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Theo Economos , Joseph Garcia, Taiyyab Ahmed, Marqus Nguyen

AP English Language and Composition

Mrs. Belmonte
11/7/13 (MCG) Multi Cultural Government
I heartily accept the motto-Without us theres no You, and we should like to see it practiced
correctly and at its full potential. We believe the best type of government is a government which gives
citizens freedom but also has control over them. Our government is a Democratic Republic; citizens will
have freedoms and say in the government. Everyone, no matter what culture or what or what social
class, is equal in our government. There will be certain unfair rules that citizens will have to live through,
but it is for the better of not just the government, but also for each and every one of us. Therefore, we
are a government thats fair but also reasonably in control.
In our government everyone will be given basic freedoms and natural rights, such as the
freedom to say what they want to say, practice any beliefs, and be treated fairly. In Henry David
Thoreaus Civil Disobedience he states, That government is best which governs least. (pg. 1) This quote
means that a government that has less control over their people is the best type of government and will
succeed. We will allow our people to move about freely, but they will still have to follow our rules. The
rules are basic and are meant to keep order and keep people safe. In Niccolo Machiavellis, The Morals
of a Prince, he states, a reputation for liberality is doubtless very fine For if you exercise your
generosity in a really virtuous way, as you should, nobody will know of it Hence if you wish to be
widely known as a generous man, you must seize every opportunity to make a big display of your
giving. Machiavelli is trying to say that a government must express their will to give freedom in an
excessive way. Our government will allow people to have free will and we will stay away from peoples
personal lives as long as it does not involve our government. Our government will not play any major
effect into a persons life but we will keep them in order. This means that they dont result to violence
and they dont disrupt society. However, to make sure rules are being followed and our freedoms given
are used correctly, we must have surveillance.
Surveillance and reconnaissance in every city of our government is important because in order
to prevent any rebellions or uprisings, we must be able to suppress it immediately, by making sure we
can see and then act. As Machiavelli states, Thus no prince should be called cruel for what he does to
keep his subjects contained and loyal,(225). Machiavelli really depicts how the people should feel
towards us. They shouldnt shun us for what we do to keep them and their families safe. The people
should realize that whatever we do, we always keep their health in mind first. It can have no pure right
over my person and property but what I concede to it,(5). According to Thoreau, the government
shouldnt be able to have any right over a person or their property, but if thats the case, then if
anything were to happen to you, youd be responsible for yourself. Whereas, if we had rights over you,
youd be under our protection and surveillance, thus reassuring that no harm shall ever come to you or
your families, when we are in control. We will have spies and secret cameras posted more in developed
countries than in developing countries. If we have any suspicion on a person or persons, then we will
take immediate action to confirm our suspicion. By all of this shall your freedoms and the safeties of
your families be secured and safeguarded. Although surveillance is a big part of our country, we will
need more than just surveillance, well need an army.
Along with these other attributes that our government will have, we will also incorporate a
strong, fearless military. Our government will have a fearless army consisting of ourselves and a brutally
trained soldiery. Our military will be constantly training to get better and we only choose the most elite
of soldiers. We have squadrons taken from military divisions from all over the world such as the Navy
Seals, Russian Spetsnaz, and the British SAS. We will have outposts scattered all around the world to
ensure safety and authority when needed. Thoreau states in his essay Civil Disobedience, A common
and natural result of an undue respect for law is, that you may see a file of soldiers, colonel, captain,
corporal, privates, powder-monkeys, and all, marching in admirable order over hill and dale to the wars,
against, their wills, ay, against their common sense and consciences.. (Thoreau, paragraph 3). What
hes trying to tell us here is that due to no respect towards a law, the army becomes weak and is forced
to fight against their conscience. No respect towards a law and not obeying it causes an army to become
unwilling to fight because they dont agree with the law. However, this is not the case with our military.
Our military will never turn against us or on their people because they are loyal and they have
everything they need. We provide them with all necessities and in return, they protect their people with
honor and integrity. Even without aid from us, our military is handpicked with only the most loyal and
fiercest warriors being a priority. We will have the most up to date technology which ensures your
safety always. You will feel safe at all times with our military on watch all around the globe. Now, how
will the military function? The answer is through taxes.
Taxes are an important factor in this government because it is what constitutes the
governments wealth and is good to keep the citizens in line. As Thoreau states, When I meet a
government which says to me, your money or your life, why should I be in haste to give it my money?
(Paragraph 8). Thoreau states that taxes should be given to the government because when its your life
or your money, you should give them your money. This really represents how our government is
because severe consequences will be given if you dont pay your taxes. When people see that his
parsimony enables him to live on his income, to himself against enemies, and undertake projects
without burdening people with taxes,(223). Machiavelli states that the leader shouldnt burden people
with taxes, rather he should show the people he can live on his income. This causes social instability
because if no one pays up to the government, people dont take the authority of the government
seriously. So, in our government, we have decided upon a plan that will ensure fair taxation amongst our
people. We will tax the rich 7% more than the middle class. The lowest class will not get taxed until they
have reached the middle class. Half of the taxes of the people will go to the funding of our military. This
plan is destined to help not only us, but our people as well. Along with taxing, there will be other rules
we shall enforce with the same fairness and morality.
I ask for, not at once no government, but at once a better government. Let every man make
known what kind of government would command his respect, and that will be one step toward
obtaining it (Thoreau, Civil Disobedience). Having no government leads to instability because not
having anything to rely or fall back on would create no pedestal to build on. Our government will have
the right to vote and use their opinions on issues. The qualified citizens will become governors and will
build up the government under us. The governors will try their best to review the citizens
considerations and then send the best issues that will help promote freedom to the leaders. A better
government than none would include all people to take effort to create one together. Thus he will be
acting liberally toward all those people from whom he takes nothing, and in a stingy way towards those
people on who he bestows nothing (Machiavelli, The Morals of The Prince, page 223). Machiavelli
states that a leader should take nothing from those who show respect and to basically ignore those who
choose not to put effort in governmental stability. However, a leader, or government, should take
consideration from all types of people and in return; give them as much as we can to keep stability.
As we finish our message about how we act as a government and the factors we provide to our
citizens, we want everyone to know that we are a suitable government for anyone. As long as you obey
basic rules given to you to follow and you dont cause chaos, you will fit just fine in the MCG. We will
give you basic necessities to live healthy and positively in our nation. If you have dreamed about making
a healthy living in a safe environment while knowing that there would be nothing out there to harm you,
this is the ideal government to follow. You will have freedoms to make choices yourself, but remember
that we are the ones that will be giving you all this power. Remember, WITHOUT US, THERE IS NO

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