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SST (Student Study Team)

Referral Flow Chart

Before the SST Meeting:

Gatekeeper will email Special Education Coordinator for a date and time to attend SST.
Special Education Coordinator will put student on the agenda for given date.
*Special Education Coordinator will send out a GEN ED NOTICE OF TEAM MEETING
to all teachers/intervention teachers that work with the student
Teachers will bring all PRINTED GEN ED Forms and Student documentation to SST.

At the SST Meeting
Teachers and Intervention teaches present student concerns/history and explain
intervention results
The SST team will review all documentation and GEN ED forms.
After the SST Meeting
Student IS Referred to Special
Education for Evaluation
Student IS NOT Referred to
Special Education for
Spec. Ed. Coordinator will email all who work
with the student an attachment explaining which
spec. ed. teacher has been assigned as the
students case manager
This attachment should be printed by the
gatekeeper and kept with the students
Special Education Coordinator produce a
document with the reason why.
That printed document copy will be given to the
teachers and RTI gatekeeper for students
Parent will be contacted by the case manager Continue with RTI Problem Solving Team


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