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RICA Case Study Domain I-V

Sixth Grade class

Has some vocabulary skill
Has good writing and speaking skills
Student uses her background knowledge

To be Fluent in reading
Needs instruction with comprehension and direct instruction in self-monitoring strategies
Student needs to learn how to retell
Reads below grade level

Student can make predictions using her background knowledge skills
Student can record information in graphic organizer to get a vision of her ideas.
Model think aloud to show students how to good readers read for comprehension
Students can retell and summarize their reading
Students can reread the story or text for comprehension
Student needs direct instruction on how to look up information from text
After reading students can answer questions from text.
Students can dramatize vocabulary to increase vocabulary as well as use vocabulary to
form sentences to increase fluency
Teacher can use realia to help student understand and connect abstract to real life
Give students options to increase independence and flexibility

Teacher could use QAR for assessment
Teacher could ask higher levels thinking to check for students comprehension
Teacher could take anecdotal notes for assessment
Observation could also be used to assess student
Testing could be used as a form or assessment

Madeline has fairly good word attack skills and because of that she is able to recognize and
identify some words at a minimal level. She uses her background knowledge skills in other areas
of study. Student can retell orally what she has read to increase fluency. By using graphic
organizer as she reads she can refer to it when writing her summary. Madeline could read aloud
and share her summaries to increase fluency. The teacher could use the standardized test to
assess her. Using higher level thinking questions will challenge students thinking. The teacher
could conference with student to know where student is progressing and where improvement is

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