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Standard 2: Building Family and Community Relationships

Key Element:
2a: Knowing about and understanding diverse family and community characteristic.
2b: Supporting and engaging families and communities through respectful, reciprocal
2c: Involving families and communities in their children's development and learning
Course: Parent Education (ECED 4010)
Assignment: pictures of workshop " art of raising them"
The most impressionable classroom is the home because parents have the greatest
understanding of their child and also they know their personalities, how they learn, the types of
interests that they have, and they know where their child's weaknesses are. Moreover , a child
spend his time more at home. Teachers, on the other hand, rarely get the opportunity to focus on
a child as an individual in the classroom and rarely get to a point where they are just as familiar
with a child as a parent is. In my assignment which is about a workshop for parents to involve
them to get ideas about children's education ,and how to help and support their children.
Many parents make the mistake of allowing the teachers to "do their job". The work shop
that we did was in Child Care Centre on Monday 22/4/2013 at 5:30 to 7:30. At the beginning it
talked about parental education, then methods of positive education. Also, talked about common
mistakes that parent make and the correct behaviors. After that, videos s shows , then snack
break .On the other hand , their children played at playground under observe by the students of
the department. It was a wonderful experience that gave me a chance to contact with parents and
be close from the society.
In future, I hope to do such workshops that engages both teachers and parents exchange
the experience sharing ideas and get benefit from each other. In addition, I am thinking to use
technology like whatsapp in order to gather parent especially mothers in group to facilitate

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