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The fault in our

Jennifer Silva
Background information
John Green
Born on August 24, 1977 in Indianapolis
Raised in Orlando Florida
Went to Kenyon College
Doubled majored in English and Religious Studies
YouTube video blogger and creator of online videos
Young adult fiction writer
Married to Sarah Urist Green and the father of Henry
Received the Michael L. Printz Award
2009 Edgar Award winner
Looking for Alaska, An abundance of Katherines, Power Town, Will Grayson Will
Grayson and Other Stuff
Set in modern suburban town
Indianapolis, Indiana
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Modern day

Hazel Grace
16 years old
Terminal thyroid cancer
Wears a canula
Loves to read, sleep and watch
Best friends- mother and Kaitlyn

Augustus Waters
17 years old
one legged osteosarcoma
Bad driver
Holds a cigarette between his teeth as
a metaphor
Loves video games
Best friend- Isaac

Human vs. self
Hazel struggles trying to figure out who she is and how to live
her life
Hazel keeps a closed circle; she refuses to let anyone get too
attached because she believes that shes a grenade ready to
explode at any time.
Toward the end of the book, Hazel experiences a life-changing
event. Through this time of reflecting, she struggles to subsist
with herself
Human vs. society
Although Hazel has accepted that her life isnt like most
teenagers and the isolation that comes with her condition, it still
bothers her that people consider her special because of her
illness. People in our society usually treat people with cancer
different; they sort of consider them different from the rest
because of their diagnosis.
16 years old girl living a miracle
Battling cancer, diagnosed with thyroid cancer
Terminal upon diagnosis;
Practically living in medical offices
Social isolation, depression
Struggling with what her death might do to her parents
Meeting Augustus at Cancer Kid Support Group
Hazel and Augustus bonding over the An Imperial Affliction
They both burn with desire to find out how the story ends and what happens to the characters,
because the author stops in the middle of the story
Augustus uses his wish foundation to fly to Amsterdam with hazel to visit Peter Van Houten- the
author of An Imperial Affliction
Augustus changes Hazels life
Hazel finds a reason to appreciate life again; Hazel gains hope again
Augustus tells Hazel that his entire body is filled with cancer
Hazel experiencing a life-changing event

the importance of family support- although the kids
diagnosed with cancer in the novel dont have many friends
they have a family who supports them. They have parents who
stand by them and are terrified for them. Augustus parents
stitch pillows with religious phrases on them to give him
courage to continue on with his fight.

Isolating yourself from the rest of the world because of
the fear to hurt them- Hazel Grace isolates herself from other
because shes afraid of hurting them. She tries to find ways to
ditch her best friend Kaithlyn. She focus less on making new
friends or get more attached to people because shes afraid that
shell pass away someday and hurt them badly.
Book recommendation
Recommended to young Adults
Teen romance
Augustus Waters- the hottest guy youll ever read about
The book is beautiful and touching
Hazel and Augustus sense of humor
John Green amazing job describing the characters
LOVED the book
The novel is told from the first person point of view
the story has bittersweet moments
I like the language used in the novel

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