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Leadership is less about the position you hold
than the influence you have. It's about doing
world-class work, playing at your peak,
and leaving people better than you found them.
It's about Leading Without a itle.!
~ Robin Sharma
We are all faced with a miion!critical choice" tart
to ma#e the Lead Witho$t a Title %hiloo%h& a dee%
%art of &o$r wa& of bein'( or do nothin' and
e)%erience *ero tranformation+
Thi e,oo# i f$ll of in%irational -$ote baed on the
international betellin' The Leader Who Had No
Title+ It will hel% &o$ ee and e)%erience real and
latin' re$lt at wor# and in &o$r life+
Robin Sharma
Thin# bi'+
Start mall+
,e'in now+
Robin Sharma
Leaderhi% i no lon'er abo$t
%oition . b$t %aion+
It/ no lon'er abo$t ima'e
b$t im%act+
Thi i Leaderhi% 0+1
Robin Sharma
It/ $% to &o$+
Mater& or mediocrit&2
E)cellence or ini'nificance2
It/ $% to &o$+
Robin Sharma
Remember the 31 Second R$le"
Act on a 'ood idea or 'reat
o%%ort$nit& within 31 econd+
,efore the 4oice of fear
be'in to ta#e o4er+
Robin Sharma
A Form$la For S$cce"
A 4iion that mo4e &o$
5 6ontant inno4ation
5 Dail& action
Robin Sharma
Let/ not conf$e breathin'
With reall& li4in'+
Robin Sharma
Leaderhi% be'in and end
with 7 word"
Abol$te 8eronal Re%onibilit&
Robin Sharma
,et wa& to im%ro4e the world
I to im%ro4e &o$relf+
Robin Sharma
The onl& com%etition
worth foc$in' on
i a'aint
what &o$ were &eterda&+
Robin Sharma
9ictim ma#e e)c$e+
Leader deli4er re$lt+
Robin Sharma
There are no ordinar& %eo%le+
:$t %eo%le chooin' to %la&
at ordinar&+
Robin Sharma
At the fo$ndation of Mater&
lie im%licit&+
Doin' ;$t a few thin'
%ectac$larl& well+
Robin Sharma
E)%ectin' &o$r dream to come
tr$e witho$t doin' dail& act to
ma#e them ha%%en i li#e
ho%in' for a bi' har4et . b$t
%lantin' *ero eed+
Robin Sharma
Ama*in' how far &o$ will 'et
;$t b& ta&in' with omethin'
lon' eno$'h+
Too man& %eo%le/ fear are
bi''er than their faith+
Robin Sharma
When &o$r de4otion to doin'
'reat wor# i lar'er than &o$r
dedication to fort$ne and fame(
&o$r career will e)%lode
into hi'h $cce+
Robin Sharma
Here/ a -$etion Leader Witho$t
a Title a# e4er&da&"
How can I hel% &o$2
Robin Sharma
Leaderhi% i abo$t eein'
the bet in %eo%le
who/4e ne4er een
the bet in themel4e+
Robin Sharma
A fail$re
i onl& a fail$re
if &o$ chooe to 4iew it
a a fail$re+
Robin Sharma
What wo$ld &o$ do toda&
if &o$ had a dee% #nowin'
that it wa im%oible to fail2
Robin Sharma
<eni$ i not the re$lt of innate
abilit& b$t deliberate %ractice and
the relentle %$r$it of Mater&+
Robin Sharma
Who I/m becomin'
i far more im%ortant
than what I own+
Robin Sharma
The firt te% to chan'e
i ta#in' the firt te%+
Robin Sharma
The thin' that &o$ ched$le
are the thin' that 'et done+
Robin Sharma
The tho$'ht
that &o$ thin# toda&
determine the re$lt
&o$/ll ee tomorrow+
Robin Sharma
Hard time are nothin' more than
o%%ort$nitie for &o$ to be heroic+
Robin Sharma
8aion i the ecret a$ce
that ma#e the im%oible
Robin Sharma
The wa& &o$ do the little thin'
i the wa& &o$/ll do the bi' thin'+
E4er&thin' matter+
Robin Sharma
Define &o$r $cce
not b& the thin' &o$ ha4e
b$t b& the 4al$e &o$ create+
Robin Sharma
How ele'antl& &o$ mana'e
dia%%ointment will determine
how -$ic#l& &o$/ll
e)%erience $cce+
Robin Sharma
The 'reatet crime a'aint
h$manit& i %la&in' mall with
&o$r life+
Robin Sharma
=o$r ne)t le4el of reitance
carrie &o$r ne)t le4el of 'rowth
and e)cellence+
Robin Sharma
One of the im%let and bet
tactic for leaderhi% and $cce"
Few thin' at Mater&
4er$ man& thin' at mediocrit&+
Robin Sharma
Manage Your Time, Master Your Life i a
%owerf$l co$re in mana'in' &o$r mot
4al$able reo$rce ! time+
Thi downloadable a$dio %ro'ram ta#e &o$
thro$'h the tool $ed b& elite %erformer to
'et more done in a month than the ret of $
do in a &ear+
You will learn:
How to ma#e the Law of Lin#a'e wor# for
The %ecial %ro'ram that tri%led one
client> re4en$e in ;$t three month
The &tem that Robin and hi client> $e
to lead e)traordinar& li4e
6lic# here to con-$er the cloc# and tart to
ma#e time wor# in &o$r fa4or a'ain+
Robin Sharma
The mallet of action
i better than
the noblet of intention+
Robin Sharma
,e the Mic# :a''er of the
mailroom( the Warren ,$ffet
of boo##ee%in' and the ,ono
of ta%ler ellin'+
Robin Sharma
=o$ can/t create an o$terlife
that/ more e)cellent than the
-$alit& of &o$r inner life+ O$ter
leaderhi% be'in with elf!
Robin Sharma
=o$ become who &o$
drin# coffee with+
So aociate with
world!cla %eo%le+
Robin Sharma
Doin' 'eni$!le4el wor#
i the bet form of mar#etin'+
Robin Sharma
To Lead Witho$t A Title
i to dedicate &o$relf to creatin'
a rich and contant tream of
4al$e for e4er& %eron &o$
'et to er4e+
Robin Sharma
The im%oible
i often im%l&
the $ne)%lored+
Robin Sharma
Ad4erit& introd$ce $ to
reo$rce we didn/t #now we had
and m$cle we ne4er
#new e)ited+
Robin Sharma
What ma#e 'eni$
in/t ;$t the bi' idea
b$t the brilliant e)ec$tion
to ad4ance it+
Robin Sharma
A &o$ reflect bac# o4er &o$r life(
a# thi %owerf$l -$etion"
6o$ld I ha4e done more2
If &e( do more now+
Robin Sharma
Life i too hort to %la& mall+
Robin Sharma
,e $ccef$l+
E4en more im%ortantl&?
,e i'nificant+
Robin Sharma
The con4eration
&o$ are reitin'
are the con4eration
&o$ need to be ha4in'+
Robin Sharma
To be able to ee
the 'ood in other(
tart with eein'
the 'ood in &o$relf+
Robin Sharma
Foc$ on &o$r fear and
&o$/ll 'et to li4e them+
Robin Sharma
8racticin' &o$r wea#ne
;$t ma#e them tron'er+
Robin Sharma
Smarter to be intereted
than interetin'+
Robin Sharma
R$n &o$r own race+
Who care what other are doin'2
Onl& -$etion to a# &o$relf i
@Am I %ro'rein'2A
Robin Sharma
=o$ can/t afford
the 4iolence of ne'ati4it&+
Stand $%?and be the mot
in%irin' %eron &o$ #now+
Robin Sharma
Eat to win+
Lot of %eo%le are di''in' their
'ra4e with their mo$th+
Robin Sharma
L$c#& brea# are nothin' more
than the $ne)%ected reward for
intelli'ent choice+
Robin Sharma
,e a minimalit+
Le i more+
Foc$ on the bet
! releae the ret+
Robin Sharma
What wo$ld toda&
need to loo# li#e
to be &o$r bet da&
of the &ear o far2
Robin Sharma
<eni$ reide in eein' what
e4er&one/ eein' &et thin#in'
what no one/ thin#in'+
Robin Sharma
To li4e for a ca$e
bi''er than &o$relf
i to reall& learn to li4e+
Robin Sharma
Leader 'et that life
owe them *ero+
The& #now the& owe life+
Robin Sharma
If &o$ tr&
&o$ mi'ht
b$t if &o$ don/t
&o$ won/t+
Robin Sharma
Wor# hard+
Ind$tr& tand
at the fo$ndation
of Mater&+
Robin Sharma
The ;o$rne& of life
i nothin' more than baic
trainin' at e)%rein' &o$r
abol$te brilliance+
Robin Sharma
One e&e on the moment
and the other on the mo$ntainto%
i the mar# of the
Leader Witho$t A Title+
Robin Sharma
Leaderhi% in/t ;$t abo$t doin'
the wor#+ It/ abo$t doin' the wor#
'reatl&+ B$alit& tr$m% b$&+
Robin Sharma
" #odern $able on %eal &uccess in 'usiness and in Life
If you want to operate at the level of (W)W*+ be
an e,ceptional leader, and live life (full out+,
buy this book.!
Darren Hard&( %$bliher( SUCCESS ma'a*ine
In The Leader Who Had No Title, You Will Learn:
How to wor# with and infl$ence %eo%le li#e a
$%ertar( re'ardle of &o$r %oition
The real ecret of intene inno4ation
An intant trate'& to b$ild a 'reat team and
become a Cmerchant of wowC with &o$r
Hard!hittin' tactic to become mentall&
tron' and %h&icall& to$'h eno$'h to lead
&o$r field
Real!world wa& to defeat tre( b$ild an
$nbeatable mind!et( $nleah ener'&( and
balance &o$r %eronal life
Re'ardle of what &o$ do within &o$r or'ani*ation
and the c$rrent circ$mtance of &o$r life( the
in'le mot im%ortant fact i that &o$ ha4e the
%ower to how leaderhi%+
Pick Up Your Copy Now
Robin Sharma
S$cce i dri4en 4ia e4ol$tion
4er$ re4ol$tion+ Small dail&
inno4ation tac# $% into t$nnin'
re$lt o4er the %aa'e of time+
Robin Sharma
6ritic are a dime a do*en+
Real enco$ra'er are
one in a million+
,e one+
Robin Sharma
To 'et what the bet 'et(
do what the bet do+
Robin Sharma
Hard wor# i the
o%enin' act for a
headliner called
Robin Sharma
Leaderhi% i abo$t
what &o$ do
when no one/ watchin'+
Robin Sharma
A time of no challen'e and
%roblem i a time of no
ad4ancement and 'rowth+
Robin Sharma
The creati4it& and e)cellence
in &o$ ache for e)%reion+
To tifle it i to $ffocate who
&o$ tr$l& are+
Robin Sharma
Dri4in' fater
alon' the wron' road
low &o$ down+
Robin Sharma
The more we ha4e the e&e to ee
the aweome 'eni$ that li4e in
e4er& one aro$nd $( the more
h$mble we become+
Robin Sharma
A 'reat b$ine i b$ilt
one con4eration( one inno4ation
and da& of o$tri'ht e)cellence
at a time+
Robin Sharma
8lannin' i %rofo$nd+
How can &o$ accom%lih what/
mot im%ortant if &o$ ha4e no idea
what/ mot im%ortant+
Robin Sharma
When &o$ do &o$r wor# in the %irit
of $ncommon hel%f$lne and
da**lin' incerit&( door &o$ ne4er
#new e)ited fl& wide o%en+
Robin Sharma
The bet leader honor their
commitment+ And #ee% their
%romie+ Standin' for &o$r word
in/t oft+ It/ hard+
Robin Sharma
,$ild a *ero!e)c$e *one
that radiate D feet aro$nd &o$+
Watch what ha%%en to &o$r
career . and life . $cce+
Robin Sharma
,e o t$nnin'l& 'reat
at what &o$ do %eo%le call &o$
4irt$oo when &o$ lea4e the room+
Robin Sharma
O4erloo# %eo%le/ wea#nee+
6elebrate %eo%le/ tren'thE the&
will then te% into the %ace of
'reatne &o$/4e o%ened $% for
Robin Sharma
Smart leader how $% on time+
The bet leader how $% earl&+
Robin Sharma
The le &o$ worr& abo$t bein'
$ccef$l and the more &o$
de4ote to doin' 'eni$!le4el wor#(
the more $ccef$l &o$/ll become+
Robin Sharma
Leadin' Witho$t a Title
i abo$t de4elo%in'
an achin' need to
ma#e thin' better+
Robin Sharma
Leaderhi% i abo$t a fierce
adherence to a 4iion
while e4er&one aro$nd &o$ thin#
&o$/re watin' &o$r time+
Robin Sharma
Leaderhi% i abo$t the care
and feedin' of &o$r
hi'het commitment+
Robin Sharma
An& reitance &o$ feel
when eein' omeone ele/
$cce i the 4er& bloc# #ee%in'
&o$ from &o$r hi'het $cce+
Robin Sharma
Ma#e &o$r %eronal o%inion
far more infl$ential on &o$
than %$blic o%inion+
Robin Sharma
=o$ can/t ha4e all &o$ want
if &o$ are foc$in'
on all &o$ don/t ha4e+
Robin Sharma
8lea$re come from
'ettin' nice thin'+
F$lfillment come from
doin' 'reat thin'+
Robin Sharma
9ictim blame fate+
Leader own that the& are the
cri%twriter of their li4e+
Robin Sharma
What &o$ %ea# more of
&o$ will ee more of+
Robin Sharma
Leaderhi% i a bold tand
for bein' &o$r abol$te bet+
Robin Sharma
Me create tre+
Robin Sharma
One of the bet in4etment
&o$ will e4er ma#e i a ta''erin'
in4etment in relationhi%+
Robin Sharma
A c$tomer com%laint
i nothin' more than a 'or'eo$
o%%ort$nit& to wow omeone+
Robin Sharma
6hallen'e are life/ wa& of
introd$cin' &o$ to an e4en bi''er
4erion of &o$+
Robin Sharma
There/ a lot le com%etition
o$t on the e)tra mile+
Robin Sharma
E4er& F1!min$te a# &o$relf"
@What/ the mot 4al$able thin' for
me to do ri'ht now2A
Robin Sharma
A 'reat dream
witho$t a 'reat team
i worthle+
Robin Sharma
Sto% recitin' &o$r %roblem
and tart %reentin' &o$r ol$tion+
Robin Sharma
We all wih we had more time
&et we wate the time we ha4e+
Robin Sharma
E4er& 'reat finih
wa once a im%le be'innin'+
Start now+
Robin Sharma
A re$lt oriented di'ital b$ndle that &o$ can
download intantl&+
This High-Performance bundle includes:
How To ,e Remar#abl& S$ccef$l ! 0!ho$r
A$dio 8ro'ram
The <reatne <$ide ! A$dio Download
How to 6raft a World!6la Life ! A$dio
,ONUS <IFT" The Mater& Man$al !
Downloadable ,oo#
S$cce in>t omethin' that we t$mble $%on .
it> learned+ Dico4er the hard!hittin'
techni-$e that Robin Sharma $e to ha4e a
remar#able life+
It> time to tart %la&in' at &o$r abol$te bet+
6lic# here now to ta#e &o$r life to the ne)t le4el
of $cce that &o$ #now &o$ deer4e+
Robin Sharma
Abo$t the A$thor
Abo$t the A$thor
Robin Sharma i the 'loball& celebrated a$thor of GG international
betellin' boo# on leaderhi% incl$din' he Leader Who -ad .o
itle( the %henomenal HG bloc#b$ter that i in%irin' a mo4ement
aro$nd the idea that @Now( an&one ! in an& or'ani*ation ! can how
Hi wor# ha been %$blihed in o4er F1 co$ntrie and in nearl& I1
lan'$a'e( ma#in' him one of the mot widel& read a$thor in the
world+ He hot to fame with The Mon# Who Sold Hi Ferrari( which ha
to%%ed international beteller lit and old million of co%ie+
Robin i the fo$nder of Sharma Leaderhi% International Inc+( a
'lobal con$ltanc& that hel% %eo%le in or'ani*ation Lead Witho$t
a Title+ 6lient com%rie of man& of the FORTUNE D11 incl$din'
Microoft( <E( NIJE( FedE) and I,M+ Or'ani*ation $ch a NASA( IMD
,$ine School( =ale Uni4erit& and The =o$n' 8reident>
Or'ani*ation are alo SLI client+ Robin i a former liti'ation law&er
who hold two law de'ree incl$din' a Mater of Law KDalho$ie
Law SchoolL+
To book obin to s!eak at "our ne#t e$ent or to run a seminar for
"our com!an", !lease contact him at:
'heck out his !o!ular blog: htt%"MMwww+robinharma+comMblo'
(ollow him on Twitter:
'onnect with him on facebook:
Robin Sharma

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