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lndlvldual Academlc AchlevemenL lnLervenLlon

l sLarLed worklng wlLh 8. ln Aprll of 2014. Pls moLher came by my offlce Lo see lf l could
supporL her sLudenL. 8. was an 8
grader ln Lhe A program. Pe ls academlcally glfLed
buL hls 3
CuarLer reporL card was mosLly us and Ls as a resulL of mlsslng work. 8.
spenL 1-2 hours a nlghL on homework, and usually flnlshed lL, buL regularly forgoL Lo
brlng lL Lo school or Lurn lL ln. 8. and l meL weekly for Lhe lasL 8 weeks of Lhe school year
Lo creaLe sysLems LhaL would help hlm remember Lo Lurn ln hls homework. We spenL a
loL of Llme reflecLlng abouL hls menLal process, whaL he usually dld wlLh compleLed work
and classroom pracLlces around homework. We Lrled a few lnLervenLlons LhaL were noL
successful before creaLlng Lwo Pomework lolders. Cne was labeled, 1o uo" and Lhe
oLher was, 1o 1urn ln". 8. Look Lo carrylng Lhose wlLh hlm everywhere. A key Lo
rememberlng Lo Lurn ln Lhe compleLed work was Lo puL Lhe folders on hls desk rlghL
nexL Lo Lhe noLebook. 1haL gave hlm a vlsual remlnder of Lhe work lnslde.

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