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Karl Barth in Conversation

Course Manager: Dr. John McDowell

Seminar 1 Reading Karl Barth Today: Conversational Theologian
Karl Barth, Fifteen Answers to Professor Adolf von Harnack, and An Answer to Professor
Adolf von Harnacks Open Letter, in Revelation and Theology: An Analysis of the Barth-
Harnack Correspondence of 1923, H. Martin !"scheidt #$a"%rid&e' $a"%rid&e (niversit)
Press, *+,-., /*0/1, 2301-.
Karl Barth, rotestant Theology in the !ineteenth Cent"ry, ch*
4ohn $. Mc5owell, 6heolo&) as $onversational 7vent' Karl Barth, the 7ndin& of 85ialo&!e9
and the Be&innin& of 8$onversation9, #odern Theology *+ #-33/., 2:/013+, availa%le at
4ohn ?e%ster, @6here is no Past in the $h!rch...@, in 4ohn $. Mc5owell and Mike Hi&ton,
Conversing $ith Barth,
availa%le at http';;www.&";<ohnn)"cdowell;Barth=$o!rse=?"l
o%ert ?. 4enson, Karl Barth, in 5avid F. Ford #ed.., The #odern Theologians -
#O>ford' Blackwell, *++,., -*0/A.
Seminar !nding and Beginning Conversation: Barth"s #$ro%hetic" &ord '2Ro(
Karl Barth, 6he Beed and Pro"ise of $hristian Preachin&, in The $ord of %od and the $ord
of #an, trans. 5o!&las Horton #London' Hodder C Dto!&hton, *+-:., +,0*/1.
Karl Barth, 6he 6ask of the Ministr), in The $ord of %od and the $ord of #an, trans.
5o!&las Horton #London' Hodder C Dto!&hton, *+-:., *:/0-*,.
Karl Barth, The &pistle to the Ro'ans, A
edn. trans. 7dw)n $. Hosk)ns #London, O>ford and
Bew Eork' O>ford (niversit) Press, *+//., /102:, ,10A, +*0*32, */20:, --+02A, -1,0,3.
(econdary Reading:
Far) 5orrien, The Barthian Revolt in #odern Theology: Theology $itho"t $eapons #Lo!isville,
Kent!ck)' ?est"inster 4ohn Kno> Press, -333., ch. -.
6i"oth) 4. Forrin&e, )arl Barth: Against Hege'ony #O>ford' O>ford (niversit) Press, *+++., 110
?alter Lowe, Barth as the $ritic of 5!alis"' e0eadin& the R*'er+rief, (cottish ,o"rnal of
Theology 2* #*+::., /,,0/+1.
Br!ce L. Mc$or"ack, )arl Barth-s Critically Realistic .ialectical Theology #O>ford' $larendon
Press, *++1., ch. A.
4ohn $. Mc5owell, Hope in Barth-s &schatology: /nterrogations and Transfor'ations Beyond
Tragedy #Ash&ate, -333., ch. /.
6ho"as F. 6orrance, )arl Barth: An /ntrod"ction to His &arly Theology0 1911-1931 #London'
D$M Press, *+A-., ch. GH pt. *.
Seminar ) Being S%o*en to: +istening to Scri%ture 'CD ,(
Karl Barth, Bi%lical I!estions, Gnsi&hts and Histas, in The $ord of %od and the $ord of #an,
trans. 5o!&las Horton #London' Hodder and Dto!&hton Ltd., *+-:., 1*0,2.
Karl Barth, The &pistle to the Ro'ans, A
edn. trans. 7dw)n $. Hosk)ns #London, O>ford and
Bew Eork' O>ford (niversit) Press, *+//., *0*1.
Karl Barth, Ch"rch .og'atics /21, trans. F.?. Bro"ile) #7din%!r&h' 6C6 $lark, *+,1., ++0
Karl Barth, Ch"rch .og'atics G.-, trans. F.6. 6ho"son and Harold McKni&ht #7din%!r&h'
6C6 $lark, *+1A., ,--0/:.
Karl Barth, 6he $hristian (nderstandin& of evelation, in Against the (trea': (horter ost-
$ar $ritings 1934-52, trans. 7.M. 5elaco!r and Dtanle) Food"an, ed. onald Fre&or D"ith
#London' D$M Press, *+12., -310-23.
Karl Barth, 6he A!thorit) and Di&nificance of the Bi%le' 6welve 6heses, in %od Here and
!o6, trans. Pa!l M. van B!ren #London' o!tled&e and Ke&an Pa!l, *+A2., 210A3.
(econdary Reading and 7thers:
Karl Barth, &vangelical Theology, trans. Frover Fole) #London' $ollins, *+A1., $hapters - and /.
Karl Barth, evelation, trans. 4.O. $o%ha", in Revelation, ed. 4ohn Baillie #London' Fa%er and
Fa%er, *+/,., 2*0:*.
Karl Barth, 6he Dtran&e Bew ?orld ?ithin the Bi%le, in The $ord of %od and the $ord of #an,
trans. 5o!&las Horton #London' Hodder and Dto!&hton Ltd., *+-:., -:013.
$hristina A. Ba>ter, 6he Bat!re and Place of Dcript!re in the $h!rch 5o&"atics, in 4ohn
6ho"pson #ed.., Theology Beyond Christendo': &ssays on the Centenary of the Birth of
)arl Barth #ay 110 1984 #Allison Park, Penns)lvania' Pickwick P!%lications, *+:A., //0
Feoffre) ?. Bro"ile), 6he A!thorit) of Dcript!re in Karl Barth, in 5.A. $arson and 4ohn
?ood%rid&e #eds.., Her'ene"tics0 A"thority and Canon #Leicester' GHP, *+:A., -,*0-+2.
5.F. Ford, Barths Gnterpretation of the Bi%le, in D.?. D)kes #ed.., )arl Barth: (t"dies of His
Theological #ethod #O>ford' $larendon Press, *+,+., 110:,.
6revor Hart, Regarding )arl Barth: &ssays To6ard a Reading of His Theology #$arlisle'
Paternoster Press, *+++., ch. ,.
Feor&e H!nsin&er, .isr"ptive %race: (t"dies in the Theology of )arl Barth #Frand apids,
Michi&an' ?illia" B. 7erd"ans P!%lishin& $o"pan), -333., chs. +, */.
?erner F. 4eanrond, Karl Barths Her"ene!tics, in Bi&el Bi&&ar #ed.., Reckoning $ith Barth:
&ssays in Co''e'oration of the Centenary of )arl Barth-s Birth #London and O>ford'
Mow%ra), *+::., :30+,.
7%erhard 4Jn&el, )arl Barth: A Theological 9egacy, trans. Farrett 7. Pa!l #Philadelphia' 6he
?est"inster Press, *+:A., ,*0:-.
Feor&e Lind%eck, Barth and 6e>t!alit), Theology Today 2/ #*+:A., /A30/,A. Availa%le
Boel D"ith, Karl Barth on the 5octrine of the Gnspiration of the Dcript!res in the Histor) of the
$h!rch, (cottish ,o"rnal of Theology - #*+2+., *1A0*A-.
Klaas !nia, )arl Barth-s .octrine of Holy (cript"re #Frand apids, Mich.' 7erd"ans, *+A-..
Dcott $. Da)e, 6he ?ild and $rooked 6ree' Barth, Fish, and Gnterpretive $o""!nities, #odern
Theology *- #*++A., 2/1021:.
6ho"as F. 6orrance, )arl Barth: Bi+lical and &vangelical Theologian #7din%!r&h' 6C6 $lark,
*++3., ch. /.
Mark G. ?allace, Karl Barths He"ene!tic' A ?a) Bw)ond the G"passe, ,o"rnal of Religion A:
#*+::., /+A02*3.
Mark G. ?allace, 6he ?orld of the 6e>t' 6heolo&ical He"ene!tics in the 6ho!&ht of Karl Barth
and Pa!l icoe!r, :nion (e'inary ;"arterly Revie6 2* #*+:A0,., *0*1.
Francis ?atson, 6he Bi%le, in 4ohn ?e%ster #ed.., The Ca'+ridge Co'panion to )arl Barth
#$a"%rid&e' $(P, -333., 1,0,*.
4ohn ?e%ster, Barth #London and Bew Eork' $ontin!!", -333., ch. /.
Seminar - Conversations and Con.lict: Barth and Brunner
Karl Barth and 7"il Br!nner, !at"ral Theology, trans. 4ohn Baillie #London' 6he $entenar)
Press, *+2A., *10A3, A,0+:, *3*0*3+, *-30*-*.
7"il Br!nner, #an in Revolt, trans. Olive ?)on #London' L!tterworth Press, *+/+., 1-,012*.
4ohn $. Mc5owell, Karl Barth, 7"il Br!nner, and the D!%<ectivit) of the O%<ect of $hristian
Hope, /nternational ,o"rnal of (yste'atic Theology :.* #Apr -33A., -102*,
availa%le at http';;www.&";<ohnn)"cdowell;papers;Barth=$o!rse=-3320
(econdary Reading:
Dtephen Andrews, 6he A"%i&!it) of $apacit)' A e<oinder to 6revor Hart, Tyndale B"lletin 21
#*++2., *A+0*,+.
4ohn Baillie, Gntrod!ction, in Karl Barth and 7"il Br!nner, !at"ral Theology, trans. 4ohn Baillie
#London' 6he $entenar) Press, *+2A., 10*-.
4a"es Barr, Bi+lical <aith and !at"ral Theology #O>ford' $larendon Press, *++/., ch. *.
$olin Brown, )arl Barth and the Christian #essage #London' 6he 6)ndale Press, *+A,., ch. / pt.
7"il Br!nner, The Christian .octrine of Creation and Rede'ption2 .og'atics =ol2 //, trans. Olive
?)on #London' L!tterworth Press, *+1-., -*0-2, 2-021.
7"il Br!nner, 6he Bew Barth' O%servations on Karl Barths .octrine of #an, (cottish ,o"rnal
of Theology 2 #*+1*., *-/0*/1.
4oan 7. 5onovan, Man in the G"a&e of Fod' 6he 5isa&ree"ent Between Barth and Br!nner
econsidered, (cottish ,o"rnal of Theology /+ #*+:A., 2//021+.
Far) 5orrien, The Barthian Revolt in #odern Theology: Theology $itho"t $eapons #Lo!isville,
Kent!ck)' ?est"inster 4ohn Kno> Press, -333., *3A0*/3.
4ohn ?. Hart, )arl Barth =s2 &'il Br"nner: The <or'ation and .issol"tion of a Theological
Alliance0 1914-1934: The <or'ation and .issol"tion of a Theological Alliance0 1914-
1934 #Peter Lan&, -33*..
6revor Hart, Regarding )arl Barth: &ssays To6ard a Reading of His Theology #$arlisle'
Paternoster Press, *+++., ch. ,.
Seminar / Critical Conversations with Calvin: The !lecting 0od 'CD ,,.(
Karl Barth, Ch"rch .og'atics GG.-, pp. /0*2, *:0/2, :+0+/, +20*3AK **10*-,, *210*::, *+1
#%old print., /3A #%old print.. $lease 1ote: not the small %rint 223 '4lthough .eel .ree to read
them i. you so choose(
(econdary Reading:
F.$. Berko!wer, The Tri"'ph of %race in the Theology of )arl Barth, trans. Harr) . Boer #Frand
apids, Michi&an' ?". B. 7erd"ans P!%lishin& $o"pan), *+1A., ch. GH.
7"il Br!nner, The Christian .octrine of %od2 .og'atics =ol2 /, trans. Olive ?)on #London'
L!tterworth Press, *+2+., /2A0/1/.
$olin F!nton, >Barths 5octrine of 7lection as Part of His 5octrine of Fod, ,o"rnal of Theological
(t"dies -1 #*+,2., /:*0/+-.
Br!ce L. Mc$or"ack, )arl Barth-s Critically Realistic .ialectical Theology #O>ford' $larendon
Press, *++1., ch. **./.
Br!ce Mc$or"ack, Frace and Bein&' 6he ole of Fods Fracio!s 7lection in Karl Barths
6heolo&ical Ontolo&), in 4ohn ?e%ster #ed.., The Ca'+ridge Co'panion to )arl Barth
#$a"%rid&e' $(P, -333., +-0**3.
D!n& ?ook $h!n&, Ad'iration and Challenge: )arl Barth-s Theological Relationship 6ith ,ohn
Calvin #Peter Lan&, -33-., -320-*1.
?.A. ?hiteho!se, 7lection and $ovenant, in 4ohn 6ho"pson #ed.., Theology Beyond
Christendo': &ssays on the Centenary of the Birth of )arl Barth #ay 110 1984 #Allison
Park, Penns)lvania' Pickwick P!%lications, *+:A., A/0:A.
Seminar 5 $eo%le in Conversation: Theological 4nthro%ology 'CD ,,,.(
Karl Barth, Ch"rch .og'atics GGG.-, pp. *+022, 2,012, ,*0A, +*0+/, */-0*/A, *210*2:, *,10
*,,, -3/0--3, -2/0-,2 #1ote: not the small %rint %aragra%hs 6 although .eel .ree to read
them i. you so choose(
(econdary Reading:
Farr) ?. 5eddo, Barth-s Theology of Relations2 Trinitarian0 Christological0 and H"'an:
To6ards an &thic of the <a'ily #Peter Lan&, *+++..
Far) 5eddo, 6he Fra""ar of Barths 6heolo&) of Personal elations, (cottish ,o"rnal of
Theology 2, #*++2., *:/0---.
6i"oth) 4. Forrin&e, )arl Barth: Against Hege'ony #O>ford (niversit) Press, *+++..
?illia" Dtac) 4ohnson, The #ystery of %od: )arl Barth and the ost'odern <o"ndations of
Theology #Lo!isville, Kent!ck)' ?est"inster 4ohn Kno> Press, *++,., ,:0+*.
7%erhard 4Jn&el, )arl Barth: A Theological 9egacy, trans. Farrett 7. Pa!l #Philadelphia' 6he
?est"inster Press, *+:A., ch. 2.
Fer&!s Kerr, /''ortal 9ongings: =ersions of Transcending H"'anity #London' DP$K, *++,., ch.
?olf KrLtke, 6he H!"anit) of the H!"an Person in Karl Barths Anthropolo&), in 4ohn ?e%ster
#ed.., The Ca'+ridge Co'panion to )arl Barth #$a"%rid&e' $(P, -333., *1+0*,A.
4ohn $. Mc5owell, Learnin& ?here to Place Ones Hope' 6he 7schatolo&ical Di&nificance of
7lection in Barth, (cottish ,o"rnal of Theology 1/./ #-333., /*A0//:.
Dt!art 5. McLean, $reation and Anthropolo&), in 4ohn 6ho"pson #ed.., Theology Beyond
Christendo': &ssays on the Centenary of the Birth of )arl Barth #ay 110 1984 #Allison
Park, Penns)lvania' Pickwick P!%lications, *+:A., ***0*2-.
Dt!art McLean, H"'anity in the Tho"ght of )arl Barth #7din%!r&h' 6C6 $lark, *+:*., chs. G0GH.
Dt!art 5. McLean, 6he H!"anit) of Man in Karl Barths 6ho!&ht, (cottish ,o"rnal of Theology
-: #*+,1., *-,0*2,.
5avid K. Miell, Barth on Persons in elationship' A $ase for F!rther eflection, (cottish ,o"rnal
of Theology 2- #*+:+., 12*0111.
5aniel 4. Price, )arl Barth-s Anthropology in the 9ight of #odern Tho"ght
4ohn ?e%ster, Barth #London and Bew Eork' $ontin!!", -333., ch. 1.
4ohn ?e%ster, Barth and Post"odern 6heolo&)' A Fr!itf!l $onfrontationM Part /. esc!in& the
D!%<ect' Barth and Post"odern Anthropolo&), in Feoff 6ho"pson and $hristiaan Mostert
#eds.., )arl Barth: A <"t"re for ost'odern Theology? #Hind"arsh' A!stralian
6heolo&ical For!", -333., 2+0A+.
Seminar 7 The 0od o. Salvation 'CD ,8(
Karl Barth, Ch"rch .og'atics GH.*, N1+.- 6he 4!d&e 4!d&ed in O!r Place.
(econdary Reading:
F.$. Berko!wer, The Tri"'ph of %race in the Theology of )arl Barth, trans. Harr) . Boer #Frand
apids, Michi&an' ?". B. 7erd"ans P!%lishin& $o"pan), *+1A., ch. H.
$olin F!nton, Dalvation, in 4ohn ?e%ster #ed.., The Ca'+ridge Co'panion to )arl Barth
#$a"%rid&e' $(P, -333., *2/0*1:.
6revor Hart, Regarding )arl Barth: &ssays To6ard a Reading of His Theology #$arlisle'
Paternoster Press, *+++., ch. /.
Alasdair G.$. Heron, 6he 6he"e of Dalvation in Karl Barths 5octrine of econciliation, &@ A"dit"
1 #*+:+., *3,0*--.
Feor&e H!nsin&er, Ho6 to Read )arl Barth: The (hape of His Theology #Bew Eork nd O>ford'
O>ford (niversit) Press, *++*., ch. 1.
Banc) M. Hictorin0Han&er!d, 6he $o!nterpart of Others' Do"e I!estions for Barths 5octrine of
econciliation, in Feoff 6ho"pson and $hristiaan Mostert #eds.., )arl Barth: A <"t"re
for ost'odern Theology? #Hind"arsh' A!stralian 6heolo&ical For!", -333., *,*0*+3.
4ohn ?e%ster, Barth #London and Bew Eork' $ontin!!", -333., ch. A.
Seminar 9 The $ractice o. :o%e 'CD ,8.).; CL(
Karl Barth, Ch"rch .og'atics GH./.-, N,/.
Karl Barth, &vangelical Theology: An /ntrod"ction, trans. Frover Fole) #London' $ollins,
*+A/., ch. */.
4ohn $. Mc5owell, Karl Barths Havin& Bo06hin& to Hope For, ,o"rnal of Christian
Theological Research ** #-33A., *02A,
http';;www.l!therse".ed!;ctrf;4$6;Hol**;Mc5owell=4$6**.pdf .
(econdary Reading:
?illia" Dtac) 4ohnson, The #ystery of %od: )arl Barth and the ost'odern <o"ndations of
Theology #Lo!isville, Kent!ck)' ?est"inster 4ohn Kno> Press, *++,., ch. :.
4ohn $. Mc5owell, For ?hat Ma) ?e HopeM Karl Barths 86heolo&) of Hope9, $hitefield
Briefings 1.1 #4!l), -333..
Availa%le http';;www.&";<ohnn)"cdowell;"
4ohn $. Mc5owell, Hope in Barth-s &schatology: /nterrogations and Transfor'ations Beyond
Tragedy #Ash&ate, -333., chs. A0,.
4Jr&en Molt"ann, The Co'ing of %od: Christian &schatology, trans. Mar&aret Kohl #London'
D$M Press, *++A., */0*+.
4ohn D. eist, 4r., $o""ence"ent, $ontin!ation, $ons!""ation' Karl Barths 6heolo&) of Hope,
&vangelical ;"arterly :, #*+:,., *+10-*2.
Ferhard Da!ter, ?h) Gs Karl Barths $h!rch 5o&"atics Bot a 86heolo&) of Hope9M Do"e
O%servations on Barths (nderstandin& of 7schatolo&), (cottish ,o"rnal o Theology 1-
#*+++., 23,02-+.
4ohn ?e%ster, Barth-s #oral Theology: H"'an Action in Barth-s Tho"ght #7din%!r&h' 6C6
$lark, *++:., ch. 1.
Seminar < Critical Conversations in =ur &orld: Barth and Socialist $olitics 'CL(
Karl Barth, The Christian 9ife: Ch"rch .og'atics =ol"'e /=0 art 3 9ect"re <rag'ents, -310
Karl Barth, 6he $hristians Place in Dociet), in The $ord of %od and the $ord of #an, trans.
5o!&las Horton #London' Hodder C Dto!&hton, *+-:., -,-0/-,.
Karl Barth, 4es!s $hrist and the Docial Move"ent #*+**., in )arl Barth and Radical olitics,
ed. and trans.Feor&e H!nsin&er #?est"inster, Philadelphia, *+,A., *+021.
(econdary Reading:
Dhell) Baranowski, 6he Pri"ac) of 6heolo&)' Karl Barth and Docialis", (t"dies in Religion *3
#*+:*., 21*02A*.
4ane A. Barter, A 6heolo&) of Li%eration in Barths Ch"rch .og'atics GH;/, (cottish ,o"rnal of
Theology 1/ #-333., *120*,A.
4a"es Bentle), Karl Barth as a $hristian Docialist, Theology ,A #*+,/., /2+0/1A.
4ohn 5eschner, Karl Barth as Political Activist, :nion (e'inary ;"arterly Revie6 -: #*+,-., 110
6i"oth) 4. Forrin&e, 7schatolo&) and Political adicalis". 6he 7>a"ple of Karl Barth and 4Jr&en
Molt"ann, in ichard Ba!ckha" #ed.., %od $ill Be All in All: The &schatology of
,Argen #olt'ann #7din%!r&h' 6C6 $lark, *+++., :,0**2.
6i"oth) Forrin&e, )arl Barth: Against Hege'ony #O>ford' O>ford (niversit) Press, *+++..
Feor&e H!nsin&er, .isr"ptive %race: (t"dies in the Theology of )arl Barth #Frand apids,
Michi&an' ?illia" B. 7erd"ans P!%lishin& $o"pan), -333., ch. -.
Feor&e H!nsin&er, Karl Barth and adical Politics' Do"e F!rther $onsiderations, (t"dies in
Religion , #*+,:., *A,0*+*.
Feor&e H!nsin&er #ed.., )arl Barth and Radical olitics
7%erhard 4Jn&el, )arl Barth: A Theological 9egacy, trans. Farrett 7. Pa!l #Philadelphia' 6he
?est"inster Press, *+:A., :-0*32.
Pa!l L. Leh"ann, Karl Barth, 6heolo&ian of Per"anent evol!tion, :nion (e'inary ;"arterly
Revie6 -: #*+,-., A,0:*.
o%in ?. Lovin, Christian <aith and "+lic Choices: The (ocial &thics of Barth0 Br"nner0 and
Bonhoeffer #Philadelphia' Fortress Press, *+:2., ch. -.
4ohn $. Mc5owell, Hope in Barth-s &schatology: /nterrogations and Transfor'ations Beyond
Tragedy #Ash&ate, -333., ch /.
$harles Hilla0Hicencio #ed.., Reading Barth in (o"th Africa
?illia" ?erpehowski, Karl Barth and Politics, in 4ohn ?e%ster #ed.., The Ca'+ridge Co'panion
to )arl Barth #$a"%rid&e' $(P, -333., --:0-2-.
enO 5e His"e ?illia"son, olitics and rotestant Theology: An /nterpretation of Tillich0 Barth0
Bonhoeffer0 and Br"nner #Lo!isana Dtate (niversit) Press, *+,A., ch. GG.
Course !ssays
*. Post"odern Fod' 87ver) Ba"e M!st %e 7rased As Doon As it is Artic!lated9 #Mark $.
How Far Gs Barth A%le 6o 6alk of Fod in the *+-- Co''entary on the
-. Anthropolo&)' ?ith Partic!lar eference to C. GGG.-, 7>a"ine how far Barths Do0
$alled Fospel of Freedo" #Forrin&e. is Li%eratin& to ?o"en.
/. 7vil' ?ith Dpecial eference to C.. GGG./, 7val!ate the $lai" that the 5e"onic $an
Bever Be Allowed to Beco"e an Gndependent 6opic for $hristian Dt!d).
2. Baptis"' Assess the 7thical Di&nificance of Barths e<ection of Gnfant Baptis" in
Ch"rch .og'atics GH.2.
1. (niversalis"' 7val!ate the Doteriolo&ical Di&nificance of Karl Barths (niversal Hope.
A. Pra)er' Gn critical conversation with Karl Barth, eval!ate the "eanin& of pra)er.
7R another0 6ith special per'ission of the co"rse 'anager2
!ssay 1
$ostmodern 0od. >!very 1ame Must ?e !rased 4s Soon 4s it is 4rticulated@ 'Mar*
C. Taylor(.

:ow Aar ,s Barth 4?le To Tal* o. 0od in the 1< Commentary on the
ri'ary 9iterat"re
Karl Barth, 6he 6ask of the Ministr), in The $ord of %od and the $ord of #an, trans. 5o!&las
Horton #London' Hodder C Dto!&hton, *+-:., *:/0-*,.
Karl Barth, The &pistle to the Ro'ans, A
edn. trans. 7dw)n $. Hosk)ns #London, O>ford and Bew
Eork' O>ford (niversit) Press, *+//..
(econdary 9iterat"re
Gsolde Andrews, 5econstr!ctin& Barth ' a st!d) of the co"ple"entar) "ethods in Karl Barth and
4acP!es 5errida #Bew Eork ' P. Lan&, *++A..
Far) 5orrien, The Barthian Revolt in #odern Theology: Theology $itho"t $eapons #Lo!isville,
Kent!ck)' ?est"inster 4ohn Kno> Press, -333., ch. -.
Far) 5orrien, 6he Post"odern BarthM 6he ?ord of Fod As 6r!e M)th, The Christian Cent"ry
#April - *++,., //:0/2-.
Mark $. 6a)lor, Tears #Al%an)' Dtate of Bew Eork Press, *++3., :*.
Mark $. 6a)lor, Tears #Al%an)' Dtate of Bew Eork Press, *++3., :*.
Availa%le http';;www.reli&ion0online.or&;c&i0%in;relsearchd.dll;showarticleMite"=idQ,/.
RFarrett Freen, 6he Her"ene!tics of 5ifference' Barth and 5errida on ?ords and the ?ord, in
Merold ?estphal #ed.., ost'odern hilosophy and Christian Tho"ght #Bloo"in&ton and
Gndianapolis' Gndiana (niversit) Press, *+++., +*0*3:.
R?illia" Dtac) 4ohnson, The #ystery of %od: )arl Barth and the ost'odern <o"ndations of
Theology #Lo!isville, Kent!ck)' ?est"inster 4ohn Kno> Press, *++,..
?alter Lowe, Barth as the $ritic of 5!alis"' e0eadin& the R*'er+rief, (cottish ,o"rnal of
Theology 2* #*+::., /,,0/+1.
R?alter Lowe, Theology and .ifference: The $o"nd of Reason #Bloo"in&ton ' Gndiana (niversit)
Press, *++/..
Br!ce L. Mc$or"ack, Be)ond Bonfo!ndational and Post"odern eadin&s of Barth' $riticall)
5ialectical 6heolo&), Beitschrift fAr dialektische Theologie */ #*++,., A,0+1.
RBr!ce L. Mc$or"ack, Fraha" ?ards Barth0 .errida and the 9ang"age of Theology, (cottish
,o"rnal of Theology 2+ #*++A., +,0*3+.
Br!ce L. Mc$or"ack, )arl Barth-s Critically Realistic .ialectical Theology #O>ford' $larendon
Press, *++1., ch. A.
4ohn $. Mc5owell, Hope in Barth-s &schatology: /nterrogations and Transfor'ations Beyond
Tragedy #Ash&ate, -333., ch. /.
Richard H. o%erts, A Theology 7n /ts $ay? &ssays on )arl Barth #7din%!r&h' 6C6 $lark,
*++*., ch. A.
Dteven F. D"ith, The Arg"'ent to the 7ther: Reason Beyond Reason in the Tho"ght of )arl Barth
and &''an"el 9evinas #$hico, $alif. ' Dcholars Press, *+:/..
Feoff 6ho"pson, 8O!r Lines and $oncepts $ontin!all) Break Apart9' Lan&!a&e, M)ster) and
Fod in Barth, in Feoff 6ho"pson and $hristiaan Mostert #eds.., )arl Barth: A <"t"re
for ost'odern Theology? #Hind"arsh' A!stralian 6heolo&ical For!", -333., *+*0-3+.
6ho"as F. 6orrance, )arl Barth: An /ntrod"ction to His &arly Theology0 1911-1931 #London'
D$M Press, *+A-., ch. GH pt. *.
RFraha" ?ard, Barth and Post"odernis", !e6 Blackfriars ,2 #*++/., 113011A.
RFraha" ?ard, Barth, Modernit), and Post"odernit), in 4ohn ?e%ster #ed.., The Ca'+ridge
Co'panion to )arl Barth #$a"%rid&e' $(P, -333., -,20-+1.
RFraha" ?ard, Barth0 .errida and the 9ang"age of Theology #$a"%rid&e' $a"%rid&e (niversit)
Press, *++1..
Fraha" ?ard, 6he evelation of the Hol) Other as ?holl) Other. Between Barths 6heolo&) of
?ord and Levinas Philosoph) of Da)in&, #odern Theology + #*++/., *1+0*:3.
Dtephen ?e%%, Refig"ring Theology: The Rhetoric of )arl Barth #Dtate (niversit) of Bew Eork
Press, *++*..
R4ohn ?e%ster, Barth and Post"odern 6heolo&)' A Fr!itf!l $onfrontationM, in Feoff 6ho"pson
and $hristiaan Mostert #eds.., )arl Barth: A <"t"re for ost'odern Theology?
#Hind"arsh' A!stralian 6heolo&ical For!", -333., *0A+.
&ith $articular Re.erence to CD ,,,.; !Camine how .ar Barth"s SoDCalled #0os%el o.
Areedom" '0orringe( is +i?erating to &omen.
Karl Barth, Ch"rch .og'atics GGG./, NN2/021 #see N21./ for Barth on "ale0fe"ale relations.
7n Barth-s Anthropology
Farr) ?. 5eddo, Barth-s Theology of Relations2 Trinitarian0 Christological0 and H"'an:
To6ards an &thic of the <a'ily #Peter Lan&, *+++..
6i"oth) 4. Forrin&e, )arl Barth: Against Hege'ony #O>ford (niversit) Press, *+++..
?illia" Dtac) 4ohnson, The #ystery of %od: )arl Barth and the ost'odern <o"ndations of
Theology #Lo!isville, Kent!ck)' ?est"inster 4ohn Kno> Press, *++,., ,:0+*.
Fer&!s Kerr, /''ortal 9ongings: =ersions of Transcending H"'anity #London' DP$K, *++,., ch.
?olf KrLtke, 6he H!"anit) of the H!"an Person in Karl Barths Anthropolo&), in 4ohn ?e%ster
#ed.., The Ca'+ridge Co'panion to )arl Barth #$a"%rid&e' $(P, -333., *1+0*,A.
4ohn $. Mc5owell, Learnin& ?here to Place Ones Hope' 6he 7schatolo&ical Di&nificance of
7lection in Barth, (cottish ,o"rnal of Theology 1/./ #-333., /*A0//:.
Dt!art 5. McLean, $reation and Anthropolo&), in 4ohn 6ho"pson #ed.., Theology Beyond
Christendo': &ssays on the Centenary of the Birth of )arl Barth #ay 110 1984 #Allison
Park, Penns)lvania' Pickwick P!%lications, *+:A., ***0*2-.
Dt!art McLean, H"'anity in the Tho"ght of )arl Barth #7din%!r&h' 6C6 $lark, *+:*., chs. G0GH.
Dt!art 5. McLean, 6he H!"anit) of Man in Karl Barths 6ho!&ht, (cottish ,o"rnal of Theology
-: #*+,1., *-,0*2,.
5avid K. Miell, Barth on Persons in elationship' A $ase for F!rther eflection, (cottish ,o"rnal
of Theology 2- #*+:+., 12*0111.
5aniel 4. Price, )arl Barth-s Anthropology in the 9ight of #odern Tho"ght
4ohn ?e%ster, Barth #London and Bew Eork' $ontin!!", -333., ch. 1.
4ohn ?e%ster, Barth and Post"odern 6heolo&)' A Fr!itf!l $onfrontationM Part /. esc!in& the
D!%<ect' Barth and Post"odern Anthropolo&), in Feoff 6ho"pson and $hristiaan Mostert
#eds.., )arl Barth: A <"t"re for ost'odern Theology? #Hind"arsh' A!stralian
6heolo&ical For!", -333., 2+0A+.
7n Barth 7n %ender
RPa!l D. Fiddes, 6he Dtat!s of ?o"an in the 6ho!&ht of Karl Barth, in 4anet Martin Doskice #ed..,
After &ve: $o'en0 Theology and the Christian Tradition #London' $ollins, *++3., */:0*11.
6i"oth) 4. Forrin&e, )arl Barth: Against Hege'ony #O>ford (niversit) Press, *+++..
achel M!ers, A I!estion of 6wo Answers' 5ifference and 5eter"ination in Barth and Hon
Balthasar, Heythrop ,o"rnal 23 #*+++., -A10-,+.
R7!&ene F. o&ers #*+++., (e@"ality and the Christian Body, O>ford' Blackwell, chs. A and :.
ose"ar) adford !ether, (e@is' and %od-Talk: To6ards a <e'inist Theology #Boston' Beacon
RD!Sanne Delin&er, Charlotte von )irsch+a"' and )arl Barth: A (t"dy in Biography and the
History of Theology #(niversit) Park, Penns)lvania' 6he Penns)lvania Dtate (niversit)
Press, *++:..
RKatherine Dondere&&er, Barth and Fe"inis" in 4ohn ?e%ster #ed.., The Ca'+ridge Co'panion
to )arl Barth #$a"%rid&e' $(P, -333., -1:0-,/.
RFraha" ?ard, 6he 7rotics of ede"ption T After Karl Barth, Theology and (e@"ality : #*++:.,
!ssay )
&ith S%ecial Re.erence to CD. ,,,.); !valuate the Claim that the Demonic Can 1ever
Be 4llowed to Become an ,nde%endent To%ic .or Christian Study.
ri'ary 9iterat"re
Karl Barth, Ch"rch .og'atics GGG./, NN13, 1*./.
(econdary 9iterat"re
F.$. Berko!wer, Tri"'ph of %race in the Theology of )arl Barth, trans. H. . Boer #London'
Paternoster Press, *+1A..
Her%ert Hartwell, The Theology of )arl Barth: An /ntrod"ction #London, *+A2..
Feor&e D. Hendr), Bothin&, Theology Today /+ #*+:-0/., -,20-:+.
4ohn Hick, &vil and the %od of 9ove, -
edn. #London and Basin&stoke' Mac"illan, *+,,..
on Hi&hfield, Barth and Rahner in .ialog"e: To6ard an &c"'enical :nderstanding of (in and
&vil #Bew Eork, Bern, Frankf!rt a" Main, Paris' Peter Lan&, *+:+..
4ohn $. Mc5owell, Learnin& ?here to Place Ones Hope' 6he 7schatolo&ical Di&nificance of
7lection in Barth, (cottish ,o"rnal of Theology 1/./ #-333., /*A0//:.
4ohn $. Mc5owell, M!ch Ado A%o!t Bothin&' Karl Barths Bein& (na%le to 5o Bothin& A%o!t
Bothin&ness, /nternational ,o"rnal of (yste'atic Theology 2./ #-33-., /*+0//1.
Hernon . Mallow, The .e'onic: A (elected Theological (t"dy2 An &@a'ination into the
Theology of &d6in 9e6is0 )arl Barth and a"l Tillich #Lanha", Bew Eork and London'
(niversit) Press of A"erica, *+:/..
Feor&e Pattison, Agnosis: Theology in the =oid #Basin&stoke and London' Mac"illan Press Ltd.,
*++A., -.
Dcott . odin, &vil and Theodicy in the Theology of )arl Barth #Peter Lan&, *++,..
4ohn ?e%ster, Barth-s #oral Theology: H"'an Action in Barth-s Tho"ght #7din%!r&h' 6C6
$lark, *++:., ch. 2.
Bicholas ?olterstorff, Barth on 7vil, <aith and hilosophy */ #*++A., 1:20A3:.
!ssay -
!thics o. Ba%tism. 4ssess the !thical Signi.icance o. Barth"s ReEection o. ,n.ant
Ba%tism in Church Dogmatics ,8.-.
ri'ary 9iterat"re
Karl Barth, Ch"rch .og'atics GH.2
Karl Barth, The Teaching of the Ch"rch Regarding Baptis'
(econdary 9iterat"re
On Barths 7thics in Feneral
6revor Hart, Regarding )arl Barth: &ssays To6ard a Reading of His Theology #$arlisle'
Paternoster Press, *+++., ch. 2.
?illia" Dtac) 4ohnson, The #ystery of %od: )arl Barth nd the ost'odern <o"ndations of
Theology #Lo!isville, Kent!ck)' ?est"inster 4ohn Kno> Press, *++,., chs. ,, :.
7%erhard 4Jn&el, )arl Barth: A Theological 9egacy, trans. Farrett 7. Pa!l #Philadelphia' 6he
?est"inster Press, *+:A., ch. /.
Martin !"schidt, 6he First $o""and"ent as A>io" for 6heolo&)' A Model for the (nit) of
5o&"atics and 7thics, in 4ohn 6ho"pson #ed.., Theology Beyond Christendo': &ssays
on the Centenary of the Birth of )arl Barth #ay 110 1984 #Allison Park, Penns)lvania'
Pickwick P!%lications, *+:A., *2/0*A2.
4ohn ?e%ster, Barth #London and Bew Eork' $ontin!!", -333., ch. ,.
4ohn ?e%ster, Barth-s #oral Theology: H"'an Action in Barth-s Tho"ght #7din%!r&h' 6C6
$lark, *++:., ch. +.
4.B. ?e%ster, 6he $hristian in evolt' Do"e eflections on The Christian 9ife, in Bi&el Bi&&ar
#ed.., Reckoning $ith Barth: &ssays in Co''e'oration of the Centenary of )arl
Barth-s Birth #London and O>ford' Mow%ra), *+::., **+0*22.
On Barth on Baptis"
4a"es 4. B!ckle), $hristian $o""!nit), Baptis" and Lords D!pper, in 4ohn ?e%ster #ed.., The
Ca'+ridge Co'panion to )arl Barth #$a"%rid&e' $(P, -333., *+10-**.
H. Hartwell, Karl Barth on Baptis", (cottish ,o"rnal of Theology -- #*+A+., *30-+.
Feor&e H!nsin&er, Baptis" and the Doteriolo&) of For&iveness, in /nternational ,o"rnal of
(yste'atic Theology - #-333., -2,0-AA.
4ohn $. Mc5owell, Hope in Barth-s &schatology: /nterrogations and Transfor'ations Beyond
Tragedy #Ash&ate, -333., ch. :.
Feoffre) ?. Bro"ile), Children of ro'ise: The Case for BaptiCing /nfants #7din%!r&h' 6C6
$lark, *+,+..
4ohn ?e%ster, Barth-s &thics of Reconciliation #$a"%rid&e' $a"%rid&e (niversit) Press, *++1..
!ssay /
!valuate the Soteriological Signi.icance o. Karl Barth"s #Fniversal :o%e".
ri'ary 9iterat"re
Karl Barth, Ch"rch .og'atics GG.-, N//.
Karl Barth, The H"'anity of %od #London' $ollins, *+A,., 1,0A3.
(econdary 9iterat"re
F.$. Berko!wer, The Tri"'ph of %race in the Theology of )arl Barth, trans. Harr) . Boer
#London' Paternoster Press, *+1A..
4oseph 5. Bettis, Gs Karl Barth a (niversalistM, (,T -3 #*+A,., 2-202/A.
$olin Brown, )arl Barth and the Christian #essage #London' 6he 6)ndale Press, *+A,., ch. 2 pt.
7"il Br!nner, .og'atics =ol"'e /: The Christian .octrine of %od, trans. Olive ?)on #London'
L!tterworth Press, *+2+..
4ohn $olwell, Act"ality and rovisionality: &ternity and &lection in the Theology of )arl Barth
#7din%!r&h' !therford Ho!se Books, *+:+..
4ohn $olwell, 6he $onte"poraneit) of the 5ivine 5ecision' eflections on Barths 5enial of
8(niversalis"9, in Bi&el M. de D. $a"eron #ed.., :niversalis' and the .octrine of Hell2
apers resented at the <o"rth &din+"rgh Conference on Christian .og'atics #$arlisle'
Paternoster Press, *++-., */+0*A3.
4ohn $. Mc5owell, Hope in Barth-s &schatology: /nterrogations and Transfor'ations Beyond
Tragedy #Ash&ate, -333., ch. :.
4ohn $. Mc5owell, M!ch Ado A%o!t Bothin&' Karl Barths Bein& (na%le to 5o Bothin& A%o!t
Bothin&ness, /nternational ,o"rnal of (yste'atic Theology 2./ #-33-., /*+0//1.
5avid F. ?ells, The (earch <or (alvation #Leicester' Gnter Harsit) Press, *+,:..
HeinS Uahrnt, The ;"estion of %od: rotestant Theology in the T6entieth Cent"ry, trans. .A.
?ilson #London' $ollins, *+A+..
Also see 6revor Hart, (niversalis"' 6wo 5istinct 6)pes, in Bi&el M. de D. $a"eron #ed..,
:niversalis' and the .octrine of Hell2 apers resented at the <o"rth &din+"rgh
Conference on Christian .og'atics #$arlisle' Paternoster Press, *++-., *0/2.
!ssay 5
$rayer: ,n critical conversation with Karl Barth; evaluate the meaning o. #%rayer".
ri'ary 9iterat"re
Karl Barth, Ch"rch .og'atics GGG.2, N1/./.
Karl Barth, Ch"rch .og'atics GGG./, N2:
Karl Barth, &vangelical Theology, ch on pra)er
Karl Barth, The Christian 9ife: Ch"rch .og'atics =ol"'e /=0 art 3 9ect"re <rag'ents
7G6H7 Karl Barth, rayer
O Karl Barth, rayer and reaching
(econdary 9iterat"re
P.. BaelS, rayer and rovidence: A Backgro"nd (t"dy #London' D$M Press, *+A:..
Matthew Bo!lton, 8?e Pra) B) His Mo!th9' Karl Barth, 7rvin& Foff"an, and a 6heolo&) of
Gnvocation, #odern Theology *,.* #-33*., A,0:/.
Hincent BrJ""er, $hat Are $e .oing $hen $e ray? A hilosophical /nD"iry #London' D$M
Press, *+:2..
o%ert 7llis, Ans6ering %od: To6ards a Theology of /ntercession #Milton Ke)nes' Paternoster,
4an Milic Loch"an, The 9ord-s rayer, trans. Feoffre) ?. Bro"ile) #Frand apids, Mich.'
?illia" B. 7erd"ans, *++3..
5onald K. McKi", Karl Barth on the Lords Pra)er, in Karl Barth, rayer, ed. 5on 7. Daliers
#Lo!isville C London' ?est"inster 4ohn Kno> Press, -33-., **20*/2.
5aniel Mi&liore, Freedo" to Pra)' Karl Barths 6heolo&) of Pra)er, in 7ric O. Dprinsted #ed..,
(pirit"ality and Theology: &ssays in Hono"r of .iogenes Allen #Lo!isville, Kent.'
?est"inster 4ohn Kno> Press, *++:..
5.U. Phillips, The Concept of rayer #London ' o!tled&e and K. Pa!l, *+A1..

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