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Who Likes What in 3 Steps

A plcea = To Like
A Special Verb

English: I like food I like books
Romanian: mi place mncarea mi plac crile
Step 1. Choose the first word. Whos the one who likes things?

I like things, so the first word is: mi
You like things, so the first word is: i (your friend)
e!"he!It likes things, so the first word is: i
#e like things, so the first word is: $e
You like things, so the first word is: % (people OR polite toward your teacher)
&he' like things, so the first word is: (e
Step 2. Choose the second word. How many things are there?

If there is onl' one thing, then the second word is: place
It there are more things, then the second word is: plac
Step 3. For the third word, pray for luck 'cause this is a tricky part

a dog un cine
a cat o pisic

)the* book cartea
)the* dog cinele
)the* painting tabloul
)the* cats pisicile
)the* people oamenii
See for yourself:
I like cats+ mi plac pisicile+ Eu place pisic+
You like books+ i plac crile+ Tu placi cri+
"!e likes 'our car+ i place ma,ina ta+ Ea place ma,in ta+
#e like flowers+ $e plac florile+ Noi placem flori+
You like songs+ % plac cntecele+ Voi placei cntecei+
&he' like these drawings+ (e plac aceste desene+ Ele plac aceste desenele+
I like the painting+ mi place tabloul+ Eu plac tablou+

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