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Mar|ne Compos|tes

naval Shlp ueslgn Conslderauons

Webb lnsuLuLe
Senlor Llecuve - Sprlng 2013 page 0
Mar|ne Compos|tes
Webb Insntute
Sen|or L|ecnve
Spr|ng, 2013
Nava| Sh|p Des|gn Cons|deranons
Lrlc Creene, naval ArchlLecL
410.703.3023 (cell)
Mar|ne Compos|tes
naval Shlp ueslgn Conslderauons
Webb lnsuLuLe
Senlor Llecuve - Sprlng 2013 page 1
Compos|tes App||canons for
Surface Combatants
C. 8oberL Lamb, Plgh-Speed, Small naval vessel 1echnology uevelopmenL lan," Carderock ulvlslon,
naval Surface Warfare CenLer, nSWCCu, May 2003
Mar|ne Compos|tes
naval Shlp ueslgn Conslderauons
Webb lnsuLuLe
Senlor Llecuve - Sprlng 2013 page 2
Lar|y Nava| Compos|te Sh|ps
1he Sandown c|ass of m|nehunter was hrst
comm|ss|oned |nto koya| Navy serv|ce |n 1989
1he nuon c|ass M|nehunter bu||t for the (kAN)
|n 199S |s a Ita||an Ler|c| der|vanve.
1we|ve Ler|c| c|ass sh|ps were constructed by
Intermar|ne SpA between 198S and 1996.
1he 8ay C|ass m|nehunter was comm|ss|oned by
the koya| Austra||an Navy (kAN) |n 1987
Mar|ne Compos|tes
naval Shlp ueslgn Conslderauons
Webb lnsuLuLe
Senlor Llecuve - Sprlng 2013 page 3
Lar|y Nava| Compos|te Structure
La Iayeue fr|gate w|th the compos|te superstructure secnon
|ot of vesse| |ength aga|nst year of
construcnon for a||-compos|te patro|
boats, MCMV and corveues
A. MourlLza, , , L CellerLb, 8urchlllb, k Challlsb," 8evlew of advanced composlLe sLrucLures for naval shlps and
submarlnes," ComposlLe SLrucLures, volume 33, lssue 1, !uly 2001.
Mar|ne Compos|tes
naval Shlp ueslgn Conslderauons
Webb lnsuLuLe
Senlor Llecuve - Sprlng 2013 page 4
Nava| Sh|pyard r|or|nes
from 2001 Lrlc Creene
AssoclaLes survey
Mar|ne Compos|tes
naval Shlp ueslgn Conslderauons
Webb lnsuLuLe
Senlor Llecuve - Sprlng 2013 page 3
Scand|nav|an Warsh|ps
1he !"#$% dlsplaces 600 Lons (fully equlpped), ls 73 m
overall lengLh wlLh a 10.4 m beam. 1he hull uullzes
sandwlch carbon ber consLrucuon glvlng a quoLed speed
of >33 knoLs.
!"#$% C|ass Corveue bu||t by
kockums, Sweden
1he #&'()* represenLs Lhe new breed of lasL
aLrol/Mlsslle Lorpedo boaLs 8ullL by umoe
Mandal A/S ln norway. ulA8 core maLerlals are
used LhroughouL Lhe vessel provldlng
llghLwelghL performance and low elecLro-
magneuc slgnaLure (LMS). 8ohacel foam ls
used where elevaLed LemperaLure performance
ls requlred. #&'()* ('Shleld') has an alr-
cushloned caLamaran hull (surface eecL)
whlch, wlLh waLer[eL propulslon, provldes hlgh
speed and maneuverablllLy.
#+,-./ Iast patro| Crah bu||t by
Umoe Manda|, Norway
Mar|ne Compos|tes
naval Shlp ueslgn Conslderauons
Webb lnsuLuLe
Senlor Llecuve - Sprlng 2013 page 6
Compos|te Structures Increase
|auorm erformance
Compos|te n|gh Speed Vesse|
[kasmussen, NSWCCD]
Infus|on of ALM]S ane| at NGSS [kasmussen, NSWCCD] LD 17 ALM]S Seam 40-
foot Vernca| Infus|on
Mar|ne Compos|tes
naval Shlp ueslgn Conslderauons
Webb lnsuLuLe
Senlor Llecuve - Sprlng 2013 page 7
DDG 1000 Deckhouse
1he 160 long by 70 wlde by 63 hlgh
deckhouse of Lhe navy's newesL desLroyer ls a
composlLe sLrucLure bullL uslng carbon ber,
vlnylesLer resln and a balsa core. use of composlLes
wlll allow Lhe navy Lo reduce Lopslde welghL,
plauorm slgnaLure and Lo lnLegraLe aperLures lnLo
Lhe sLrucLure&
karl 8eque
PunungLon lngalls
8ath Iron Works - Inga||s DDG 1000
Shared-8u||d |an
Mar|ne Compos|tes
naval Shlp ueslgn Conslderauons
Webb lnsuLuLe
Senlor Llecuve - Sprlng 2013 page 8
Advanced Lnc|osed Mast System (ALM]S)
1he navy's Advanced Lnclosed
MasL SysLem (ALM/S) was
developed as a meLhod Lo enclose
a shlp's vasL array of radars and
sensors Lyplcally exposed on
masLs. 1he composlLe ALM/S
sLrucLure allows rouune
malnLenance Lo be performed ln
any weaLher and also reduces Lhe
shlp's radar slgnaLure. 1he faceLed
naLure of Lhe ALM/S sLrucLure
provldes Lhe necessary aL
surfaces for mounung phased
array anLennas.
1he above lllusLrauon shows how frequency selecuve surfaces are used Lo conLrol whaL slgnals are
Lransmlued Lhrough Lhe sLrucLure. 1he ALM/S was elded as an Advanced 1echnology uemonsLraLor
(A1u) on Lhe on Lhe '## )*+,-* .& /0123*1 (uu 968) ln 1997 and endured 100-mph plus wlnds and an
accldenLal shlp colllslon. 1he ALM/S ls now Lhe basellne deslgn used on Lhe Lu-17class of shlps.
1hese lnsLallauons have experlenced some problems wlLh waLer lngress lnLo Lhe balsa core ln areas of
bolLed connecuons.
Mar|ne Compos|tes
naval Shlp ueslgn Conslderauons
Webb lnsuLuLe
Senlor Llecuve - Sprlng 2013 page 9
LD-17 Advanced Lnc|osed Mast System
Mar|ne Compos|tes
naval Shlp ueslgn Conslderauons
Webb lnsuLuLe
Senlor Llecuve - Sprlng 2013 page 10
11-meter kI8
Length: 36 feet
Speed: 45 knots+
Displacement: 18,500 pounds (full load)
Number in Inventory: 72
Builder: United States Marine, New Orleans, LA
Years Manufactured: 1998 - present
Resin System: Vinyl Ester
Fiber System: E-glass & Kevlar
Core: Linear & Cross-Linked PVC
Manufacturing Process: Hand Layup, vacuum assist
Mar|ne Compos|tes
naval Shlp ueslgn Conslderauons
Webb lnsuLuLe
Senlor Llecuve - Sprlng 2013 page 11
Nava| 8oats
Members of lnshore 8oaL unlL
SevenLeen (l8u 17) aLrol Lhe WaLers of Apra
Parbor, Cuam
AL sea Aboard '## $4-5 /6175 (LCC 19)
Sallors racuce ueploymenL of Shlp's
Small 8oaLs
Mar|ne Compos|tes
naval Shlp ueslgn Conslderauons
Webb lnsuLuLe
Senlor Llecuve - Sprlng 2013 page 12
Underwater Shock 1esnng
ComposlLe MCM 8udder 8ullL by SLrucLural
ComposlLes Shown uurlng Shock 1rlals (1997)
uuC 31 8udder 8ullL by SLrucLural ComposlLes
Shown uurlng Shock 1rlals (2007)
MCM kudder DDG S1 kudder
Mar|ne Compos|tes
naval Shlp ueslgn Conslderauons
Webb lnsuLuLe
Senlor Llecuve - Sprlng 2013 page 13
Compos|te 1w|sted kudder
1est Arnc|e
Mar|ne Compos|tes
naval Shlp ueslgn Conslderauons
Webb lnsuLuLe
Senlor Llecuve - Sprlng 2013 page 14
Io|n|ng Compos|tes to Meta|s
ComposlLe deckhouse Lo sLeel deck [olnL 8 & u
program by Lhe Cn8 Man1ech program
1yp|ca| arameters for 8o|ted Io|nt Connecnon
8olL spaclng (verucal) 3 lnches
8olL spaclng (horlzonLal) 3 Lo 4 lnches
SLeel ange lengLh 9 lnches
SLeel ange Lhlckness 0.3 lnches
C8 bolung Lab lengLh 6 lnches
nomlnal welghL (9" x x" sLeel 22.40 lbs. per llnear fooL
ange, x" bolLs spaced every
3 lnches, x" gusseLs spaced aL 24")
Mar|ne Compos|tes
naval Shlp ueslgn Conslderauons
Webb lnsuLuLe
Senlor Llecuve - Sprlng 2013 page 13
1yp|ca| Nava| '1-Io|nts"
Sandw|ch-to-Sandw|ch 1ee Io|nt
1r|ang|e Io|nt Used to
Auach Deck for ALM]S
1ee w|th 1oe-8|ock Added
naval Surface Warfare CenLer, Carderock ulvlslon
Mar|ne Compos|tes
naval Shlp ueslgn Conslderauons
Webb lnsuLuLe
Senlor Llecuve - Sprlng 2013 page 16
Large Sca|e 1est Arnc|es
Large Sca|e Shock 1est Arnc|e
8u||t for DDG 1000 program
ne||copter nanger Deck Corner Gusset
Mar|ne Compos|tes
naval Shlp ueslgn Conslderauons
Webb lnsuLuLe
Senlor Llecuve - Sprlng 2013 page 17
1yp|ca| Nava| Sh|p Lam|nate
0.030 Fiberglass
0.019 EMI Shielding
4 Plies Fiberglass
(0.050 each x 4 = 0.20 total)
3.00 D-100 End Grain Balsa
(Varies from 3.0 to 18.0)
4 Plies Fiberglass
(0.050 each x 4 = 0.20 total)
0.60 Chartek VI
(Intumescent Fire Coating)
Mar|ne Compos|tes
naval Shlp ueslgn Conslderauons
Webb lnsuLuLe
Senlor Llecuve - Sprlng 2013 page 18
Sh|p Masts
!ohn . Packeu, ComposlLes 8oad Lo Lhe lleeL-A
Collaborauve Success SLory," norLhrop Crumman, 2011
1h|s 27 |ong ton compos|te mast was
|nsta||ed on CVN 77 |n 2006
Carbon hber mast on Norweg|an
Sk[o|d c|ass coasta| corveue
Lrlc Creene
Mar|ne Compos|tes
naval Shlp ueslgn Conslderauons
Webb lnsuLuLe
Senlor Llecuve - Sprlng 2013 page 19
ard atro| 8oat
Demonstranon rope||er 8|ade
1wo blades were produced vla vA81M
8lades were 24" span x 18" chord x
1.3" Lhlck ([ rooL)
ulmenslonal preclslon evaluaLed uslng
a phoLogrammeLry Lechnlque (Max.
devlauon aL cenLer ~0.07" aurlbuLed
Lo mold suness)
30x lmprovemenL ln composlLe
cavlLauon eroslon reslsLance
ComposlLe 1echnology uevelopmenL, Lafayeue, Colorado
Stanc 1hrough-1h|ckness Shear
Mar|ne Compos|tes
naval Shlp ueslgn Conslderauons
Webb lnsuLuLe
Senlor Llecuve - Sprlng 2013 page 20
DDG S1 C|ass Compos|te Ia|rwater
Mar|ne Compos|tes
naval Shlp ueslgn Conslderauons
Webb lnsuLuLe
Senlor Llecuve - Sprlng 2013 page 21
Compos|te Demonstrators
Mark V Compos|te Demonstrator bu||t by nodgdon achts
Sn||eto Compos|te Demonstrator bu||t by M-Sh|p
Mar|ne Compos|tes
naval Shlp ueslgn Conslderauons
Webb lnsuLuLe
Senlor Llecuve - Sprlng 2013 page 22
GnCS1 Watercrah rototype
!ulleL Marlne SysLems, lnc., orLsmouLh, nP
1he CPCS1 waLercra ls a small vessel
LhaL uses a comblnauon of alrcra
and boaL Lechnology Lo y" on Lhe
waLer uslng Lwo buoyanL Lubular folls
and a gas Lurblne. 1he boaL uses
supercavlLauon Lechnlques LhaL
surround Lhe Lubular folls wlLh a
bubble of gas Lo ellmlnaLe drag.
roLoLype probably noL composlLe consLrucuon - buL should lL be?
Mar|ne Compos|tes
naval Shlp ueslgn Conslderauons
Webb lnsuLuLe
Senlor Llecuve - Sprlng 2013 page 23
n|stor|ca| Uses of Compos|tes on Submar|nes
L|ght We|ght W|de Aperture Array Assemb|y,
Seemann Compos|tes (2001 - 200S)
Mast Ia|r|ngs (1963 - present)
Ia|rwater on USS na|meak (19S4 - 196S)
Dry Deck She|ter (1982 - present)
Mar|ne Compos|tes
naval Shlp ueslgn Conslderauons
Webb lnsuLuLe
Senlor Llecuve - Sprlng 2013 page 24
Deep Submergence Veh|c|es
1hese uSvs are
consLrucLed of a
berglass hull over Lhe
meLal crew sphere
1he uS8v ouLer hull ls
approxlmaLely 13 meLers
(30 feeL) long, 2.4 meLers (8
feeL) ln dlameLer, and ls
consLrucLed of berglass.
DSV-4 #01 3)45
DSkV-1 6789:
DSV-3 ;<=>)0
Mar|ne Compos|tes
naval Shlp ueslgn Conslderauons
Webb lnsuLuLe
Senlor Llecuve - Sprlng 2013 page 23
Mk 8 SLAL De||very Veh|c|e System
Aherbody Deta|| from
NAVSLA Drwg 6893402
Sandw|ch Lam|nate Cons|sts of:
- ulvlnycell P80 vC foam core
- L-glass blaxlal, cloLh, maL and
unldlrecuonal sLrand
- lnLerplasuc Corporauon CC8vL8121
vlnylesLer resln
?@;-A C|ass SDV show|ng SLAL
1eam and Lqu|pment
Mar|ne Compos|tes
naval Shlp ueslgn Conslderauons
Webb lnsuLuLe
Senlor Llecuve - Sprlng 2013 page 26
ASDS Compos|te kotor
kevln koudela, enn SLaLe A8L ComposlLe 1echnologles
Mar|ne Compos|tes
naval Shlp ueslgn Conslderauons
Webb lnsuLuLe
Senlor Llecuve - Sprlng 2013 page 27
Submar|ne 8ow Domes
8ow Dome Lam|nate
and Lay-up 1oo| So||d
Mode| [enn State
L-G|ass]Lpoxy 8ow Dome
Cured |n an Autoc|ave
20' D|ameter x S0' Length
Autoc|ave at n|tco
Compar|son of Submar|ne
8ow Dome S|zes
Mar|ne Compos|tes
naval Shlp ueslgn Conslderauons
Webb lnsuLuLe
Senlor Llecuve - Sprlng 2013 page 28
Un|versa| Modu|ar Compos|te
L|ectr|c Mast
Sa|| and Mast Arrangement
on .-# @B?.C#-C|ass Sub UMM Gu|de 1runk, ka2ak Compos|tes, 2007
Carbon llber / L-glass
Lpoxy Sandwlch
ulLruslon rocesslng
Mar|ne Compos|tes
naval Shlp ueslgn Conslderauons
Webb lnsuLuLe
Senlor Llecuve - Sprlng 2013 page 29
Submar|ne Sa|| Cusp
1h|s compos|te sa|| cusp was bu||t by
Goodr|ch for the next e|ght V|rg|n|a
C|ass nuc|ear auack submar|nes. 1he
comp|ex doub|e curvature shape
makes |t su|tab|e for compos|te
Coodrlch uellvers llrsL ComposlLe Sall Cusp for nuclear
Submarlne," CCMCSl1LS 1CuA?, !une 18, 2012
1he cusp ls sald Lo be 3,000 lbs llghLer and $130,000 less expenslve Lhan Lhe sLeel verslon,
achleves a schedule reducuon from 14 monLhs Lo 3 monLhs, and an esumaLed $20,000 savlngs
per perlodlc vCS sall malnLenance. [Clnger Cardlner, ComposlLes 1echnology, leb 2012]
Mar|ne Compos|tes
naval Shlp ueslgn Conslderauons
Webb lnsuLuLe
Senlor Llecuve - Sprlng 2013 page 30
k & D n|story at Inga||s Sh|pbu||d|ng
!ohn . Packeu, ComposlLes 8oad Lo Lhe lleeL-A
Collaborauve Success SLory," norLhrop Crumman, 2011

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