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Damani Neal


Megacity Process Paper

While conducting my Megacity research I tried to refrain from using google.
Instead, using the data bases that Mrs. Newman and Mrs. Semple provided us with
proved to be more than helpful. Of the different data bases and resources that were
available, Britannica School as well as ProQuest proved to be the most beneficial in
the conducting of my research. These two data bases gave me diverse outlooks on
everyday life in Osaka, tourist life, as well as political and economic stability within
this city.

My website design allowed me to give viewers a look at what Osaka has to
offer while providing a brief but detailed description on the significance on a certain
section. Using slide shows should allow viewers to get a comparative look on
certain fields, as well as giving an enhanced over view in some fields. The most
beneficial website feature proved to be the columns, which allowed me to place
images on the web page, as well as provide a brief, yet informative, description
about their significance in the development of Osaka, Japan.

Located south west of Tokyo, Osaka is a mountainous area, with mountain
ranges such as the Kongo and Katsuragi towering some 1,125 meters above this
general area. Amongst these mountain ranges, you will find anything from resorts,
to sacred sites, to camp grounds. Along with these mountains, Osaka has a large
access to water, which is also used as a natural resource in this city. One water way
in particular, The Osaka Bay, is also used to take citizens and tourists around the
Osaka went through a major transformation during the Heian to Edo period,
when it became known as Japans main economic center. Now, Osaka still holds a
large portion of its population to the merchant class, but it has shifted, meaning that
the city has broken apart into two neighborhoods. Minami, which is the shopping
and entertainment section of the city, and Kita, which is the economic and political
section of the city. Kita is where we will find a vast majority of citizens and tourists
seeking economic opportunities in Japan. The site and situation of Osaka, Japan has
contributed to the growth and development of its economy, as well as its tourist

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