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NLP Techniques

There are hundreds of NLP Techniques or patterns that have been developed since the early
70s. Many are variations of the core techniques created by Richard Bandler and John Grinder
Bandler and Grinder modeled Virginia Satir, Fritz Perls and Milton Erickson and created the
The Meta Model and The Milton Model. They used the work of Alfred Korzybski, Gregory
Bateson and Paul Watzlawick to create them. The first NLP techniques evolved from the
Meta and Milton models, which were originally language models for therapeutic change.
Techniques based on the major models and NLP foundations
NLP Modeling, finding the structure of excellence
Creating Metaphors for Change
This technique is used for indirectly suggesting new strategies and resources to get to
desired outcomes.
Eye Body Language or eye patterns
This technique enables rapport and is also a vital part of NLP modeling
Representational Systems
The technique of noticing and using representational systems is used for rapport, NLP
modeling and the development of hypnotic trance. It is a useful tool for problem
solving and expanding our map of our world.
NLP Rapport creating trust and understanding
A Pattern Interrupt to Change a Strategy
State Elicitation for Anchoring and Changing States
Is an important part of successful anchoring, modeling and managing or changing
Well Formed Outcomes the Power to Change Your World
This pattern is a major organizing pattern for NLP techniques overall.
NLP Reframing
Change the meaning to get changes of behavior
The Six Step Reframe Technique
A powerful early technique for dealing with unwanted behaviors
Sleight of Mouth Robert Dilts reframing for conversational belief change based on
his modeling of extraordinary people
Mind lines: Lines for changing minds Michael Halls extension of the Sleight of
Mouth reframing patterns
NLP Anchoring
Circle of Excellence for Powerful States
Gathering powerful internal states and making them consciously available.
Triple Perspectives for Communication Problems
Getting out of a stuck communication pattern or developing a more flexible attitude.
Visual squash a powerful way to collapse an anchor
Freedom from negative associations collapsing anchors or yucky parts.
NLP Submodality Techniques
Mapping Across an NLP technique using submodalities.
Mapping across transfers the submodalities or elements of a particular state or context
to another.
NLP Swish Change is easy
Threshold patterns
o The Compulsion Blowout Technique
For behaviors or responses you feel forced to do
o The Last Straw Technique
To stop doing things that are not in your best interests
The Godiva chocolate pattern.
The ecstasy pattern.
Laugh till you drop.
TOTE strategies.
Time Line Therapy to Create a Brighter Future
Overcoming limiting decisions and negative emotions
Association Dissociation
Both unwanted and an absence of emotion can cause difficulty
The NLP Phobia Treatment pattern (or phobia cure)
Fast safe relief from phobias. Anthony Robbins popularized this technique on national
Mental Imagery Techniques
Rehearsing and testing performance
The New Behavior Generator
To gain skills needed for long term outcomes.
Future Pacing Technique
For testing changes and anchoring resources

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