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The fault is in our stars

Nome: Maria Miguel Seixas Jorge

Curso: Técnico de Serviços
Jurídicos _ 1º ano


Music composed by Walcott and
Mike Mogis

The author
John Green is the author of several New York Times bestsellers. Received the
Michael L. Printz Award and the Edgar Award. He was twice a finalist for the
L.A. Times Book Prize. His books have been translated into more than twenty
languages. John is also the co-creator, with his brother Hank, of vlogbrothers,
a series of online videos that have been viewed more than 100 million times.

The story is told in the first person by Hazel. She is a 16-year-old girl who
has been suffering from lung cancer since she was 13.
For having to live with this terrible disease she ends up having difficulties in
her day to day life. She has to take several pills and is forced to use an
oxygen tube everywhere. Not to mention the fatigue and mental and
physical wear and tear that cancer causes.
This whole condition makes her more eager to stay at home watching TV
and reading a book than going out somewhere and living a life as a
"normal" teenager.
This posture creates a concern between your parents and the doctors. To
encourage and enhance her quality of life, they resolve to take her to a
support group for cancer patients. At first Hazel was not at all excited
about the activity. Only in this support group called "Heart of Jesus" does
she know a person who changes his destiny.
Another teenager named Augustus appears at one of the group's meetings.
He has cancer of the bones and so he had to amputate part of his leg.
Despite this suffering, Augustus makes a good living
and joke about his illness.
From the moment they meet, they become more intimate with each other
and begin a relationship of affection, affection and companionship.
One striking fact of the story is when Hazel presents a book for Augustus.
He calls himself "something of the empire." The book talks about a patient
with leukemia, but it ends without a real ending. And so the story is
without a complete ending which generated much frustration for both
Hazel and Augustus. She had already been trying to get in touch with the
author, but she did not get answers. To try to answer this question without
answer Augustus starts searching and gets the e-mail from the author of
the book. After some contacts the author tells Algustus that he would only
tell what actually happened at the end of the story in person. He had left
the United States and now lived in Amsterdam.
To solve this puzzle, Hazel, his mother and Augustus travel to Amsterdam.
Throughout the plot of the book are posed philosophical questions about
terminal illnesses. For the most emotional the story is almost guaranteed
of tears.

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