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Creative media Courtney Wilsnagh 1

Courtney Wilsnagh
unit 3 and 28
corporate videos
15 February 2014

Corporate videos want to offer a knowledgeable feel to a corporation or brand.
With the utilisation of interviews and statements from members of the company,
corporate videos want to sell to a selected audience. These videos typically struc-
tured in documentary advert, using shots of the most work place and interviews
with employees or folks connected to the corporate. this is done by previous data
from things like sales, rewards etc.

The video can display this data in an appealing way to the client. Company videos
typically invest up to thousands even millions depending on the quality and budget
they need and desire.
They do this because they want to be certain that these videos are to the highest of
standards, to reflect the company.
Some videos use a voiceover, narrating every shot and explaining how things
work. The additional information in the video is likely to increase the viewers in-
terest due to the result of them gaining the right information of the very important

Depending on what style of company or brand is being incontestable , can depend
upon what style of audience it'll attract. as an example, a University company vid-
eo are going to attract young adults yearning for a selected career path to follow.
Creative media Courtney Wilsnagh 2

Therefore, this video can involve interviews from students, samples of the courses
and opportunities accessible throughout university life. Attracting the audience is
that the main focus of the video because it is that the main reason the video is
promoted within the 1st place.

One example of a company in which I have realised is attention-grabbing is that of
the Henley College. This is due to the very fact that the video is recorded and
made by students of the school, themselves. I feel this provides a much better im-
pression to the viewer because it shows off the talents of the scholars that have
gained from the education at the college.

Throughout the video a variation of shots want to show the various rooms and fa-
cilities round the college; but i believe that the shots that are used are quite unin-
teresting and take up an excessive amount of the video. Interviews with totally dif-
ferent students want to show a variation of opinions round the school, most of the
comments being quite smart, however, dont extremely justify an excessive
amount of regarding the education opportunities, like every popular and well
known company video, music is played throughout the background of the video to
create it additional gratification and engage with the viewer. The videos contains
additional information regarding how the scholars felt about their school life and
less about the facilities and academic offers.

This may lower the audiences attention as the video doesnt justify what the au-
dience desires to understand.
Creative media Courtney Wilsnagh 3

Oxford University: The corporate video is semi informal, this is because in the
entro of the video we see fast paced short shots of different shots around the uni-
versity with students laughing and droning to the architecture ext. this is a good
technique as it makes the audience pay attention at the eye catching shots as the
video start so we pay attention to the information about to be said.
the music then changes and we hear a voice over of a woman telling us facts about
the Univeristy.
They also give us shots of famous world leaders (such as Nelson Mandela, Doris
Lessing and Margaret Thatcher ect) that have attended or visited the University as
if you are a fan of them this will encourage the target audience more to pay more
attention to the video.
we then get the MBA Director and other Chairmen being interviewed. overall in
my opinion it was a successful video.
Another Corporate video i watch was Apple Corporate Video - 1.24.14
i think this was the most successfully made Corporate video over all as it had
beautiful opening shots of nature and then people using there products such as
there staff building a robot, chilling in a classroom and people filming sea crea-
tures in an aquarium.
the background music was used very well as it was calm and appealing to the tar-
get audience giving an atmosphere of other worldly beauty.
over all it gave different shots of all types of people using the different products
from fashion designers to students to athletes and doctors.
this is telling us that Apple is for everyone and that everyone can use it.
At the very end it gives a shot and says Shot in one day entirely on iPhone .

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When creating a company video, legal and moral issues are a vital a part of the
method. The ASA could be a
company that involves totally different sections of laws for advertising, as compa-
ny videos use a specific type of advertising in corporate videos, as these laws
should be followed and if this laws are violated, the video that was created by the
corporate will be sued for any of the following reasons;
false advertising
creating another company
look unhealthy for false reasons
dishonest claims
Majority of firms don't go against these laws as they're merely promoting them-
selves, but these issues should be checked out before these corporate videos are re-
lease to the general publics eye.

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