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Grade Student of Concern Team

The 6th grade Student of Concern (SOC) Team was a multidisciplinary team that meet biweekly
to review student needs. The team was made up of the 6th grade counselor, the 6th grade
administrator, the 6th grade team leader and myself. We focused on behavior issues in the
previous two weeks, using data from lunch detention, office referrals, counselor interactions
and teacher recommendations. The team would then assign a member to work with students
and would brainstorm potential interventions.

As a member of the 6th grade SOC Team, I helped create and maintain a confidential tracking
tool to monitor the assigned staff member, intervention efficacy and make updates as needed.
Students who remained concerns or who did not respond well to interventions were then
referred to the school wide SOC Team. Over the course of the school year, approximately 35
students were reviewed by the 6th grade SOC team and 12 were reviewed by the general SOC

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