

Have someone on staff extremely tech savvy and willing to be a support to teachers in
moving forward using technology in classroom.

My school is part of a pilot project in the District - school has gone wireless. Teachers
have laptops. For the school it’s very exciting as technology was stagnated for many
years. It will be interesting where teachers take it.

Fantastic! I will finally know the names of all of students.

Quick and student-friendly access to information.

Sill in infancy, look forward to what is yet to come! Hopefully at least, pictures of the
natural world.

Interesting, dynamic, energizing.

Funding for school will likely decrease not increase.

The opportunities for new/exciting/unlimited potential ways to teach/learn/interact.

Teaching/learning about critical thinking. Safety – GPS, contact with parents (call for

Global connectedness – learning about, being concerned about others - social


Access to information is AMAZING. Social contact can be positive. Pace of change is

something kids feel comfortable with.

The multi-dimensional possibilities of a classroom – engaging minds in multiple ways.

Incredibly exciting. The amount of information available, the ease of getting it. The
world is getting smaller.

There are so many ways we can use technology to adapt for student needs in the
classroom – in this respect it narrows the gap between the exceptional student and the
struggling student.

Technology can produce an environment where students can feel ownership to their
learning process. Unlimited learning opportunities.

The possibilities for “good” seem endless:

- deeper understanding
- share information
- collaborate.
We still have a chance to create “thinkers” with this technology. We will stay in business.

Opening up the world and being able to have information at your fingertips. Multi media
aspects. Being able to communicate with anyone in the world at any time.

Potential to save resources (paper, time, etc.) though doc sharing on line.

Total connection to total information informed dialogue?? (only a potential)

Technology can help us meet the needs of many students (differentiated instruction).

Many new possibilities for engaging students with different needs, technology for each

Everything is so readily available.

Technology is and will continue to be a powerful tool in engaging our students in the

Can enhance our understanding of natural species before they disappear- help to keep
from disappearing?

Have information at your fingertips.

The range of opinions and view points are available to students and the necessity for
learning, how to think critically and analytically.

Cool, natural, organic “dabblings” in technology. E.g. “At risk” behavior kids become
film team for school assembling, creating short/movies of the school code. E.g. Via
facebook connection teacher sees my personal blog - so she made one of her own – now
we’ll make one for the class!

More information (variety of sources) is readily available for us. Variety of media, books,
magazines, pictures, video, etc.

Wireless access in several locations makes more possible. Engaged students and teachers.

Forcing teachers to facilitate as opposed to pass along knowledge. Removes barriers to

knowledge. Have to be a critical thinker.

I think that the forward movement in technology wire increase student engagement, it
empowers students, makes them feel they are in charge of their learning. The adults are
no longer the experts, but need to shift to collaborators.
Technology supports differentiated instruction. It provides a palette for sharing multiple
ways of knowing and processing info.

If our job is to teach students how to learn recognize the what is endless – then we have
access to tools now that open up endless options. We cannot ignore them as kids will use
them anyway.

Perhaps this can be major cost saving in resources, etc.

Aldous Huxley had no idea what a brave new world! Can we be forward thinking enough
to use new technology wisely?

Very exciting. We need to harvest this, use it, embrace it in the classrooms. If we
welcome technology and learn from kids and others it will enrich our schools and
leaning, teach them how to use technology for education.

Technology may be the gateway to create a level playing field for all learners.

Even quicker access to information (e.g. consumer facts, research, directions),

convenience. Technology is becoming more affordable. Better for the environment?

The pervasiveness of technology has the potential fuel, the innovation reconstruction of
schooling … an institution that has not fundamentally changed since WWII

Students will need to know more about how to own information rather than regurgitate
the information

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