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To add points (addition): To describe reality:

- Firstly, secondly, thirdly - In fact, ...
- Moreover, - As a matter of fact, ...
- Besides, - Actually, ...
- In addition, - The truth is that...
- Furthermore,
- Next,...

To express a contrast: To make general statements:
- On the other hand - In general,...
- On the contrary - As a (general) rule, ...
- But - On the whole, ...
- Although
- However
- Nevertheless

To conclude: To give examples:
- As a conclusion, - for example, ...
- In conclusion, ... - for instance, ...
- To sum up, ... - such as...
- To conclude, - like
- Finally, - especially
- Summarizing, - in particular

To describe a reason: To show sequence:
- because of - Next,
- due to - Then,
- because - After this/that,
- since - Before
- Later

To show purpose:
- to (+ infinitive)
- in order to (+ infinitive)
- so as to (+ infinitive)
To describe a result:
- For this reason,
- So
- As a result,
- As a consequence,
- Consequently,
- That is why
To express opinions:
- In my opinion,
- In my view,
- As far as I am concerned,
- I (strongly, sincerely, truly, ) think/believe/feel that
- It seems to me that

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