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Anns Church
of England Primary
Message from the Headteacher
Special Interest Information
Vision, Mission, Motto and Aims 2
Admission 3
Inclusion & Safguarding !
"ur School #
Staffing $
%h Curriculum &&
Pastoral Car and 'isci(lin &#
School Acti)itis &$
S(cial Educational *ds &+
School ,niform &-
The information contained within this
booklet relates to the school year 2013-14.
However, it should not be assumed that
there will be no chane affectin the
.lcom to St. Ann/s Church of England Primary School.
. ar hr to nurtur and car for th childrn in a
Christian atmos(hr. . (lac th child and th family
at th cntr of our 0or1 and 0ith (arnts (ro)id a saf,
ordrd and stimulating ducation from four to l)n
yars/ old. . as1 high standards of 2ha)iour and 0or1
from all our childrn and 0 ncourag thm to d)lo(
a caring attitud to0ards othrs at all tims.
%hrough this (ros(ctus 0 aim to (ro)id you 0ith all
th 2asic dtails that you nd to 1no0 a2out our school.
School Vision
School Aims
!ns"ired by our #hristian faith, we uide children on a
"ersonalised $ourney towards fulfilment. %s a learnin
community, we are committed to ensurin that, throuh a
rich variety of "ositive e&"eriences, everyone reaches their
full "otential in mind, body, heart and s"irit.
School Mission
%lways our best for 'od, each other and ourselves.
School Motto
!n formulatin the (chool )ission
(tatement an in"ut was iven by the
children, staff "arents and overnors of
the school. The (chool*ision, )ission
(tatement and )otto were areed by the
(taff, #hildren, +arents and 'overnors in
200, and reviewed in (e"tember 2013.
-(t %nn.s is a ood and an im"rovin school.... The /uality of care and su""ort "u"ils
receive is ood with their welfare a hih "riority. +u"ils feel safe and ha""y and as a result
their attendance is ood and behaviour e&em"lary. 01fsted 20023
In ordr to achi) our Mission Statmnt at 3ainhill St
Anns Church of England Primary School, 0 ar aiming to4
Achi) th 2st that 0 can in )rything 0 do and
larn as much as 0 can
3s(ct othrs and oursl)s and cl2rat that 0
ar all diffrnt and s(cial in th family of St Anns
5 (roud of oursl)s and n6oy th succss of othrs
3s(ct and car for 7ods Cration
8ollo0 th 9am(ls of :sus
,ndrstand ho0 to 2 halthy and stay saf
5 confidnt nough to 9(lor (ossi2ilitis and
o((ortunitis and not to 2 afraid to ma1 mista1s
%a1 an acti) (art in all as(cts of school lif and to
sho0 good mannrs and 1indnss at all tims
.or1 in a 0ll ;ui((d, child cntrd larning
n)ironmnt 0ith a committd and caring staff
.or1 closly 0ith our (arnts, go)rnors, th local
community and th church
. ar a 2<form ntry school 0ith an Admission limit of $= childrn in ach
yar grou( from !> to &&>. Allocation of (lacs at th school ar
administrd 2y th ?ocal Education Authority.
. us th follo0ing Admissions critria should 0 find oursl)s
&. Childrn 0ho ar in (u2lic car.
2. Childrn 0ho ha) a 2rothr or sistr at th school at th tim of
li1ly admission. 5rothrs and sistrs includ st(childrn, half<
2rothrs and sistrs, and fostr childrn 0ho ar li)ing at th sam
addrss as (art of th sam family unit.
3. Childrn of (arnts@carrs 0ho rgularly attnd a Church of England
church. 3gular attndanc shall 2 dfind as (u2lic 0orshi( for at
last onc a month and for at last 2 yars 2for a((lication. %his
0ould nd to 2 confirmd in 0riting 2y a mm2r of th clrgy or a
church officr and su2mittd 2y th (arnt@ carr 0ith thir a((lication
!. Childrn of (arnts 0ho rgularly attnd anothr Christian church that
is a mm2r of Churchs %ogthr in 5ritain and Irland or a (lac of 0orshi( 0hich is associatd 0ith th
,C Intrfaith *t0or1 3gular attndanc
shall 2 dfind as (u2lic 0orshi( for at last onc a month and for at
last 2 yars 2for a((lication. %his 0ould nd to 2 confirmd in
0riting 2y th a((ro(riat ministr of rligion or rligious ladr and
su2mittd 2y th (arnt@carr 0ith thir a((lication form.
#. Childrn 0ho for mdical or social rasons r;uir a (lac at th
school. Such a((lications 0ould nd to 2 su((ortd in 0riting 2y a
rgistrd halth (rofssional or social 0or1r at th tim of
a((lication. A%h su((orting lttr or r(ort must st out th (articular
rasons 0hy th school is th most suita2l and th difficultis that
0ould 2 causd if th child had to attnd anothr school.B
$. Childrn 0hos (arnts@carrs 9(rss a (rfrnc for a (lac at
th school.
Tie Break
!n the event of any
oversubscri"tion in the
number of a""lications
made under any of the
cateories above, then the
%dmissions #ommittee will
offer "laces first to children
whose family home is
nearest to the school. The
measurement shall be taken
usin the 1rdnance (urvey
coordinates 0eastins and
northins3 for the family
home to the nearest o"en
ate of the school via the
shortest route alon "ublic
hihways, as determined by
the overnin body and
measured by the 4ocal
%uthority usin a '!(
Admission to the School
Inside Story Headline
Inclusion Policy Statement
At 3ainhill St Anns Church of England Primary School 0
ar committd to o)rcoming all 2arrirs to larning and
raising standards in all as(cts of school lif.
. aim to (romot inclusi)ity as an intgral as(ct of our
school d)lo(mnt, (rmating all our (olicis, in ordr to
incras th larning and (artici(ation of all our (u(ils.
. rcognis and )alu th )arid lif 9(rincs and
nds of our childrn. "ur school is on in 0hich th
taching, larning, achi)mnts, attituds and 0ll 2ing of
ach child mattrs.
. ar committd to nsuring that school (ractic rflcts
our inclusi) aims 2y utilising rsourcs 2oth 0ithin th
school and th ?ocal Community, 2y rs(onding to di)rsity
and 2y nurturing an undrstanding of diffrnc 0ith our staff
and childrn.
%h school stri)s to sta2lish inclusi) )alus 2y ha)ing
high 9(ctations for all (u(ils, 2y )aluing all childrn and
through th sharing of th sam (hiloso(hy 2y all staff,
go)rnors and (arnts@carrs ali1
Summr %rm 2==+
3)i0d in Autumn 2=&3
Our School Rules!
05evelo"ed by our (chool #ouncil3
To be respectful and polite
to everyone.
To care for everyone and
everything, all the time.
To give our best in every
Access for All
At 3ainhill St Anns, 0 ar
committd to th fair and ;ual
tratmnt of all. . acc(t that )ry
child has a fundamntal right to
ducation and fr from
discrimination, 2ias and ad)antag.
. aim to (ro)id this through our4<
Parnts@carrs 0ho nd hl( 0ith
any of th information 0 snd out
from school ar 0lcom to call at
th school offic, 0hr our staff ar
ha((y to assist thm.
Our School
"ur school is right at th hart of 3ainhill Villag alongsid
St. Ann/s Church. %h original St. Ann/s school 0as 2uilt
in &D!=, Athis 2uilding is no0 usd for a (laygrou( and
community 0or1B, sinc 0hich tim 0 ha) 2n
(ro)iding a good start in ducation for childrn from
3ainhill and th surrounding ara.
"ur (rsnt 2uilding 0as a s(arat Infant and :unior
school until &-D2. It 0as 2uilt in 3 (hass < th infants in
&-33E th u((r 6uniors in &-$3 and th lo0r 6uniors in
&-+=. %his mans our classroom layouts )ary and
r(rsnt diffring ducational fashionsF All classrooms
ar ;ui((d 0ithin an intracti) 0hit2oard 0hich 2rings
th larning ali) for th childrn. . ha) rcntly
d)lo(d a &= yar 5uildings ')lo(mnt Plan for th
im(ro)mnt of th ?arning En)ironmnt. %h first and
scond (has of this Armodlling of th 8oundation
Stag, Gar & and ! classrooms and Admin 5loc1B is no0
com(ltd. . ha) 2 s(arat (laygrounds for
3c(tion and CS& and CS2 childrn. All th childrn
ha) accss to a larg grassd ara in th 2ttr 0athr.
. ar al0ays loo1ing for n0 0ays to (ro)id 2ttr
outdoor facilitis on a yar 2y yar 2asis.
Safeguarding Policy Statement
At 3ainhill St Anns Church of England Primary School,
0 ar fully committd to th safguarding of our (u(ils.
%o this nd, 0 2li) that all adults 0ho com into
contact 0ith our (u(ils ha) a duty of car to safguard
and (romot thir 0lfar. %hrough rigorous rcruitmnt
and slction (rocdurs, com(rhnsi) school (olicis
and rgular CP' o((ortunitis, 0 at St Anns nsur that
all adults 0ho 0or1 0ith or on 2half of our (u(ils ar
com(tnt, confidnt and saf to do so. "ur (olicis and
(rocdurs rflct th Childrns Act 2==! HStay Saf
outcom of th E)ry Child Mattrs Chang for Childrn
(rogramm. Although on a day to day 2asis th Pastoral
Managr is rs(onsi2l for safguarding, o)rall
rs(onsi2ility lis 0ith th Iadtachr.
This "olicy statement should be read in con$unction with
other related "olicies in school.
Staffing Structure
Classroom Organisation
%h childrn ar largly taught in mi9d a2ility classs 0ith som occasional stting Afor ?itracy and
*umracyB at Cy Stag 2. Each tachr is rs(onsi2l for th dli)ry of th curriculum 0ithin
his@hr classroom. . ha) schms of 0or1 for ach curriculum ara and a trac1ing systm to
nsur tru (rogrssion from 3c(tion to Gar $. Each class tachr (lans 0or1 on a 01ly 2asis
to mt th nds of th childrn 0ith his@hr class in consultation 0ith th collagu from th
(aralll class in ordr to (ro)id for a consistnt a((roach 0ithin ach yar grou(.
.ithin ach class th childrn ar taught in a )arity of 0ays. %his catrs for (u(ils diffrnt larning
styls and nsurs fficint curriculum dli)ry. . ta1 ad)antag of th strngths of indi)idual
mm2rs of staff 0ho ma1 thir 1no0ldg a)aila2l to thir collagus and classs throughout th
school. Many staff ha) a curriculum ara for 0hich thy ar rs(onsi2l.
Name Role Resonsi!ility
Mrs "il#inson Iadtachr
ASnior ?adrshi( %amB
.hol School Slf E)aluation
.hol School Monitoring
Prformanc Managmnt
Staff ')lo(mnt
Ialth and Safty
%aching,?arning and Standards
School 'istincti)nss
Mm2r of all School %ams and Curriculum
Mrs Rynn '(uty Iadtachr ASnior ?adrshi(
Stratgic ')lo(mnt of th
?adr of th Communication, ?anguag and
?itracy %am
?adr of th Crati) ')lo(mnt %am
?adr of th Curriculum Stratgy %am
Mm2r of th %aching, ?arning and
Standards %am
Mm2r of th School 'istincti)nss %am
Mntor for studnts and *0ly Jualifid
Prformanc Managmnt %am ?adr
Induction of *0 Staff
Cy %achr for ?itracy
Cy %achr for Music A2=&3<&!B in th
a2snc of Miss %yrr
Mr Richardson Assistant Iadtachr
Managr of Cystag 2
Managr of IC% and Pu(il %rac1ing
Gar $ %achr
ASnior ?adrshi( %amB
?adr of th IC% %am
?adr of th Scinc %am %am
Mm2r of th %aching, ?arning &Standards
Mm2r of th Curriculum %am
'ata %ransfr
Cy %achr for IC%
Cy %achr for Scinc Pu(ils
Prformanc Managmnt %am ?adr
ACystag 2 staffB
Mrs Hood Assistant Iadtachr
Managr of Cystag & and th
8oundation Stag
8oundation Stag %achr
ASnior ?adrshi( %amB
?adr of th 3E %am
?adr of th 8oundation Stag %am
Mm2r of th %aching, ?arning &Standards
Mm2r of th Curriculum %am
Mm2r of th School 'istincti)nss %am
%ransition 2t0n CS&&CS2A0ith CS2
Prformanc Managmnt %am ?adr ACS&
?in1 Prson for Midday Staff
Mr Sherer %?32 APrsonal ')lo(mnt and .ll
8oundation Stag %achr
AMiddl Managmnt %amB
?adr of th Prsonal ')lo(mnt and .ll
5ing %am Aincluding PE@SEA?@Ialthy
Mm2r of th Mathmatics %am
Cy %achr of PISCE
Cy %achr of Childrns ,ni)rsity
Cy %achr for School Council
Miss Harrison %?32 ACy S1ills Curriculum
Managr of Cno0ldg and
,ndrstanding of th .orld %am
Gar & %achr
AMiddl Managmnt %amB
?adr of th Cno0ldg and ,ndrstanding of
th .orld %am
Mm2r of th IC% %am
Cy %achr for Mind 8rindly ?arning Cy
%achr for Iistory, 7ogra(hy and 7lo2al
Mrs "instanley %?32APu(ils 0ith Additional *dsB
Gar 3 %achr
AMiddl Managmnt %amB
?adr of th Pu(ils 0ith Additional *ds
Mm2r of th Cno0ldg&,ndrstanding
Cy %achr for SE* & 7&%
Miss $ood!and
%Acting &'R(
%?32 AMathmatical ')lo(mntB
Gar 2 %achr
AMiddl Managmnt %amB
?adr of th Mathmatical ')lo(mnt %am
?adr of th Pu(ils 0ith Additional *ds
Mm2r of th %aching ?arning and
Standards %am
Mm2r of th Curriculum %am
Mrs Connolly 5usinss Managr
"rganisation of School "ffic and Staff
'ata %ransfr
Mm2r of ?adrshi( %am
Mm2r of th Middl ?adrshi( %am
5usinss Managmnt
Mm2r of th Middl ?adrshi( %am
Mrs )d*ards Pastoral Managr
AMiddl Managmnt %amB
Mm2r of th 3E %am
Mm2r of th Ialth&Safty %am
Mm2r of th Safguarding %am
Child Protction 'ay to 'ay Managmnt
5ha)iour Managmnt
Miss +oster Gar $ %achr
*0ly Jualifid %achr
Mm2r of thMathmatcs %am
Mm2r of th IC% tam
Cy %achr for Scinc
Mrs $reenough Gar 3 %achr Mm2r of th IC% %am
Mm2r of th Crati) ')lo(mnt %am
Cy %achr for Art, 'sign and %chnology
Miss Reed 8oundation Stag %achr Mm2r of th Communication, ?anguag and
?itracy %am
Mm2r of th 8oundation Stag %am
Cy %achr for Modrn 8orign ?anguags
Miss Ho*ard Gar ! %achr
*0ly Jualifid %achr
Mm2r of th Scinc %am
Mm2r of th Pu(ils 0ith Additional *ds
Ms &yrer
%Maternity 'ea,e -./01/2(
PPA %achr Mm2r of th Prsonal ')lo(mnt and .ll
5ing %am
Cy %achr for Music
Miss O3Shea Gar # %achr Mm2r of th Prsonal ')lo(mnt and .ll
5ing %am
Mm2r of th Cno0ldg and ,ndrstanding
Cy %achr for En)ironmntal Education
Aincluding 8orst SchoolsB and School Council
Miss 4oherty Gar # %achr Mm2r of th Mathmatical ')lo(mnt
Mm2r of th Pu(ils 0ith Additional *ds
Cy %achr for 'sign %chnology
Miss Middlehurst Gar 3 %achr
*0ly Jualifid %achr
Mm2r of th C??' %am
Mm2r of th Crati) ')lo(mnt %am
Mrs Ro!inson 8oundation Stag %achr Mm2r of th Prsonal ')lo(mnt and .ll
5ing %am
Mm2r of th 8oundation Stag %am
Cy %achr for PE
Mrs 4onnelly Su((ly@5oostr Mm2r of th Scinc %am
Mm2r of th Prsonal ')lo(mnt and .ll
5ing %am
Mrs Ho*son Su((ly@PPA Mm2r of th C??' %am
Mrs "heeloc# I?%A
PPA Co)r
Mm2r of th 3E %am
Mrs +oulds ?SA ?)l 3
%A 3( on th Middl Managmnt
8irst Aidr
,((r Cy Stag 2 ?SA
8irst Aid
Mm2r of th Scinc %am Safguarding
Mm2r of th Ialth&Safty %am
Mrs Ro!erts ?SA ?)l 3
8irst Aidr
Cy Stag & ?SA
Mm2r of th C??' %am
Mm2r of th Mathmatical ')lo(mnt
Mrs Carole +oulds ?SA ?)l 3
%A 3( on th Middl
Managmnt %am
,((r Cystag 2 ?SA
8irst Aid
Mm2r of th ?arning En)ironmnt %am
Mrs Sandra Ro!erts ?SA ?)l 3
Cystag & ?SA
Mm2r of th ?arning %aching and
Standards %am
Mrs Sherer ?SA ?)l 3 ?o0r Cy Stag 2 ?SA
Mm2r of th Mathmatical ')lo(mnt
Mrs Hill ?SA ?)l 2 ?o0r Cy Stag 2 ?SA
Mm2r of th Cno0ldg&,ndrstanding
Mrs Stehenson ?SA ?)l 2 Cy Stag & ?SA
Mm2r of th Crati) ')lo(mnt %am
Mrs $ro,e ?SA ?)l 2 8oundation Stag ?SA
Mm2r of th 3E tam
Mrs Ritson ?SA ?)l 2 Cy Stag & ?SA
Mm2r of th Scinc %am
Mrs )ccles ?SA ?)l 2
8irst Aidr
,((r Cy Stag 2 ?SA
Mm2r of th C??' %am
Mrs 5ing ?SA ?)l 3
Co)rs som PPA
Cy Stag 2 ?SA Aco)rs som CS& su((ortB
Mm2r of th C??'%am
Mrs Allcoc# ?SA ?)l 2>SE* &<& Su((ort
Mm2r of th Prsonal ')lo(mnt and .ll
5ing %am
Mrs Mo!ey ?SA ?)l 2>SE*
&<&@7nral 8oundation Stag Su((ort
Mm2r of th 8oundation Stag %am
Miss "helan ?SA ?)l 2>SE* &<& Su((ort
Mm2r of th IC% %am
Mrs &erry ?SA ?)l 3 A8S PPAB 8S ?SA
Mm2r of th 8oundation Stag %am
Mrs "olahan ?SA ?)l 2 >SE* &<& su((ort
Mm2r of th Cno0ldg and ,ndrstanding
Mrs Ince ?SA ?)l 2>SE*
Midday Su(r)isor
&<& su((ort
Mm2r of th Pu(ils 0ith Additional *ds
Mrs 4um!ell ?SA ?)l 2
Midday Su(r)isor
?o0r CS2 %A> S(orts ?adr
Mm2r of th Prsonal ')lo(mnt and .ll
5ing %am
Mrs Marsh ?SA ?)l 2 >SE* &<& su((ort
Mm2r of th 8oundation Stag %am
Mrs Smith ?SA ?)l 2>SE* A&<& su((ortB Mm2r of th 8oundation Stag %am
Miss Mc)llin ?SA2>SE* A%m(orary contractB S(ch&?anguag Programms
Mr 4enton IC% Su((ort .or1r Mm2r of th IC% %am
Mrs Antro!us Administration "fficr
Mrs Mc)llin Clrical "fficr
Mrs &aylor Clrical "fficr
Mrs "instanley Midday Su(r)isor Cy Stag &
Mrs Hateley Midday Su(r)isor Cy Stag &
Mrs Am!age Midday Su(r)isor Cy Stag &
Mrs +itsgeorge Midday Su(r)isor 8oundation Stag
Mrs Smith Midday Su(r)isor 8oundation Stag
Mrs Cra*ford Midday Su(r)isor Cy Stag &
Mrs Argomand#ah Midday Su(r)isor
Mrs Card*ell Clanr @Citchn Staff
Mrs 6entley Clanr@Citchn Staff
Mrs Hannah Iad Coo1
Mrs 'yon Citchn Staff
Mrs 6ro*n Citchn Staff
6e maintain the recommended number of 6elfare %ssistants to su"ervise the children
at lunch times. They are as committed as we are in the maintenance of hih levels of
ood behaviour and safety durin this "eriod of the day. They meet reularly with the
Headteacher to discuss this and other as"ects of lunch time.
Class7$o,ernor 'in#s
&)AM 'IN5
Mrs Iood
Miss 3o2inson
%d Smith 'iteracy
+oundation Stage
8)AR /"
8)AR /R
Mrs .instanly
Miss 3d
Emma :ohnson Puils *ith Additional
8)AR -$ Miss 7ood2and Amy 5radly Mathematics
8)AR -H Miss Iarrison A*" 5no*ledge and
9nderstanding of the
8)AR 04 Miss 'ohrty *0 8oundation
Personal 4e,eloment
and "ell 6eing
8)AR 0M Miss Middlhurst Christo(hr
8)AR 2$ Mrs 7rnough 5o2 3or1gn Science
Creati,e 4e,eloment
8)AR 2H Miss Io0ard :oan 7or2utt R)
Puils *ith Additional
8)AR :S Mr Shrr Anya 3oony Mathematics
Personal 4e,eloment
and "ell 6eing &eam
8)AR :O Miss "Sha :ant Smith +oundation Stage
5no*ledge and
9nderstanding of the
8)AR ;R4 Mr 3ichardson 5ill .ood Science
8)AR ;+ Miss 8ostr 5ill .ood
'oo#ed After Children
Child Protection
&he Curriculum
At St. Ann/s 0 (lac an im(ortant
m(hasis on ?itracy and *umracy.
. follo0 th national stratgis for
?itracy and *umracy and th
curriculum guidanc for th 8oundation
Stag. . also maintain a 2road and
2alancd curriculum and us a 0id
)arity of rsourcs to hl( us to
dli)r this Aincluding )isits, )isitors
and s(cialist tachrsB. 8oundation
Su26cts Aa(art from MusicB ar taught
through a S1ills 5asd Curriculum.
. 2li) that it is im(ortant that th
childrn/s 9(rincs ar 0id,
(articularly in th ara of th Arts and
PISE. %o this nd 0 hold an Arts
.1 in th Summr %rm and
CitiKnshi( 'ays on an annual 2asis
and ha) a rolling (rogramm for othr
focus days@01s. Pu(ils from yar 3
u(0ards ha) th o((ortunity to study
a Modrn 8orign ?anguag.
. ar concrnd 0ith th 2asic s1ills of
rading and 0riting so that a child can
d)lo( and us thm for )arious tas1s
including n6oymnt and th ac;uisition of
1no0ldg. English is not only dli)rd
through structur of th *ational ?itracy
8ram0or1, 2ut also through )arity of othr<
curricular acti)itis. Aras of languag taught
includ s(a1ing and listning, drama,
grammar, (unctuation, hand0riting, (otry,
(rdiction and rasoning.
. tach Mathmatics, through th *ational *umracy 8ram0or1. %his stratgy (ro)ids th
guidlins and o26cti)s to 2 taught from 3c(tion to Gar $, and as a school our
9(ctations and standards ar st high to (ro)id a challng to all (u(ils.
A strong m(hasis is (lacd on taching mntal arithmtic s1ills, calculation stratgis and on
childrn ha)ing a good 1no0ldg of th num2r systm, num2r 2onds and multi(lication
Childrn 0ill 2 gi)n th o((ortunity to d)lo( clar, logical and fl9i2l a((roachs to
acti)itis and
(ro2lms rlatd 0hn)r (ossi2l to ral lif situations in th 0orld 2yond th classroom.
Scinc is a )ital (art of our curriculum.
%h taching of Scinc in school
follo0s th *ational Curriculum
7uidlins. Each lsson aims to
ncourag childrns natural curiosity
a2out scintific conc(ts. %h 0hol
scintific curriculum is dli)rd in a
0ay 0hich 2uilds on and rinforcs
(r)ious 9(rincs. "ur childrn 0ill
2 ncouragd to as1 ;ustions, to
hy(othsis and to dsign thir o0n
scintific 9(rimnts. Information
%chnology 0ill fatur largly in th
larning of Scinc, in (articular
through th us of intracti) Intrnt
sits to aid larning and d)lo(
rsarch s1ills. Many tri(s out of school
ha) a scintific thm, starting in
3c(tion through to Gar $. Childrn
ar thrfor a2l to s, from an arly
ag, ho0 th scinc thy study in
school is a((lid to ral lif.
IC% is an incrasingly im(ortant (art of our curriculum as
0 2li) com(utr com(tnc is )ital for our
childrns futur li)s. At 3ainhill St Anns, 0 aim to
introduc th childrn 2oth to th 0ondrs of IC% and th
grat 2nfits that can 2 gaind through confidnc in
this ara. . aim to crat com(tnc in th us of
IC% in all su26cts of th curriculum and not 6ust in th
us of com(utrs 2ut also in th us of ta( rcordrs,
s(ll chc1rs, digital camras and )ido camras. %h
childrn at St Anns ha) rgular accss to our (ur(os
2uilt IC% Suit, 3adio Station and 7rn Scrn 3oom.
3ligious ducation is taught at St. Ann/s 0ithin th fram0or1 of a Christian school. . follo0 th
schm of 0or1 rcommndd 2y th ?i)r(ool 'iocsan 5oard of Education. %h childrn larn a2out
th main thms of Christianity 2asd on 0or1 from th "ld and *0 %stamnt. %hrough th taching of
3E our childrn larn a2out th main as(cts of othr faiths to d)lo( a rs(ct and tolranc for th
2lifs of othrs 2asd on 1no0ldg. %hroughout thir tim at St. Ann/s 0 larn a2out ho0 othr (o(l
cl2rat in a multi faith socity. . 2li) that 3E is a strngth of St. Ann/s and th childrn rci) a
2road and 2alancd curriculum.
.orshi( is a significant (art of th day and 0 mt daily in 2oth halls for an act of 0orshi(. . aim to
ma1 our 0orshi( li)ly and maningful to th childrn. . try to nsur that thr is a rang of 0orshi(
and (rayr throughout th 01. Mm2rs of th clrgy ta1 on act of 0orshi( for ach of th 1y
stags ach 01.
. ha) strong lin1s 0ith St. Ann/s Church and ach yar grou(, in turn, 6oin th Ioly Communion
sr)ic on th last %hursday of ach month. Also at th nd of ach half trm th childrn lad a sr)ic
in church to 0hich (arnts, carrs, frinds and rlati)s ar in)itd.
Parnts@carrs may 0ithdra0 thir childrn from 2oth 3E lssons and Collcti) .orshi( on rligious
grounds although 0 ho( that in th main this 0ill not ha((n. Plas fl fr to discuss this 0ith th
&he +oundation Su!<ects
AR& = 4)SI$N
A larg (ro(ortion of larning ta1s (lac 2y )isual mans. %hrough Art, 0 ncourag childrn to
loo1 closly at th 0orld around thm. 5y using this, imagination and othr stimuli, childrn 0ill
crat a )arity of )isual communication and 9(rssion. Childrn larn through thir snss and
thrfor, art acti)ly dra0s u(on snsory 9(rincs crucial to th childs ducational
d)lo(mnt. Childrn 0ill 2 gi)n o((ortunitis to inform thir 0or1 2y loo1ing at th 0or1 of a
di)rs rang of (aintrs, scul(tors and dsignrs.
4)SI$N &)CHNO'O$8
%chnology ncourags a child to fostr a
;ustioning a((roach to dsigning and
ma1ing. %h childrn ta1 (art in a num2r of
focusd (ractical tas1s in 0hich thy d)lo(
(articular s1ills and 1no0ldg through a to(ic
fram0or1. %h childrn ar gi)n th
o((ortunity to 0or1 0ith a )arity of
construction 1its, sim(l mchanisms and a
0id slction of matrials, tools and
tchni;us. Childrn ar ncouragd to
d)lo( thir idas through discussion and
modify thir 0or1 as ncssary. %hy 0or1
2oth indi)idually and in small grou(s. %his is a
(ractical su26ct and allo0s for achi)mnt
at all l)ls.
7ogra(hy is a study of (o(l and (lacs.
'uring thir tim at school, (u(ils 0ill d)lo(
thir 1no0ldg and undrstanding of natural,
(hysical faturs and man<mad, human
faturs, in 2oth thir o0n local ara and 0ithin
th 0idr 0orld. Childrn 0ill us thir o0n
(rsonal o2sr)ations on fild tri(s, )ido and
(hotogra(hic matrials as 0ll as atlass,
2oo1s, ma(s and glo2s. 5y th tim childrn
la) St Anns, 0 aim for thm to ha) an
incrasd a2ility to dscri2 and 9(lain th
0orld in 0hich 0 li).
In Iistory, th childrn gain 1no0ldg of th 0orld around thm and ho0 it has 2n affctd 2y
)nts of th (ast. %hy 0ill gain an a0arnss of thir o0n (lac in s(ac and tim though
cross<curricular acti)itis. %h childrn larn to us (rimary and scondary sourcs of information
in ordr to find out a2out historical figurs, )nts and (riods of tim.
'uring thir tim at school, childrn ar
taught and ncouragd to d)lo(
s(orting, gymnastic and danc s1ills,
0hich 0ill na2l thm to ta1 (art in a
)arity of (hysical acti)itis in latr
yars. . also hl( childrn to rach
thir full (otntial and to fl as (ositi)
as (ossi2l a2out this as(ct of thir
li)s. .hr)r (ossi2l o((ortunitis
0ill 2 ta1n to tach (u(ils th
im(ortanc of loo1ing aftr thir o0n
2ody, and th 2nfits of 9rcis and
a 2alancd dit. 8rom Gar ! u(0ards,
th childrn attnd th s0imming 2aths
for s0imming lssons. Childrn tra)l
2y coach to th 2aths.
Prsonal, Social and Ialth Education at St Anns is
concrnd 0ith ;ualitis and attituds, 1no0ldg and
undrstanding and a2ilitis and s1ills in rlation to
onslf and othrs, social rs(onsi2ility and morality.
At our school, 0 aim to dli)r Prsonal and Social
Education that (rmats all aras of th curriculum
and (romots informd dcision<ma1ing a2out th
follo0ing issus4 loo1ing aftr yourslf, rlationshi(s,
staying saf on<lin, safty and community and th
n)ironmnt. . aim to incor(orat SEA? ASocial and
Emotional As(cts of ?arningB in ordr to nhanc
and 2roadn th structur of PSIE. 5y im(lmnting
ths stratgis, it hl(s to rais slf<stm, 0hich is
cntral to (romoting a((ro(riat 2ha)iour and 2uilds
u(on our .hol School 5ha)iour Policy. . 2li)
that S9 Education is a continuous (rocss
commncing at th arlist ag, u( to Gar $.
Physical as(cts 0ill not 2 dalt 0ith in isolation 2ut
0ithin a moral fram0or1 that 0ould 2y totally
su((orti) to family lif. "ur School *urs 0or1s 0ith
,((r C.S.2 childrn on issus surrounding (u2rty.
Any (arnts@carrs 0ishing to )i0 th matrials usd
ar 0lcom to do so.
All Cy Stag 2 (u(ils ar gi)n th
o((ortunity to study an additional
languag. %his languag is in th main
Pastoral Care and 4isciline
. 2li) that ducation and school ar an 9tnsion of
th family and hom and that tachrs shar 0ith (arnts,
rs(onsi2ility for th childrn. . try to (ro)id in school
th car for 0hich any rs(onsi2l (arnt@carr 0ould 2
9(ctd to gi). %o this nd 0 ha) rcntly m(loyd
a Pastoral Managr to hl( 2ra1 do0n 2arrirs to
larning. . try to (ro)id th childrn 0ith a scur and
stimulating n)ironmnt in 0hich to larn and to d)lo(
morally and s(iritually. . rgulat th lif of school to
nsur as far as (ossi2l a ci)ilising influncE our main
critria ar courtsy, rs(ct and caring for othrs, and
rs(ct for (ro(rty. %his is 9m(lifid on our Cod of
5ha)iour. %his cod is 2asd on th 3Cs, Courtsy,
Car and Concntration. . 2li) that it is im(ortant
that thr is mutual rs(ct 2t0n all th adults and
childrn in school. . all rcognis that it is im(ortant to
(rais and r0ard good 0or1 and 2ha)iour as 0ll as to
condmn 0hat is unacc(ta2l.
. ha) a School Council that mts )ry fortnight.
Each class A9c(t for 3c(tionB lcts a Councillor to
r(rsnt thm. %h Gr# and Gr$ childrn act as th
officrs < Chair, Vic Chair, Scrtary and Vic Scrtary.
%h childrn (r(ar Agndas and Minuts and run th
mting 0ith th su((ort of th Iadtachr. %h
Councillors 2ring suggstions from thir class and r(ort
2ac1 aftr ach mting. %hrough th School Council 0
ar gi)ing th childrn a )oic 0ithin school and ar
hl(ing thm to d)lo( thir undrstanding of citiKnshi(.
. ar )ry (roud of our Council 0ho ha) 2n
rs(onsi2l for som 9cllnt inno)ations.
As th childrn (rogrss through St. Ann/s thy ar
ncouragd to d)lo( ind(ndnc and to ta1
rs(onsi2ility for th youngr childrn in school and to st
th 2st 9am(ls of 0or1 and 2ha)iour. In Gr $ th
childrn lct class ca(tains and all th Gr$ 0ar a 2adg
and hl( in th gnral day<to<day running of school.
Children are well behaved and respectful because
their welfare is paramount (comment from a parent-
Ofsted 2009)
&H) +O9N4A&ION S&A$)
%his is for childrn from 2irth to ag # and
sts th standards for larning, d)lo(mnt
and car. . focus on th arly larning
goals Ath 1no0ldg, s1ills and
undrstanding childrn should ha) at th
nd of th acadmic yar in 0hich thy turn
fi)B. %hr ar s)n aras of larning that
sha( th ducational (rogramm 0hich 0
(ro)id and ths arE Communication and
?anguag, Physical ')lo(mnt, Prsonal,
Social and Emotional ')lo(mnt, ?itracy,
Mathmatics, ,ndrstanding th .orld and
E9(rssi) Arts and 'sign.
Each ara of larning and d)lo(mnt is
im(lmntd through (lannd, (ur(osful
(lay and through a mi9 of adult<ld and child<
initiatd acti)ity.
7ach child is assined a 8ey 6orker.
School Acti,ities
Although 0 (ro)id a 2road and 2alancd curriculum 0 li1 to (ro)id 9tnsions to many of our
acti)itis outsid of school hours. . ha) (ri(attic music tachrs 0ho offr tuition in strings,
0ood0ind, 2rass, guitars, (rcussion and 1y2oard. . ha) t0o choirs ACy Stag & and Cy Stag
2B 0ho rgularly (rform 2oth in school and in th local community. . ha) also rcntly
commncd a school orchstra A3ainhill :unior "rchstraB. %his sr)s (rimary agd (u(ils
throughout 3ainhill.
Childrn from Gr! u(0ards ha) th o((ortunity to ta1 (art in a larg scal drama@musical
(roduction onc a yar. %his (rformanc ta1s (lac in th Villag Iall and is of a )ry high
"thr 9tra curriculum acti)itis o)r th yar consist of a )arity of s(orts and tam gams such as
foot2all, nt2all, fncing, rug2y, athltics, cric1t and hoc1y. . ar )ry (roud of th childrn/s
achi)mnts in this ara.
%h childrn in Grs !, # and $ ha) th o((ortunity to ta1 (art in school holidays to Cings0ood IC%
Acti)ity Cntr, ?ondon and 8ranc.
Secial )ducational
As a school 0 (lac a strong
m(hasis on Inclusion and
(ro)iding ffcti) larning
o((ortunitis for all our (u(ils. As
a staff our aim is to idntify
childrn 0ith S(cial Educational
*ds as ;uic1ly as (ossi2l and
to nsur a larning atmos(hr
0hr all (u(ils can ma1 th
gratst (rogrss (ossi2l. %o
this nd, 0 0ill rgularly assss
th nds of all childrn and
addrss any (ro2lms that ar
idntifid according to th Cod of
Practic for S(cial *ds. .
0ill utilis staff 9(rtis and
9trnal hl( as r;uird. . also
0or1 (articularly closly 0ith our
schools ducational (sychologist
and othr 9trnal agncis. At all
tims th m(hasis 0ill 2 on a
(artnrshi( 2t0n hom and
Parents7Carers as Partners
Ir at St. Anns 0 undrstand th 2nfit from d)lo(ing (ositi) (artnrshi(s 0ith (arnts
and 2li) (arntal su((ort can ha) a dirct im(act on a childs d)lo(mnt and acadmic
succss. %o this nd 0 aim to ma1 family intgral in th day to day lif of th school. Parnts
and carrs ar not only informd a2out th 0or1 of our school, 2ut thy ar ncouragd to
acti)ly (artici(at in )nts and acti)itis that ta1 (lac. *0 initiati)s 0 ha) rcntly
introducd, and ha) (ro)d to 2 )ry (o(ular amongst (arnts includ HStay and Play in th
8oundation Stag, HStay and Shar in Cy Stag &, our 3ading and Maths .or1sho(s across
all Cy Stags and 5ttr ?arning %ogthr A5?%B 0hr (arnts@ carrs can s(nd th first half
hour of on morning a 01 su((orting thir child in class.
$ifted and &alented
. also idntify mor a2l or Hgiftd childrn. Any
childrn idntifid as 2ing giftd or talntd 0ill 2
catrd for snsiti)ly, along 0ith guidanc from 9trnal
agncis 0hr a((ro(riat. Indi)idual mm2rs of staff
us this information to inform futur (lanning and taching.
Record 5eeing and Assessment
Pu(ils ar assssd on a trmly 2asis and rsults ar ntrd on a
school trac1ing chart. As a rsult of ths assssmnts targts ar st
for th childrn 0hich sr) to idntify th n9t st(s in thir larning.
%hs targts ar shard 0ith th child as 0ll as 0ith thir (arnts.
Should any ga(s 2 idntifid as a rsult of assssmnts, ths 0ill
2 addrssd )ia a rang of school intr)ntion stratgis. At th nd
of ach 1y Stag, statutory assssmnts ta1 (lac, th rsults of
0hich ar r(ortd to (arnts@carrs. At th nd of th Summr trm,
(arnts@carrs rci) a 0rittn r(ort on thir child A8oundation
Stag Parnts@Carrs rci) thir childs 8oundation Stag ProfilB.
School 9niform
6e encourae all children at 9ainhill (t %nn.s #.7. +rimary (chool to com"ly with the
school.s "olicy on uniform and dress. This is incor"orated into the Home:(chool
%reement. (t. %nn;s has a school uniform and we ho"e "arents:carers will su""ort us
by su""lyin one. The main benefits are that it hel"s "u"ils identify with the school and
disuises social and income differences between "u"ils. <niform can be ordered from
school throuhout the year. There is also an online facility for orderin uniform. This will
be available via a link on our school website.
Puil3s 9niform
School Hours
AInfantsB CS& D.## am < &&.!# noon
&.== (m < 3.&# (m
A:uniorsB CS2 D.## am < &2.3=(m
&.&# (m < 3.2= (m

Morning rgistration closs at -.2#am. Any (u(il arri)ing aftr -.2#am 0ill 2 mar1d as lat
and this 0ill 2 rcordd as an unauthorisd a2snc. 7i)n that rgistration is at D.##am,
(u(ils ar 9(ctd to 2 on th school (layground 2y D.#=am so that thy can 2 0al1d
into school 2y thir class tachr. Pu(ils arri)ing latr than D.#=am must r(ort to th
school offic gi)ing thir nam, class and 9(lanation for th latnss for ntry into th ?at
=ou are welcome to call in and see the Headteacher most mornins from >.1, am onwards and at other times
by "rior a""ointment. !f you wish to look round school you are invited to tele"hone school to arrane a
mutually convenient time.
Attendance and Punctuality
At 3ainhill St Anns C of E Primary 0 2li) that (oor school attndanc,
and@or rgular lat arri)al, 2ra1 th continuity of a childs larning and
cons;untly limits thir acadmic and social (rogrss in school.
. aim to ncourag and assist all (u(ils to achi) 9cllnt l)ls of
attndanc and (unctuality. %hrfor our targt for all (u(ils is to achi) at
last -$L attndanc o)r th cours of a school yar, 0ith no unauthorisd
a2sncs. Iolidays in trm tim 0ill only 2 authorisd in 9c(tional
circumstancs. %h school follo0s th St Ilns Council 7uidlins in rlation
to a((ro(riat H9c(tional circumstancs.
"e aim to?
Ensur that childrn and (arnts@carrs ralis th im(ortanc of good attndanc
and (unctuality.
.or1 0ith (arnts@ carrs and th ?EA to0ards good l)ls of attndanc and
.or1 alongsid th Education .lfar Sr)ic to ncourag good l)ls of
%a1 (ositi) action to addrss any (oor attndanc or (unctuality, using agrd
$irls 6oys
.hit shirt and school ti .hit shirt and school ti
CS& AInfantsB *a)y 2lu tunic or
charcoal gry tailord trousrs
Charcoal gry tailord trousrs@shorts
CS2 A:uniorsB *a)y 2lu s1irt or
Charcoal gry tailord trousrs
V<nc1d school s0atshirt or school
cardigan 0ith logo
V<nc1d school s0atshirt or
school cardigan 0ith logo
.hit or na)y 2lu soc1s or na)y tights 7ry soc1s
5lac1 shos 5lac1 shos
'ar1 sandals may 2 0orn in th
summr Ano 6lly shos, sling<2ac1d
or hlsB
'ar1 sandals
Iair accssoris should 2 2asic
A2lu or 2ro0nB
?ight 2lu chc1 drss
P) 9niform
*a)y shorts
*a)y and 0hit school PE %<shirt 0ith logo
*a)y 6ogging 2ottoms
*a)y 2lu hoodd s0atshirt 0ith school logo
8oot2all 2oots ACS2 childrnB M Ialth and Safty r;uirmnt
School Performance -.//
)nd of 5ey Stage - Results -./0
@ 'e,el 2 @ 'e,el : @ 'e,el ; - Su!1'e,els
MA&HS -=L !#L #L -+L
R)A4IN$ D+L !2L D+L
"RI&IN$ -2L !DL 3L &==L
SPA$ D=L 3+L 2L
MA&HS and
D=L 32L
)nd of 5ey Stage / Results -./0
@ 'e,el -!A @ 'e,el 0
MA&HS -3L 3#L
Any lost uniform may 2 found in ach classs lost (ro(rty.
Pu(ils may 2ring to school &@ 2 2ags of normal (um( 2ag siK for thir PE 1it and thy 0ill
2 (ro)idd 0ith a school 2oo1 2ag for all othr 2longings.
Holdalls and rucsacs are not permitted for Health and !afet" reasons#
%ll children.s clothin and
footwear should be clearly
labelled with the child.s
?o $ewellery 0includin
earrins3 should be worn at
any time.
4on hair should be tied
R)A4IN$ -+L #=L
We hope that you fin
St Ann!" a happy an #arin$ "#hool %ith hi$h
e&pe#tation" of all it" pupil".
Char$in$ 'oli#y
The (chool #harin +olicy is in line with 4% advice. %
voluntary "arental contribution will be re/uested
towards the costs of school visits. !nformation will be
"rovided to individuals who contact the school
School Holiday 4ates
A co(y of school holiday dats is al0ays snt
out at last t0ic a yar. 8urthr co(is ar
a)aila2l from th offic or on our 02sit
&he +riendsB of StC AnnBs
. ha) a )ry acti) 8rinds/
Association run 2y a committ of
intrstd (arnts@ carrs and frinds of
th school. %h 8rinds/ Association
(ro)ids th o((ortunity for school and
hom to undrta1 acti)itis togthr.
%hy organis many social acti)itis for
2oth th childrn and adults throughout
th yar. %h 8rinds also rais mony
to hl( d)lo( and rsourc all aras of
th curriculum.
Meeting your Needs
%h staff at 3ainhill St Anns nda)our
to 2 courtous and hl(ful to ach othr
and this is 9tndd to (arnts, carrs,
childrn and )isitors to th school. A
01ly n0slttr is a)aila2l on th
school 02sit. %his informs
(arnts@carrs of acti)itis and highlights
(u(ils achi)mnts 0ithin school. .
ar snsiti) to th )arying nds of all
our familis. %o this nd 0 ar ha((y to
assist (arnts 0ho nd hl( 0ith any of
th information 0 snd out from school.
Imro,ing the ser,ice *e
. constantly stri) to im(ro) th
sr)ic 0 (ro)id and loo1 to you for
your hl(. Parntal o(inion is gaugd on
a rgular 2asis. %his is don through tar
of sli(s on our 01ly n0slttrs, half
trmly mtings 0ith th hadtachr
and an annual (arnts@carrs
;ustionnair. Any suggstions ar
discussd and considrd 2y th
hadtachr, staff and go)rnors.
Insection of 4ocuments and +reedom
of Information
"n of th aims of th 8rdom of Information Act A2===B
is that (u2lic authoritis, including all maintaind schools,
should 2 clar and (ro<acti) a2out th information thy
0ill ma1 (u2lic. %o do this 0 ha) (roducd a
(u2lication schm stting out catgoris of information
a)aila2l and 0hr it can 2 r;ustd from Alargly
a)aila2l from th school officB. All information in our
(u2lication schm is a)aila2l from our school offic or
our 02sit. Som information 0hich 0 hold may not 2
mad (u2lic Ag (rsonal informationB. %his (u2lication
schm conforms to th modl schm for schools
a((ro)d 2y th Information Commissionr.
StC Ann3s Church of )ngland Primary
Headteacher@ )rs 9ebecca 6ilkinson
Vi0 3oad
?3# =?J
%l4 =&#& !2$ #D$-
If you r;uir this (ros(ctus
in any othr format (las
s(a1 to our school offic for
this to 2 arrangd.

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