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By: Celine Millor

Canis and
it has fur
it is a hunter
It has sharp teeth
have long claws
it howls at the moon
the live around the

Genus: Canis

the both are good
they all have fur
they are found in similar
environment and counties .
they come in many size
they have different hunting patterns
coyotes are smaller then wolf packs
wolf hunt alone but live in pacts
The live in many different habitats, including deserts,
mountains, forests, and grasslands
They come in many shapes and sizes
They have different social behavior( fox hunt in pairs
male female but some Canidae hunt alone like the wolf
They have long legs and lithe body from chasing
They all walk on their toes
They have a ligament that allows them maintain the
posture of their heads
Similar :
their were made to digest meat
their all great runners
they are all good hunters
they have high developing sense
they have large sharp teeth

some will the eat the meat off the
bone but will not crush the bone to get
the meat in said
they are different family and genus

Class: Mammaila

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