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Elchuri's Recipes for COMPLEXION

Recipe No.1:
Tomato : 50 gm
Carrot : 50 gm
Beet root : 10 to 20 gm
Lemon : 1 No.
Candy sugar (Patika bellam ) : 150 gm
Honey : 50 gm
Extract juice of tomato, carrot, beet root and filter the same. Add candy sugar powder to it and
prepare paakam on SIM flame only. Add honey and lemon to the above and store in a bottle.
1 to 2 spoons with one glass water along with a little fresh lemon juice. If blood is less, use 3
times a day.
The bi-product remaining after juice is extracted can be used for face pack.
Anaemia problem subsides, skin glows and face complexion increases.

Recipe No.2:
Add cream of milk to the bi-product obtained in recipe one and grind it in a mixie. Apply the
paste as face pack thickly all over the face and below the eyes.
Expose your face to blue light (table lamp) so that the juice penetrates into the skin of face.
Stains, black spots are eliminated and face will glow after 15 to 20 days daily usage.

Recipe No.3:
Complexion in winters.
Take a clean cotton kerchief and absorb the dew collected on tree leaves. Apply gently on face.
Wait half an hour and take bath.
Face will glow brightly.

Recipe No.4:
Meditation for complexion:
Sit in Dhyana mudra and visualize that rays from cool moon light are falling on face while
breathing in. Visualise that all stains, black spots on face are removed by the cool and pleasant
moonlight while breathing out. Do this 15 to 20 min daily.
Before sleeping daily, visualize that your face is becoming fair and glowing with bright light and
becoming attractive. One will reap the benefits without fail.

Recipe No.5:
Chiri senagalu (small chana) : 500 gm
Add little by little chana to kadai on SIM flame and fry by adding 2 drops of cows ghee. Make
powder after cooling.
Add cows milk or ghee and half spoon kasturi/turmeric, make fine paste and apply as a face
Dark circles below eyes and black spots on chin/cheeks will vanish with good change within 4 to
5 days.
Dr. Elchuri's recipes for BATH POWDER
Recipe No.1:
Black ulavalu powder : 100 gms
Methi ppwder : 100 gm
Ksturi pasupu/pasupu (turmeric powder) : 100 gm
Bavanchalu powder : 100 gm
Karakkaya bark powder : 100 gm
Gandha kachchuralu ; 100 gm
Mix all the powders uniformly and store. Add milk to 1/2 cup powder (sufficient) and grind to
paste. Apply thick paste to entire body. After half an hour take bath with warm water.
Skin spots, stains, itching, bad smell will be eliminated and body glitters.

Recipe No.2:
Take Jatamamsi, Sugandhi roots powder, good turmeric powder, maanu pasupu, tunga gaddalu,
bavanchalu, chengalva kostu, sampenga flowers/ malle poolu in equal proportion.
Pound them coarsely and store. Add 50 gms powder to one bucket water overnight and close
with lid. Early in the morning filter the water and take bath with the water so that all organs are
Excess fat reduces, vata, pitta and kapha will be balanced, excess sweating reduces, skin
problems are eliminated.

Recipe No.3:
Seema avisa seds : 100 gm
Urad dal : 100 gm (Fry and make powder)
Wheat : 100 gm (Fry and make powder)
Pippali : 100 gm (Fry and make powder)
Cow/'s ghee/naatu aavu ghee : sufficient.
Mix all the powders and store. Take sufficient powder and add ghee to form paste. Milk also can
be added. Apply to face and body. Take bath after one hour. Use atleast two times a week.
Roughness of skin, blackness, pricking skin etc will be removed.

Recipe No.4:
Turmeric : 20 gm,
Chinna palleru kaayala podi : 20 gms
Mustard powder : 20 gms
Tungagaddalu ; 20 gms (dry and make powder)
Mudda Karpooram : 20 gm
Erra chandanam : 40 gm
Clove powder : 40 gm
Saara pappu : 40 gm (Fry and pound)
Add til oil (nuvvula noone) (little quantity) or warm milk to the required powder and apply to
body by gently massaging. After half an hour take bath.
Spots, sores, stripes will vanish and skin glows.
Dr.Elchuris recipes for SKIN PIGMENTATION
Skin Pigmentation occurs mainly due to the malfunctioning of the endocrine glands and the liver.
Skin pigmentation problems occur as either an excessive coloration or darkening of the skin or a
loss of color and pigment in the skin, over the entire body or just in patches and spots.

Pigmentation is more widespread amongst the middle-aged women. Very few women in younger
age suffer from skin problems like pigmentation, and the extent of the problem is minimal with
few exceptions. This in fact is related to the endocrinal changes that occur when women reach
middle age.

The severity of pigmentation problem is associated with several diseases and disorders. So
careful investigation is needed for increasing the bodys immunity and purification of Blood.

Recipe No.1:
Take 10 gms cows ghee and add boil it on SIM flame by adding 10 pepper (miriyaalu). After
few minutes remove the pepper from the ghee and use the ghee along with daily food.
Blood gets purified, body immunity increases and skin related problems are removed.

Recipe No.2:
Add 1 spoon honey to warm Goats milk and take early in the morning.
Good relief of skin pigmentation within 40 to 100 days.

Recipe No.3:
Pachchi pasupu : 100 gm (Make pieces of turmeric sticks, dry them and make fine powder).
Maanu pasupu : 100 gm (fine powder)
Mangista powder : 100 gms
White mustard powder : 100 gms ( Fry mustard lightlyby adding 2 drops ghee and make powder)
Kaavirai powder : 100 gms
Cows ghee : sufficient
Mix all powders, sieve in a fine cloth and store in a bottle.
Add little ghee to 2 to 3 spoons of above powder and apply to face in the form of thick paste. Let
it dry and later wash.
Pigmentation disappears within 2 to 3 months.
Dr.Elchuri's recipes for BRAIN POWER/MEMORY
Recipe No.1:
Sompu seeds : 100 gm (Fry on SIm flame, add 4 drops ghee, pound and make powder and sieve).
Candy sugar powder : 100 gms
Mix both powders and store. Take 1/4 to 1/2 spoon and chew (chapparinchaali). Then drink
water. One hour gap should be given before or after food.
Lost Memory will be regained. mental problems will be resolved. Digestion improves.

Recipe No.2:
Badam : 4 Nos. for children and 7 Nos. for elders.
Soak badam seeds in hot water in the morning. At 9 pm peel the top skin and pound the seeds.
Add 2 pepper grains for children and 4 Nos pepper grains for elders after pounding. Mix the
above and add to one cup of milk after 3 times boiling (moodu pongulu vachchevaraku). Sieve
the milk, add candy sugar to taste.
Drink the milk for 100 days.
Brain power improves infinitely, memory improves, wisdom improves, concentration improves,
grasping power improves (Ekasantagrahi avutaru)

Recipe No.3:
i) Gnana mudra
ii) Bhramari praanaayaama (2 to 3 min) with long ma kaara
iii) Bhastrika praanaayama
iv) Acupressure: Press and release thumbs of both hand 200 times.
v) Traatakam : 10 min
vi) Omkara : 2 to 5 min.

Recipe No.4:
Aswagandha powder : 100 gms
Taati bellam : 100 gm
Mix both and pound. Take 10 gm about 1 spoon) morning and evening.
Brain power improves.

Recipe No.5:
Saraswati leaf powder : 100 gm
Aswagandha powder : 100 gm.
Atimadhuram powder : 100 gm
Candy sugar : 100 gm.
Mix all the four contents and store.
Take 1/4 to 1/2 spoon two times a day. Can be taken with warm milk/warm water.
For small children it can be mixed with little honey and the baby can lick with our finger.

Recipe No.6:
Saraswati leaves : 2 Nos.
Take the leaves with 1/2 spoon honey or one spoon cow's ghee two times a day.
Blood gets purified, liver, spleen purifies, brain power improves enormously

Recipe No.7:
Badam seeds powder : 100 gm (Soak badam seeds in hot water, peel the skin, dry it and make
Sompu powder : 100 gm
Candy sugar powder : 100 gm
Mid all the powders and store.
Add 1 spoon powder to 1 cup warm milk and drink.
Bones strength increases, body strength increases, memory power increases.

Recipe No.8:
Saraswati leaf powder : 100 gm
Aswagandha powder :100 gm
Atimadhuram powder : 100 gm
Candy sugar powder : 100 gm
Mix all the powders, sieve and store.
Take 1/4 to 1/2 spoon with hot milk or water or can be chewed as it is.
Memory power increases.

Recipe No.9:
Wash raavi fruts (peepal tree fruits) dry them and pound them to powder.
Sieve the powder and add equal quantity of candy sugar powder and store.
For 1 year old children : 1 to 2 pinches with honey
For 5 to 10 years old : 1/4 spoon with honey
Removes phlegm from lungs, Brain powder increases by 1000 times for children, Life span
increases. An be taken by children and eleders. acts as a preventive for Asthma also.
Dr.Elchuri's recipes for BELLY REDUCTION:
Recipe No.1:
Urad Dal chilka (Pottu minapappu) : 1 kg
Coconut water sufficient to soak the dal.
After soaking grind to batter and prepare Vadiyalu and store.
Soak 10 vadiyalu in milk. Add sugar candy powder (patikabellam )or jiggery and take them for
40 to 60 days. Gradually increase taking 10 to 20 Vadiyalu along with milk and candy powder.
Gents should be away from family life while taking the above recipe.

Recipe No.2:
Uttareni leaves juice : 1 glass
Sesame seeds (Nuvvulu) : 1 glass
Boil the above contents till oil remains and store in a glass bottle.
Apply the oil on belly from left to right and wherever excess fat prevails.
Bad water and bad blood is eliminated and excessive fat will melt. Blood circulation improves.

Recipe No.3:
Yogasasnas for Belly reduction.
i) Uttana padasana
ii) Agnisaara Kriya
iii) Udyana Bandha
iv) Naukasanam
v) Vajrasanam
vi) Stomach cleaning once a month

Stomach cleaning Method 1:
Ginger juice : 2 spoons;
Honey: 2 spoons
Vanta Amudam : 4 spoons.
Mix the above three constituents and boil 3 times (Moodu sarlu pongu vachchevaraku).
Take it with warm water early in the evening. Rasam with rice can be taken as food in the
Avoid going outside as motions may occur 3 to 4 times.

Stomach cleaning Method 2:
Aloe vera juice : 2 to 4 spoons
Jeera powder : spoon ( lightly fired)
Turmeric : 1/8 spoon
Pepper powder : little (3 chitikalu)
Take the above contents together half an hour before meals.
This will not only clean the stomach, sores in andasayam and sores due to cancer also.

Recipe No.4:
Ulava Jaava (horse gram)
Ulavalu : 50 gm
Boil ulavalu in 500 gm water and prepare Jaava. Add little ginger, Ajwain, Jeera powder, pepper
powder, saindhava lavanam along with water and boil the contents till pastey liquid is formed.
To be taken in afternoon at 4 p.m.

Recipe No.5:
Belly reduction powder
Take Karakkaya, taanikaya, usirikaya, sonti, pippallu, miriyalu, saindhavalavanam each 100gms.
Fry and make powder separately. Mix all contents together and store.
People with Vaata prakruti should take with warm water
People with Ushna prakruti should take with butter milk
Pople with kapha prakruti should take with honey.

Recipe No.6:
Prepare ganji or upma out of korralu or yavalu. These are blessed with the quality to keep the
body in required size and proportion.

Recipe No,7:
Food precautions:
i) Avoid drinking cool water from fridge
ii) Avoid fried items
iii) Avoid taking cold rice, new rice
iv) Drink cows milk only
v) Avoid meat
vi) Avoid breakfast before 10 AM, take juices in the afternoon and light food in the evening.
vii) Eat according to the bodys needs and to the extent of physical work one does.
viii) Avoid sleep during day time and reduce sleep during night.
ix) Reduce rice and wheat as much as possible
x) Avoid milk products, sugar, jiggery
xi) Exercise orning and evening.

How to improve the Skin Complexion
Having a healthy and radiant skin is the most important element you can have. A glowing
complexion of skin lets you feel more confident and boosts your self esteem. When a baby is
born, she has very soft, beautiful and dewy skin and rosy pink complexion. With passing time
skin gets thick, rough and dull. It becomes so because of many environmental factors like air
pollution, dust, weather conditions, air condition, harmful sun rays, lack of exercise, our faulty
eating habits etc. To keep the skin complexion soft and radiant, you should patiently, take care
of your skin. There are many ways to improve your skin complexion.

You can improve your skin complexion by following some basic steps:
Keep your skin Clean:
This is one of the most important measures you can take to improve your skin complexion. It
removes all the dust and dead skin cells from your skin. It will keep problems like acne,
blackheads, pimples, at bay.

Eating well balanced and nutritious diet:
This is the basic measure to get healthy complexion. Our food should include all kinds of
vitamins and minerals which are essential for your skin. To get these, you should eat lots of fresh
fruits, vegetables, cereals, whole grains, fish, and dairy products.

Drinking Water:
To keep the skin moist and hydrated, drink plenty of water. Water keeps digestive system clean
by preventing constipation. It helps flushing out toxins from the body which is necessary to keep
the skin bright. Drinking 8-10 glasses of water is recommended.

Moisturize Your Skin:
Moisturize your skin. Moisturizer keeps skin soft and supple. Apply a nourishing cream before
going to bed at night as it skin rejuvenates itself at night and nourishing creams are absorbed
well at that time.

Adequate Sleep:
A sound sleep of 7-8 hours is known as beauty sleep. It is as essential as good nutrition.
Adequate sleep will improve your complexion, reduce fine lines and wrinkles. And also it will
reduce stress and keep you happy. All these factors contribute to more beautiful you.

Exercise for Beauty:
Include an exercise program in your daily routine. Exercise improves muscle tone, blood
circulation and increase level of oxygen in body. It transfers nourishment to skin cells in
efficient way.

Home Beauty Treatments:
Instead of using chemically laden beauty products available in the market, you can use simple,
effective and inexpensive natural products found in your kitchen also. Lets us learn about simple
home remedies
to improve your skin Complexion.

Lime or lemon juice, honey and turmeric have the bleaching properties. These things help
remove tan and bleach the skin to make it fairer.

Take cucumbers and grate it with peel on it, then strain it to get its juice. Dip a cotton ball in it
and apply it over your face and neck.

Mix equal quantities of honey and lemon juice and apply it over your whole body. Leave it for
fifteen minutes and then wash it off.

Make a paste of gram flour and turmeric with curd and mix tbsp vegetable oil in it. Apply it
over your body and remove it after gently rubbing over skin.

If you daily apply yogurt for 15 minutes before bath, you can make a sure improvement in your

Make a paste of milk powder, papaya, honey and milk. Apply it on your skin for 15 minutes and
then wash. It will give instant glow to your skin.

Take oatmeal, yogurt and tomato juice. Mix all of them to make a paste. After it gets dry, wash it

Mix sandalwood powder and almond powder with milk. Apply it over darker areas of your skin
and massage gently. Use this remedy regularly and you will notice a difference in your

Soak 4 almonds and 1 tbsp of urad dal in water overnight. In the morning, make a paste of it and
apply it over your neck and face. Wash it off after it gets dry. It is protein rich mask and besides
making your skin fairer, it will nourish it.

Soak 4 almonds in milk and grind them in the morning to make a paste. Apply this paste at night
over your face and neck and wash it in the next morning.

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