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SUllrlay, 1\ovC'lllher 7,

L. V. Tribune
Four Airline Companies
Clamoring lor New
Routes Over Las Vegas
" Las Vegas, Ollce slllmned by airlines because it wa.s
olllya I'on<lstop 011 the wny to Los llOW is tiw
centel' of It battle between four natio1lal air
trmlsport. all t;eeki ng Ilew service to Las Vega::!
or c:demaoll of present sPl'yice.
Bt'('l\UPil' tIll' l1('l'll for luiditionlll,---------------
s('rvil'e is tlcrlilred to be "'0 ,..'Tt'lIt,
and because all tour "OIllIJauh's
an' cllllllol"lng for imuwdiate de-
cision, It all.,eured probllblt
tenluy thllt Iln'liminm')' hell ring.
woulll be culled ,'e.'y b('for('
an e. amine I' of the Civil .l('lo-
nuutks HOllrd.
SIrWp. the examiner's IwOorings
are to be held on Iy In "raahing-
ton, rather than In Las VegaH and
other dlfes involved In the pro-'
posed new Hnes, testimouy of Las
Vognns will largely h!l suhmilled
hy lettcr and by affidavits, with
the big "attle to follow later When
tllB hoard itself heal'!l the examin-
er's recommendations and argu-
ments hy attorneys oC the tou r
"'('Stern .-\ Ir Linp,.., Tram;-
continf'lItlll & \Ve"tl'rn Air',
Unltt'd ,\11' J,inl"s Ilnll Contl-
lIt'ntlll All' Lill(''; the ('om-
trall>;.,ort. f1rIllH. "'I'!oil.
(>j'n amI Continental SlPTwnr to
JUl"(J Ilw ul'llI'l" hand, or t hI'
I>tron/-wst. ('w.e,>;.
Continental Is now flyIng from
EI Paso through Albuquerquo to
Denvp.r, as well as fl'om Denver to
Klll1SaS City, They sl'ek a 'now
11110 1I0W from Denver through LaN
Vega!l to Lo AngelpH.
\\'estl)I'n Air Lines now Opel"8te
from Los Angeles through Las
V(,gns to Salt Luke Cit)', north to

11_' 7043 '"' R
Great Falls, I\lon1., then 80uth-
t'aat to Denver. It is awaiting
Washington's approval now of Its
purchase of the Inland Air Lines
extending northeastward fro m
Denver to Huron, S. D" on which
it 18 now carrying only mail, no
I,\lm I to operate
It !J('W 11m' from Heiner Nouth-
west. to Los Angeles, through
Lns \'l'gllJol. cOll1j,h'Ung It <'irclc
route starting from Calitornia
SlIHI tOUChing Xevadll. Utah,
Idllho, MontJma, \,")'ollling. Col
OIlldu. .\r1zon" lUUJ back to
( all r ornill.
Generally speaking, Trans(!on-
tin ental & Western Air covers u
southern route across the United
Sts,tes trom Los Angeles, and
Ullltrld Air Linea a north-central,
Undel' their proposals, each would
fly fl'Olll Southern Cnllfornla cust-
wllrd o\'er L3H \ egOos.
Other CODlIHlIlies ha,'e attacked
the niter! Air Llnos' proposal as
tElndlng to give it n monopoly of
air transportal Ion. The United
now hilS a working arrangmnent
with '\.\'estern Air Linea hy which
Western pa!lsengers fl'om Cali-
fornia and Las Vegas, destined for
the BOost, tra nster at Salt Lak
City to United plnnes.
If ,,'('stem l"f'celves the offi-
cllll O)UIl', to tlu> exclusion or the
ot)H'r thl'I'e. It, L .. IISSUIIIl'f1 \\-I'SI-
1'1'11 wfll l'ltrry its own .:n. ... t,el'n
I'w;sengt'1'S to tl1/'U
II'lIn, fer to Unitl'd 1,IUlJ('s.
TranscontinentaL Is IIOW offering
olle pLane dally each way through
thu LaH Vega!! airport, and olle
carh way through Boulder City
airport. We!!tern All' had five
flightll daily each way through
Church Buildi[g
IPlanned in VegaS':
Land has been purchased by
the First Christian church of Las
Vegas in the GOO block on South
Ninth street. and members of the
congregation now are engaged in
mising funds for the construction I
ot a church building, !
u-t -n-o-w..:...:l...:s-r- un-
nlng four.
I Materinls already are available
for the structure, and actual work
wm be started as soon as funds
arc raised, church members state.
Last Frontier Buys
City Property on
North Main Street
Further substantial develop-
ment by the Last Frontier Hotel I
after the war, with an Indicated
expnnsion of the R. E. Griffith
interests into the industrial
field, was assured today with the
acquisition of a five-acre site at
the northeast corner of North
Main street and Bonanza Road.
In announcing the transfer of
this property from the Las Ve-
gas Land and Water company to
the Hotel Last Frontier, Camp-
bell Realty company, who han-
dled the transaction stated that
while it IS prC!mature to give the
exact nalure of the propoHed de-
velopment, th(' fact tll!1t the site
was chosE'n for its trackage fa-
cililirs plainly jndicate that the
post-war development will be of
an industrial character.
The' site just ucquin'd hy the
Last Frolltil'r is directly Opposite
the RillmorE' Hotel and has a
frolllng' of apprnximall!ly 825
f('C't on the west sirlE' of North
IMain strret with a ([('pth of 350
f('ct to the Union Pncific rail
. ad's
Bill MvorC'. (>xe(>utiv(' man-
::tgcr, r('port( d that development
I planned w 0 u 1 d approximate
In nddition tn the Lnst Fron-
(>1' Hotel, the R. I;, GJ'iffith in-
rests now own and opernte the
Chnrleston POI'k lodgf' whirh wa
arquired some time ngo, lind
al 0 exh nd('d their 8C'tivi
lie into ranching in Moapa val-
I Ie>y, TIll' Hidden Valley ranch
I and Old Home> raneh propertil'S 1
: wcr ncqllired last summ r nd
are now under intensive agriellJ-
ture> and ock cullivation and
- -
Night flights art' hRndled
through tbe Ln!l Vegas ulrport but
until added facilities are aVllilahle'
no night plaues stop at Boulder'
.\]1 tour IU"'ll lL'i-
thnt, ()Il('" l.TJ'unt('d u go,'.
(rumeutnl 111'1'111it , the)' wHl
III"Ufl'f'll immedlatl'l, with t hl"
IIf'W 1'I'r\'ke lind udd all equlp-
IIIf'nt nnd 1"'"",olln('1 f1"uilnble
unfl('r wartime ('onditloll!;
VI'patest lIsag!' of the route
will cOllie ill peacetime When a
iwavy IlIlTease in c!\illan air tmvel
iR (,lXIlected, '
A conIInittcp or lhe Las VegaN
( ham her (If Commercc, headed hy
JalllHs Cashman, Is weighing 111>_
llealS of all four compan[es ' prlor
to making a recom menda lion to
the Civil Aerona ulles Board,
Sunday, November 7, 194.1
L. V. Tribune
Engineer Lays Plans for
City's New $112,000
Jail Before PWA Board
U_ Havre Kel-lter, disirid engineer for the
\Vorks Administration, yesterday Wfi8 in Berkeley, CalIf.,
to lay a pl"opol-lal for Las Vegas' new Uity Jail before the
\Vest Coast 1"W A board. A decision!' is expected on
15 or 16.
The new Jail I!>I to be (,1't'Cted 011---------------
the Nite of the Ilrl'"ent ..tntion or,
if a civil" ("rllter proposal h uc-
l'Cl)t('d by the federal Imd ("it)
and Ihe Union Pa-
cific ltullrouil. It will be erl.'lCteu
on'rl!t on ('a..,.on or Og,
Go,'eI'l11ll('lIt Is rel)ortl'd to hllve
IU'('l'ptcfl nn the IU'W fire-figbt-
inJr (.quillllU'nt aSIH"(l for but onc
IHlIllllt'l'. PUIIlIWrlI aIr e a d y
aVllilablo he ..e, however, al'e 1)1'-
Iicveo Ildequat.e. "l'{'sent trucks
now in !<l'l'Vil'e win be Ilug-
JUenl ell by JlOW trucI{s,
den Htreet.
An invetltment or $112,000 il
federal bloney Is to be asked 0:
the Government on the jail strue
District Engineer Kester wll
lay the prellmlnary rel)ort on tht
jail before the board In Berkeley
It will then be scrutinized by thl
board and approved or returned to
Las Vegas with suggestions,
Unless the plan ie rejected com
pletely by the PW A, more com
plete drawings for the building
will be prepared here and resul>-
mitted to Berkeley. Then Berkeley
wlll submit its recommendal1on
to Washington for approval
When Washington approves til
pro j e c t complete archltoctural
drawings are to be made and sub-
mitted for flnOoI a Ilproval.
The pliorities board, cou-
t.rolLing UIH\ of vitJlI nUlterinI!I.
will be the final harrllr for tho
project to hUJ'dle.
With the new fire stalions a
,)llltoon system Is to be inaug
ated In the fire department,
more efficiency and
:eonomy In operating the depart-
nent. Three shiftB totaling 26
lI'emen are now employed daily,
.vhlle uuder the platoon Rystem
firemen wm be aD duty for 24
!Iours at a time, sleeping at the
II at ions du ring eight hours of
heir on-du ty time,
wiii al!oio !>t' ef-
tech'll III the polil'e dCllrtnlt'nt
wit.h a nl'W Jail and bradQu7r-
police now total 31>.
City Manager for
Las Vegas Chosen
By City Fathers
Meantime the Jo'ederal Govern-
ment still Is considering Ihe erec-
tion of two new firu staUons wl1icb
have already passed the first bar- Charles C. McCall of Wayne!-
riers and (or which a call has burg, Pennsylvania, tad Y had
gone out to arcllill.'Cts tor draw- ' been offered the position at city
Ings, manager of Las Vegas, and a
Expendllnre of $80,000 Is plan wire of acceptance was awaited
ned for lhl' I wo staUons. 01'- b tl 't ,. M
iglnally Ihe city had asked tOl y 10 Cl Y c0!llmlssloners, ,ay'!!"
three stationH, but the Govern- E. W:' CragIn announced thiS
ml1nt hael indicated it prohalJl) morning.
would a)provtI two, hu l not three- McCall was select,ed as city
In It l"f"Jillllnar), rt'['omlllelldll- manager at a meetmg of 1he
"I\TI for Hili nro stllUonH the board yesterday and a wire an-
nouncing his choice was dis-
patched last evening. No reply
has been received 3S yet, but
Mayor Cragin expected that he
would accept.
L. V .R.Journal
Christian Church
Building Planned
The congregation of the First
Christian church, now meeting
in the Odd Fellows' building on
North Ninth street, announced
the purchase of the Brubaker
property at the corner of Tenth
and Bonneville, where they ex-
pect to erect a new building
beginning about December 1.
Contract for the property has
been signed and the jnitial pay-
ment hal! been made Cor the bal-
ance will be paid in monthly
installments beginning Janu-
ru'Y 1.
The building will be two
stories, 27 by 62 feet, Most of
the materials are on the location
and the footings and foundation
placed by the late Brubaker for
his home will be uti1izE'd in the
new building, It is not planned
to complete the church until fin-
ishing materials are available.
However, it is expected that it
will be ready for use sometime
in March or April and will be
ronstructed in such a way that
it can be completed after the
war, without loss of materials,
A garage 16 by 40 feet is now
being developed into a parson-
flge and will be usC!d as such by
the first of the year,
The congregfltion of thp. First
Christian church was organiz'd
in ,June of this year by the pres-
ent pastor, and becomes the 1hird
such church to he organized in
inre coming to the stale in 1934,
the other two being at R('no and
Carson Ci!.y.
Sunday school and worship
se vic will continue to be held
at the Odd F Hows' hall until
the new building can be occu-
McCall has had nUlch experi- I
ence in rive affairs, hflving served'
as city of West View, I
Pennsylvania, tOI' several years
and occupying the position of
city engineer for Greene county,
Pennsylvania, and serving as en-
gineer wilh the Penn!':ylvania
I state highway departmen't.
He received his BS degree from
Waynesburg college and his en-
gineering degree from the Uni-
'versity of Pittsburgh,
He is 40 years of age, is mar-
ried and the father of two chil-
McCall, during his tenure with
the United States engineering
corps, was stationed for a short
time in Flagstaff, Arizona, and
expressed the opinion that this
touch of the west. should aid him
in his work in Las Vegas.
Upon acceptance of the prof-
fered post, McCall will tnke over
his new duties on January 1
1944. '

Vegas Hospital
Purchase Urged
. The Clark County Medical So-
CIety went on record unanimous- r
ly week recommending to I
the commissioners and
board that "clue con-
Sideration be given 10 the pur-
of the Las Vegas IIospitnl
facijitjf's before proceed-
Ing WIth the proposed building
progrpm," it was learned this I
'l'hc also went on rec-
unanunouBly in opposition to I
. e propo.ed Wagner Act relat-
Ing to, medicine and,
the di patch of a let-'
to the Nevada COngreSSiOna11
d{elcdgatfon setting forth this
.Ei cnbon ,and I
II' Ie BaSIC MagnesJUIll

and Dr, Alexand('I'1

mitted t as V(gns WerE' ad-
o membership,

L. V. Tribune
Associated Press Comes to
Las Vegas: AP Machines
Tick Out News for Tribune
a cross-section of the na-
Ilon's press, I,argo and Slllall
In lIlp.tropollta n cen-
ters OJ in small cities of the greal
agrir'ulturnl arcas, are relJresenl-
ed. All pay a pl'oportlonute !lharc
of the cost o. providing the serv-
Automn tic t e1ctypcs yC'stel'llay were tickillg out thel,
first Associat('(l Press dispatches all parts of the
world to the [JUS VognF; Morning TrIbune.
NewR and photo bureauH are
maintained In great acrosS
the nation-in Washington and
statl' cap[talB from ('oaat to c{)ast
In uddltlon to tIm dum' til"
starr, ,\mel"lC'Hu-trrunell m'wl>-
plt)1('I"lIlCll nuUl bur-pauR abroad.
Otllel"; o>;Hip,nments
u11d go from plll('e to pill("(l us
the foreij1;ll ,,0 uew,,-
paller J"ctld{'rs at homo ('Ull hllve
flr&t-hIUHI Il{'COUnU. wlitt{,11 by
llowtll)allermen from bome.
:rhe' LlIIl(.')lIl1l'" wcrH In The Associated Press Is a co-
t11(1 new Tl"lbulle Il1nnt at. 1 tH operuti\' o nonprofit a Roclatlon o[
Hauth Fourth 1>1rt'('t, uuder tho Ill 1400 large and small
reeUon of G. J\lldllh'tl)l1. U1l'- joined in un organization for the
('hank of thl': .'\1', \\1'1'(' collection and dlstrlhutlon of
dul"ing the lind this 1110111 featu re!l and photos, The AP lS
Ing'N edition brings to JAi" \'ej.;Hs 'bY theRe 1400 newspapers,
the first nJght. wirl' SI'l,'\cl' of t he It has no stock, makes no {JroUts,
world',.. t'ooperRthe no"",- declares no dividends.
gathering orgllni7.ntloll. Throughout its history, the A P
The Morning Tribulle is a rull has clung to tho ideal of objective
mllmher of the Associated reporting of thp. news, to the Ideal
and OD its staff noW are thoUlJands of a strlc.tly nOIlPllrtiflall, unhiased
or reporlers and editors through- and aecUl'ate report of events trom
out tile world, plus photographer,; every portion of the globe, "Ac-
in every remote section who radio r:uracy and spend" Ls its motto.
their plctllres to New York 01' Suu 'l'1Ie Pl"l''''S hlld Its
Francisco 3 nd !lpeed them to LIlK hl UHH, about tho
VegaH by nir mall. tlml' .l"Of. SUIlIll(,} I:". n. ;llo",e
In St.ute>;. in huro)lC!, illtrodUC\'d t() II skOI,t kill world
in South 1\ 1I1t'1'1I'll. in the Fur his "e'I'['triC' At !,hllt
.;a>lt-whCl'e"f'J" 111'\\" breal,s- linl(', si.: l'ork
there art.' A.M'lociutf'd PI'C"" 1'1'- Cit ' ,iournl1 .... agl'('('d to ['ouper-
who st.urt the news on ule in t h" romplil'l\tl'll probll'nl
Ih way W rl'ude}"'; or tho 'rd- of gnthf'rinl-t nl'W>I !lllli . to sh.ure
b <' in till' I'ost flf Its
;:r'ollgh its AP tnOlJl hers hlp, The ,\ P Idea grew a!-t the nation
lhe ,]'rlhune is ahle to cover state, and III I S!l3 the modern As-
n'lUonal and Inlernutlonal neWH PreMS was By
of generaL intereHI 01' importance I 1900, tbere were 612 varllci{)allng
in a manner H[mllul' lo that in newspapers,
' which it coven'! the nt'ws of Its The 1400 newspapertl now mem;
Iml1ll'dlate territory. bel'S of the organization represen
L. V. Tr i bune
A buge network of wires criss-
crosses the United Slates to carry
Lhe news to memher papers. The
AP has 286,000 miles of wires
leased exclusively for this pur-
pose, Main trunk lines, radiate
[rom New York, Kansas City a,nd
San Francisco, touchIng al1 major
cities In hetween,
Stories from /throad come with
equaL speerl, the AP hu-
reau In London a special ('ahle
wira goes direct to tbe foreign
news desk in the New York office,
carrying news for I'elay across the
nationwide network of news wires.
In Cll..'ie, tbe newoJ goes
O,'cr automatk tell'-
typE' l)rinter!; whleh rill' out tho
a rate of 60 word!oi il
IIIlnutl', Tllfi'O tbuwmD(l of
thl"Sc mal'hine, are located In
bt ratl'gir burPllus aD(t member
Illll,er offkes to fu("llltaw the
tralU!mls!lton of news.
McCall Accepts
City Manager Job
CharIel C. McCall, of Waynes-
bourg, !?ennsylvanla, will be the
city manager of Las Vegas,
It was announced today by Mayor
E. W, Cragin,
City Starts Weeding
Out From 50 Seekers
of City Manager Job
. anel his g'l'Hll<lfatlwt' WUllt. to 1w cit)' mlll.
"gel 0 IJIIH Vegas. '
by the board of com.
mlssIO".ers last week, a telegram
was dispatched to McCall in-
forming him of his selection and
C:agin received an acceptance
wIre from McCan yesterday,
The Hew J'ob i' t J
11 ' t " . s? open .up , anuary 1, uJld all appoint-
. lH to ,he. lIIade ,lust. vnor to that: date, hut whell tlH'
. go 1Il to j nfOl'lllul sessi OllS thi' week
),I\.c., to weed through H long list of o\'er 50 who
,It Is expected that the new
cIty manager will Brrive in Las
in near future to fa-
himself with the con-
here prior to taking over
the cIty managership on Janua1'Y
1. J==--_
L. V. R. Jour na1
I', an t e pOI'ntlOll,
The Choice Of A City Manager
CUrl'Ying out the pledge made when they assllmed office
in JUI,le,_ Mayor Cragin and members of. the board of city
commISSioners have named a city manager who wlll taka
over the active direction of affaiI:s on Jnnuary 1.
The has taken ltS time In scanning the field and
has .gone qUite thorl;lUghly ... into the qualifications o'r all
applicants. In the chOIce of Charles C, McCall of W.1ynesburg
Pennsylvania, the city rommiHsioners bclievl' they
a manager w('ll-qualified by training and experience
t<? fIt mto the rather peculiar requirements of the local
picture, and are confident he will bring a new era into the
management of Las Vegas' varioHs department.s of govl'rn-
In. ret!lining a city mallnger, Las becomes the first
municIPality in undertake thlS type of operation.
Many forward-Iookmg CIt IZlms lwre arc confident 1t is the
answer to ,the problems of municipal government. Mayor
E. W, Cragm, who served first in that capacity when the city
was a. fOUl'th its pr sent has discovered since his rl'iurn
to offIce that manal,!er IS badly needed and is confIdent the
new system wlll.result in.a much more efI}cient city govern-
ment. and once m operoholl, will meet WIth the unanimous
approval of the people of 1he community.
from his. l'l;-ferences, recommendations and
the commISSIOners are to be congratulated on
the chOIce of McCall, '
BOUlder C. N.
. 11-23-43
Charles !"fcCall Accepts
Vegal City Managership
th C. McCall has accepted
e 0 er the city of Las Vegas
of the, posItion of city manager,
accordmg to Mayor E W C i
Me" , rog n
C ,all was chosen by the cit;
commissioners last week. He will
take office on January 1.
... Public hoostel'A of Las VegaR
seo In tho lIIany applications an in-
dication that many look upon life
In Lus Vegas as extremely deslr-
a hie tOJ' tlWl'll Is a l least one Reel{.
lir from II Imolil every statn in tb
Union, 0
,!,he [losillon oC I'ltr
,nil JIll)" a good slIlnrr, tU(), bllt
thut Is >oolllclhing thnt 1. to
11;' dl'll'l'Jllhl4'd by ;\111)'01'
E. ('mgin HlUJ hi" four city l'OIll-
IIIINSlolI("'S, \l'ho llrc to 'lI'y tlul
lid off the box JlI'rhllps tu-
IIlOI'I'OW IlIld hf'j how 111111'
b6 clhn[uuted lIud ho\\" mU;lr
wOI'th,l of 'WI'lOIlS conslderlltion.
Likllw[se, tho officials ure gath-
ering IlIgn) o)lin[ons 011 just how
TIluch -authority I hp. new elLy mllll-
agel' may flud IIIl1y not ho.vo, JIIIU
how [Ilr he may 'II, or not go, ill
grunliJig licenses (a do husiness in
U\f' city. They dOIl't wan tallY
compllclltiollH to tlCt ill to I'll [II
thfl smoothly op('ratlng present
sys(, III of IllIal'terly licllllse grulIls.
Two legal op[nlons huvlJ alrf'IHly
been gIven, hilt tho problelU Is RIlII
BOlllewhllt unf!ellled, and it Illay he
1I['('('ssary COl' thA next sl'sslon of
the,Slat' Le>glfllntllre to takesoll\o
acllOn to e1arffy the Inw,
pJoJlun .. ntR IIf t h(' {'It)' man-
1I1{1r.... hlll. \\1)1) clI, ...led .'1111 (}I'
('I'ngln illtll oftk('. point, IInw to
thl' grl'lIt scnl'I'[ly of luhul' II '
lll'inl( l'l'u!)f of ()JII' of t hrlr ('lUll-
lUI i/l.lI pollitt;.
'Vlth lahor for fltrcet and l1Iall\-
t!'Jlance worl{ nHlll'ly illlPllssihle to
seenre, tho nrilIlillBtrntlulI nYB nn
I Cfldcnl, highly trained city 1I1D.1l-
agel' If! eSl'l'clnlly noedod JlOW to
knell ('Ioso I'Illn over I JlO city's
flung nl'th'Jtlcs,
::\layol' Cragin hnd IiI'st 11\'0'
pOllnded !lIP desirahllity Ill' a elly
managel' when he sOJ'Ved first IlII
I'hil'f tlXl'eutlnl or Las Vegas III
'rJUI ItIIIIl)' III'plleulI/-; (.,.. tlu'
pO,,1 m'\' IIlt.lhllll'l/ III IllIhli<on-
lIun"'lI till' ('II)' MUIIIIA\"'S Bulll'-
I In ot I,IIS "t'gll IUt'-l1llol1 (If
hiring (lUI' "'0111 1/1('[1' 1I111"'t.

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