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Word Stress Rules

1. Stress on 1st syllable 2. Stress on last syllable 3. Stress usually falls on 4. The stress is generally at 5. Prefixes (tiền tố) and suffixes
 Most 2-syllable  Most 2-syllable the syllable BEFORE the the end of words ending in (hậu tố) are never stressed and
NOUNS and VERBS following letters: –eer, - sist, -cur, -vert, stress falls into the root word.
ADJECTIVES Examples: -test, -tain, -tract, Examples:
Examples: - suspect,  -tion/-sion -vent, -self, ade, – ee, – + Prefixes:
+ Nouns: (penultimate = second from ese, -esque,- isque, -aire ,- - important
- decrease,
 present, end) mental, -ever,..
- decide,  unimportant,
 export, Examples: Attention, Examples:
- begin,… - perfect
 China, Competition, Invitation, - engineer,
 COMPOUND  imperfect,
 table,… ADJECTIVES and Position, Permission,.… - volunteer,
- appear
+ Adjectives: COMPOUND VERBS  -ic/-ical. - event,
 disappear,
- slender, Examples: Examples:: Automatic, - contract,
Fanatic, Biological, - crowded
- clever, + C.Adj: - protest,
Political,…  overcrowded.
- happy,… - bad-tempered, - persist,
 ity/-ety, -graphy, -ody/- + Suffixes:
 COMPOUND NOUNS - old-fashioned,… - maintain,
+ C.V: ogy (ante-penultimate = - beauty
Examples: third from end) - herself,
- understand,  beautiful,
- blackbird, Examples: Majority, - ocur*…
- overflow, - lucky
- greenhouse, Society, Variety, - lemonade
- become,…  luckiness,…
- doorman,… Geography, Custody, - chinese Exception:
Psylogy,… Exception: - statement
 -ient, -cient, -ience, -ial, - coffee,  understatement
-ual, -ious. - commitee…
Examples: Convenient,
Efficient, Experience,
Official, Individual,
Intellectual, Judicious

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